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Sewing clothing & clothing patterns

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Cut Up Tshirt ∙ How To by Cammie K. Before the Blog: Easiest DIY Maxi Dress Ever. I know I said I was going to show off my finished UFO, but even though the dress is finished, I don't have any pictures yet.

Before the Blog: Easiest DIY Maxi Dress Ever

Blame Jeremy Lin for starting his basketball game right around the golden hour before sunset. There was no way I was going to ask my husband to step away from watching a Chinese-American guy play in a groundbreaking game to take pictures for me. Goodness, what's happening to my blog? First I mention COD: MW3, now basketball. As if my search results aren't already skewed enough, what with having made a Team Fortress 2 sniper vest in the past. Tutorial: how to sew a reversible scalloped hem skirt.

So the plan is to post a tutorial every month.

tutorial: how to sew a reversible scalloped hem skirt

And now that I’ve put that out there, I will be sure to jinx myself. Such is life. Today, we shall make this DIY reversible scalloped skirt: To make your scalloped hem skirt, you will need: Plain fabric, printed fabric, matching thread, elastic, sewing machine. Cut two of the following: NOTE: The length of the back pieces should match that of the curved length (along the sides) of your front pieces. Dress Tutorial by ~charter-magic on deviantART. Project Re-Style #12. Things You Need. 4.About a Half of an Hour5.Ribbon Take your shirt and cut along the red dotted line, cutting out the collar.. then hem one inch around for the casing , marked in red.

Project Re-Style #12

Upcycling Jeans with my daughter. I have passed my love of upcycling jeans to my oldest daughter, Raegan (she is 14 now, but was 13 when we made these).

Upcycling Jeans with my daughter

I thought I would post a couple skirts that we did together..... This skirt was a lot of fun to make. I had cut the pant legs off another pair of pants that I just wanted the waistband from and saved them because of how pretty the white embroidery was. I was unsure of what to do with it as yet. Then, Raegan decided she wanted a skirt, so she took some blue jeans, chopped off the bottoms(she likes t-length skirts) and started looking for fabric to put in it.

30 Minute Jersey Sheath. Last Saturday I decided I needed something new in my wardrobe.

30 Minute Jersey Sheath

I’ve had about two yards of this wood grain fabric in my stash for the last couple of months & have been meaning to do something with it, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a top or a skirt. So I basically made both: a sheath dress. This fabric is light-weight, stretchy, but with a surprising amount of “body” to it. The rolled details add a lot of visual interest as well as wiggle room. Wiggle room for imperfect seams. Fold the fabric in half right sides together. Sew a Straight Line: The Domesticated Skirt. For tutorial, scroll down and "read more" I love being a girl.

Sew a Straight Line: The Domesticated Skirt

A wife. A mother. A homemaker. Museum Tunic + instructions. Well I'm not sure what you were expecting.

Museum Tunic + instructions

When I read my comments from the last post at dinner last night, I cracked up at the notion that some of you assumed that the flier image I showed in the post was the dress I was going for! SO funny! I guess you might think that at a glance. But come on, I only had about an hour! That would have taken at least an hour & 15 minutes (+ 2 days). Empire cut Blouse, T-Shirt reconstruction with Tutorial. Learn To Sew A Simple Cotton Top. Cotton is a great fabric to start sewing with!

Learn To Sew A Simple Cotton Top

It's one of the easiest fabrics to sew and care for. It's also easy to find in beautiful colors and patterns! Cotton Blouse. Yine dikiş derslerinde yapılan bir model Model çizimi görselde mevcut.

Cotton Blouse

Dikiş dersleri sırasında resimleme vaktimiz olmuyor maalesef arada fırsat yakaladığımızda paylaşıyorum sizlerle. Kumaş miktarı beden boyunuz kadar. Mankenimiz aynı zamanda bluzu da diken dikişsever öğrencimizdir.:) Fitted Tee Tutorial - Scoop Neck. A few weeks ago I learned how to make a large t-shirt into a fitted tee shirt.

Fitted Tee Tutorial - Scoop Neck

Very cool, right? But...I still had some trouble figuring out how to make the sleeves look right since the REALLY big t-shirts had such low shoulder seams. Plus, the necks seemed awfully high and confining on some of the shirts I tried it on. Large T-Shirt to Fitted Tee Tutorial. I have these two t-shirts that I love. They're soft, comfortable, and have good worn (and sentimental) designs on them. But, I never wear them for anything other than around the house because they are large men's t-shirts and look completely shapeless on me. Crafterhours: Tee to Tank: A Tutorial by Jen from Upcycled Education.

This is one of my favorite t-shirt refashions of all time. For a number of reasons. First, let me tell you that this t-shirt to tank refashion wasn’t my idea. Jen posted this on her facebook page and I jumped at the chance to have a crafty morning with her and watch her make it. Jen blogs at Upcycled Education– a blog I recommend you peruse, especially if you’re an educator– formally or informally. She’s full of good ideas and fun finds and her enthusiasm is catchy. Second, it is soooo quick and easy that it takes less than half an hour. Third, it uses tees you probably already have a million of and don’t enjoy the fit of but have a hard time discarding. Fourth, this t-shirt to tank only requires a tee, scissors and thread. Museum Tunic + instructions. Pattern alterations on the front - knit tops.

Chic Summer Sand Surfer Cover Up. Powered By Blogger Widgets | Customized By: Blogging Tips close 17,754 readers RSS feed | E-mail Search This Blog Grosgrain Archives This Blog Linked From Here The Web Chic Summer Sand Surfer Cover Up April 19, 2012. How to Create a Corset Pattern. How to Make a Corset Pattern The corset, that torso-shaping garment with origins dating back to at least the 1660s, made its 20th-century comeback compliments of the pop... How to Sew Corsets With a good corset pattern and a stiff fabric, you can sew a corset without adding uncomfortable stays or complicated darts. Choose...