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The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet.

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Famous Quotes, Quotations and Proverbs in Safe and simple blogs for your students. WRITING. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 10 Awesome iPad Writing Apps. 3 Ways to Create Compelling Digital Content. By Sue Painter You know how some things can be both a blessing and a curse? Our ability to create and publish digital content is one of those things. The blessing is that you have the ultimate control over how your content is created and marketed. The curse is that since anyone can do it, a lot of people do – and it’s increasingly difficult to make your content stand out from the ever-growing crowd. E-training and ebooks are sprouting up faster than dandelions on a warm spring day. Just like off-the-shelf hard copy training products and books, some of them are useful and life-changing – and some of them aren’t worth the time it takes to purchase and download them.

So, how do you make your digital content highly useful, valuable, and compelling? 1) Start with a story. “Once upon a time, I sat in a hospital room visiting a man I’d never met before. My editor and the 3 other “test” people I used as reviewers all said they were immediately drawn in to keep reading. Chris Betcher on Blogging and “Publicness” | CEGSA. Chris Betcher on Blogging and “Publicness” Posted on December 19th, 2011 | 4 Comments and 24 Reactions Chris Betcher Have you “Googled” yourself lately? You might not actively participate on the Internet. These sentiments will either have you nodding in agreement or raising an eyebrow in surprise The truth is, however, that there are still many educators out there who feel that way about the Internet and its use.

Go on, Google yourself right now. If we as teachers are not actively participating in online communities how can we expect to have any control over what Google (or any other search engine for that matter) reveal to our potential employers? Perhaps the issue is that we’re all too aware of perceived problems without stopping to consider how they might be overcome? Although this statement is sensible and valid, when viewed on its own like this, it seems ill defined and therefore discouraging. Perhaps that is where we at CEGSA can help? Keeping it safe The Reception Class Blog.

10 tips for (reticent) bloggers… A colleague who teaches writing, draws incredible poetry and prose out of her students. Yet she has what she calls ‘writer’s blog’ (block) which prevents her from starting a blog. Another has just had an incredible learning experience and spent four hours organizing her thoughts and experiences by writing blog posts… despite not having a blog, as she feels uncertain whether others will be interested in what she writes. It seems they are not alone… When I started blogging, I struggled to find my voice.

My first few posts (some of which were subsequently deleted) sounded as if they had each been written by a different person. 10 tips for reticent new struggling teacher student bloggers… Write in your own voice, as if you are talking to people you know.Don’t over-think and over-plan, just write what’s in your head. Like this: Like Loading... 9 unforgivable blogging offenses. Blogs provide an excellent platform to engage with customers. WordPress blogs reach more than 70 million readers, and Tumblr blogs reach up to 39 million. With numbers like those, you can see how important a blog can be, both as an extension of a business site and as a stand-alone destination. But many bloggers make basic errors that lessen their blogs' effectiveness. Are you making the same errors? Review the following list of nine unforgivable blogging offenses to make sure you are not committing any of them. 1.

Problem: Your blog is a horrible dense block of text with no breaks, bullet points, headings or graphics. Organizing your blog posts into sections and including bullet points, subheadings, numbers, and graphics not only makes your post easier to construct, but also makes for a much easier and appealing read. Consider all the blogs you admire and follow. Dense posts do not work. 2. How can you expect people to read content even you don't care about? 3. 4. 5. Hello? 6. 7. 8. 9. Tips for Bloggers. I really like a recent blog post by Edna Sackson. It was titled “10 Tips for Reticent Bloggers“. In the posting, she laid out some tips for people to become more successful in their blogging pursuits. I thought her list was bang on and would recommend the reading for anyone. The tips are equally as applicable for students as they are teachers. She could turn it into an infographic that could be posted on classroom walls!

I’d lke to continue her list with some of my own thoughts. Use a blog editor - I found that I’ve been a great deal more successful with less frustration when I use LiveWriter, Qumana, or ScribeFire. There you have it. Like this: Like Loading... Related Is it OK to be a Passive Blogger? First of all…my sincerest apologies to those that subscribe to this blog via email. In "Computers" Tips and Advice and A Reflection Regular readers know that I'm a sucker for these types of posts. In "application" The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Bloggers. Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education.

12 Tips to Manage Time and Increase Efficiency in the Classroom! 12 Tips to Manage Time and Increase Efficiency in the Classroom! By Susan Fitzell closeAuthor: Susan Fitzell Name: Susan FitzellSite: About: Susan Fitzell is a nationally recognized speaker and author of several educational resource books. She has over two decades of experience with differentiated instruction, teaching youth with special needs, students with behavioral and anger management issues, and students who experience bullying. Susan’s company, AIMHI Educational Programs, focuses on building caring school communities. Authors Posts (45) From the archives 1. Keep students on task during activities: Use visual timers during class activities such as think-pair-shares, group work, timed individual assignments, etc. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Susan Fitzell is a nationally recognized speaker and author of several educational resource books. Susan Fitzell, M. Keep up with Susan! 100 High School Teacher Blogs To Start Reading. No matter what grade you teach, high school teacher blogs are some of the most important resources for teachers and school administrators. They feature insight, in-depth discussion, and usually quite a few bits of humor and personal experiences. What could be better? The following list courtesy of Online Degrees should get you more than started on finding some fascinating new educators to add to your RSS reader! Confessions from the Couch - This history teacher and cheerleading coach uses her blog to discuss her thoughts and opinions on the state of education in America’s urban schools. Recommended posts: “Problems of Urban Education ” and “ Bellwork Success .” Failing Schools – This political blog is written by three different authors, all of whom have experience in teaching as well as opinions on educational reform.

Recommended posts: “ Audio: Debate about Wisconsin, labor rights ” and “ Communitywide Education Summit .” Mr. New England Mr. Mid-Atlantic Midwest Mr. J.P. On Blogging: Finding Peace With the Pit. I haven’t gone all meta on my blogging in a while… There’s never a dearth of people I meet who come to the idea of blogging and feel that pit in their stomachs. “What would I blog about?” “Who would want to read what I write?” Or even, “I can’t write at all.” But what I don’t tell them is that even though I’ve been doing this blogging thing for 11 years, I still feel that pit more often than not.

Most times, I’m able to push through it. So, yeah. Top 100 technology blogs for teachers. 10 tips for (reticent) bloggers… Blog Basics - Basics for Blogging. August 28th, 2012 I have two blogs and have spent years writing and developing them into successful websites. A lot of my readers ask how I did it and I always think – go back to blog basics. Sometimes you get so caught up in the aesthetic or creative aspect of your blog that functionality plays second fiddle, making it difficult for you to retain readers! Once you settle on a clean, easy-on-the-eyes layout, implement these blog basics to cover all your bases. 10 Basics Every Blog Needs to Have 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

To read more of basics for blogging: How to start a blog Amazing benefits of blogging How to make a business out of blogging This may also interest you Tags: social media. Reflections On Being A Blogger. Last week on #edchat the discussion turned to blogging and the importance (or maybe not) in and out of the classroom. As always the conversation was a lively one with lots of different ideas on student blogging, administrator blogging, platforms and more. (Check out the archive to read and follow all the discussions.) I wrote about how to be come a blogger a while back. Lots of platforms, ideas for use and more in that post.

I encourage you to check it out. This post is more a reflection about blogging. And really, that is what my blog is about. I am honored to have you reading this right now. During our #edchat discussion I was asked why I blog? This space is an open reflection of me, my philosophies on technology and education and a place to share. I can write here anything that is on my mind. If I kept a journal under my pillow I might be able to accomplish some of the same sort of thought processes I go through when I blog. We all get smarter because we share. Look. …and this is why teachers should have blogs. I have been a big advocate of blogging for teachers, but not until I started doing it myself. Personally, I realized that the time I take to sit down and reflect on what I do, what I read, or what I observe has really helped my own path as an educator and an administrator. Sometimes, for my own clarification, I go back and read my own blog to look at what I have done and how I can continuously work on it to improve.

This transparent way of learning is something that I believe can not only improve the teaching profession as a whole (for example, take a look at the conversation on this Pernille Ripp post from today), but is something that could really improve learning for our students. Dean Shareski talked about this in his article entitled, “How to Make Better Teachers“, and the one word he used for his answer was “blogging”.

Dean pushes this concept and shares how blogging mirrors some of the same objectives of Professional Learning Communities: One of my favourite things is Pokemon. Blogs.