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WinCvs Daily Use Guide. Table of Complaints Introduction This document describes day to day usage of the WinCvs 1.0.x client. It is not an introduction to version control systems, not an introduction to CVS, and not an introduction to WinCvs. It is more like a place you may turn to when you know approximately what you want to do, but don't quite remember how to do it. It is assumed that you already have installed WinCvs, and that you have configured it to talk to the CVS repository you want to use. If your browser supports style sheets, you will find a couple of different typesetting and color variations thruout the document. refer to elements in the WinCvs user interface, such as buttons, tabs and input field labels. Terminology The terminology used in the CVS documentation, and thus also in WinCvs, may differ from terminology used in other source repository systems.

Checkout Normally used to describe the first retrieval of an entire module from the repository. Commit Sending your modifications to the repository. Tag.

Ruby on rails

Tutorial for Beginners | Grails Cookbook. Grails is a web application framework that is great to use for real projects. It is also very friendly for beginners to learn. It is contrary to the steep learning curve required for other Java based frameworks. With Grails, you can start hacking through it and be productive in a matter of hours. Ideal as starting point even for developers with no web experience. Below is a series of tutorials prepared for newcomers to Grails. Create Beautiful Administration Interfaces with Active Admin. Every web developer knows that creating an administration interface for their projects is an incredibly tedious task. Luckily, there are tools that make this task considerably simpler.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Active Admin, a recently launched administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications. You can use Active Admin to add an administration interface to your current project, or you can even use it to create a complete web application from scratch - quickly and easily. Today, we’ll be doing the latter, by creating a fairly simple project management system. It might sound like quite a bit of work, but Active Admin will do the bulk of the work for us! Step 1 - Set up the Development Environment I’m going to assume you have some previous Ruby on Rails knowledge, especially involving model validations, since the rest of the application interface is going to be taken care of by Active Admin. Refer to this article if you require assistance installing Ruby and Rails.

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