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Performance of such music needs special concepts. (See also this essay of mine here: Live Performance in the Age of Super Computers ). Coca-Cola: An Evolution In Branding. What once began as an experiment in a pharmacist’s shop is a century later one of the world’s most recognizable brands.

Coca-Cola: An Evolution In Branding

Coca-Cola celebrates its 127th birthday today, a feat that speaks to its global dominance of the refreshment drink market. That iconic red and white label and distinctive cursive moniker, which has remained virtually untouched since first presented as the face of Coca-Cola in 1886, provide concrete proof of how smart branding can catapult a company to worldwide notoriety. Throughout the course of its century-long ascendancy, Coca-Cola has also made several strategic advertising moves to forever cement its name in the public’s collective consciousness. Let’s take a look at the company’s renowned advertising history… Re:vision. Честный фестиваль рекламы. Developer Center.