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Nicholas Munn

Mitchell Munn Valuations is a leading Plant, Machinery & Asset Valuation Specialist in Melbourne, with having more than 35 years of Industry Experience. Get in touch with us today.

Why is There a Need to Get Asset Valuation Services? - Infographic. Plant & Machinery Valuation Specialists - Mitchell Munn Valuations. Significance of Plant and Equipment Valuers in Buying or Selling Businesses. A Comprehensive Guide On Plant And Equipment Valuation. Why Should You Consider Hiring Professional Equipment Valuers? Why Plant and Machinery Valuation Is Important - Mitchell Munn Valuations. Have you ever wondered why Plant and Machinery Valuation is important?

Why Plant and Machinery Valuation Is Important - Mitchell Munn Valuations

Well, if not then you should. Whether you are in construction, mining or manufacturing industry; evaluating the worth of assets will help you in buying, selling, and financing them. Valuation is a process of determining the worth of plant and machinery asset. The asset includes various devices used in industry for the production of goods and materials. Let's learn individually all factors which make plant and machinery valuation important: Fetches you good buyers: Plant and machinery valuation helps you get good buyers for your assets.

Mitchell Munn Valuations specializes in providing plant and machinery valuation services across Australia. Why is There a Need to Get Asset Valuation Services? Do you own an organisation and have possessions like buildings, equipment, machinery etc?

Why is There a Need to Get Asset Valuation Services?

Then you need to have the legal verification of the assets you have. Asset Valuation Services, which is the process of evaluating and verifying your assets, will help you determine the total net worth of your assets. Assets are of two types - tangible (buildings, equipment, machinery, etc) and intangible (brands, patents, trademarks, franchises) and it's efficient to get the valuation by asset verification because of the following reasons: To Determine the Right Price of the Asset When you are looking to buy or sell an asset, verifying your assets will determine the right price of that particular asset. For the Correct Tax Calculations It's mandatory for everyone to pay the tax for the assets you have. In the Time of Applying for Loans When you applied for a loan, you can show your net asset value and it can act as the collateral as protection against the debt default. Importance of Carrying out Insurance and Machinery Valuation.

A common question asked by a number of clients is why an accurate valuation is necessary for the equipment.

Importance of Carrying out Insurance and Machinery Valuation

Well, the simple answer to this is; it is considered preferable to be proactive as opposed to being reactive in regards to providing accurate insurance replacement costs to the insurers. How Fixed Asset Register Reconciliation Helps Your Business Grow? If you are a business owner, you should maintain a correct record of tangible and intangible assets.

How Fixed Asset Register Reconciliation Helps Your Business Grow?

Doing this will help you make sound business decisions and right investment strategies. For this, you need to consider fixed asset register reconciliation and regular evaluating of your insurance. If you fail to do these, you may put your company at risk with operational and financial risks. Before going into the reconciliation process, let us understand what fixed register is. It is a list containing the assets your business owns. For the register reconciliation, you need to approach a professional company to have the trusted experts to look into business entities.

Which are traced and inventoried to the accounting recordWhich are incorporated in the fixed assets and are not identified during unrecorded itemsWhich are inventoried but not identified Looking into these assets and analysing closely will help you identify the entities which might have missed due to improper notice. Plant and Machinery Valuation & Appraisal Services - Mitchell Munn Valuations.

Revaluation of Assets & Asset Valuation Services Expert - Mitchell Munn Valuations. Revaluation of Assets – Tips to Choose Professional Service – Mitchell Munn Valuations. Assets are the valuables, usually a business hold.

Revaluation of Assets – Tips to Choose Professional Service – Mitchell Munn Valuations

Anything tangible or intangible that produces value and can be converted into cash comes under assets. When an asset is purchased, it is recorded at cost value, which changes over time. So, the asset’s market value will change from time to time. To know the present pricing, revaluation of assets is done. How revaluation is done? There are different methods like indexation, CMP (current market price); appraisal method, selective revaluation, preliminary consideration, etc are used to revaluation the assets. Why revaluation is needed?

Revaluation is helpful for businesses in different prospects like:- Insurance Valuation & Fixed Asset Register Reconciliation - Mitchell Munn Valuations. In simple terms the purpose of having insurance is to put the insured back in the position they were in prior to a partial or total loss occurring.

Insurance Valuation & Fixed Asset Register Reconciliation - Mitchell Munn Valuations

That outcome will only be achieved if following a loss, the assets comprising the location are found to be fully insured. If, for example, it is found to be underinsured by 50%, then in a partial loss situation, the insured will only receive 50% of the total cost to replace the assets destroyed in the loss. Alternatively, if the business location had incurred a total loss, then it would receive its total sum insured.