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Open Thread Thursday: Library School Agnostic, Maybe. I’m going to try something new and make an open thread. While it is generally an unguided discussion, I’d like to toss out a topic for people to gnaw on for this experiment. Just like the title suggests, I wanted to go with an easy one: library school. So, what’s good about it? What’s bad about it? What topics do you wish they covered more? Or you can just rant. For myself, it’s hard to have an opinion on library school after going to law school for a year. And on that note, have at it. (For the moment, I’ve taken off the comment setting that requires prior approval before people can comment without moderation in the hopes of encouraging discussion. Like this: Like Loading... How Do I Get a Job When I Have No Relevant Experience? So, you want to be a libriarian/archivist? | the lisa chronicles. What the eff can you do with a MLIS/Archives/Library Science degree? | the lisa chronicles. Ten Practical Tips for New Library Students SLIM-Oregon Student Chapter of the ALA.

(Many thanks to Monique Lloyd for contributing the following article. The SLIM-OR SCALA Blog welcomes submissions relevant to library and information science. If you would like to submit an article, please attach it to an e-mail and send it to: VintageRedhead22[at]gmail[dot]com. We look forward to your contributions! –Laureen Burger, Web Manager) by Monique Lloyd (OR-7) If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities and never give up, you will find a way. ~ Jane Goodall Here is a list of ten tips I’d like to have had when I began library school.I hope you find some of them useful.Please feel free to add others by using the comment function. 1.

I never lost anything by giving things away. ~ Anonymous 2. The way of the world is meeting people through other people. Get business cards printed now with your basic contact information. 3. Know thyself. ~ Socrates 4. The essence of wise living is anticipating the unanticipated and expecting the unexpected. 5. Lauren in Libraryland Post Topic The Dos and Donts of Library School. Ten Tips for Building Your Career While Youre in Grad School. Grad school is not only an opportunity for you to develop your LIS skills and expertise, it’s also an opportunity for you to build a professional platform that will help launch you into a career that’s rewarding both personally and financially.

The following tactics will help you jumpstart your career: 1. Set your personal career growth agenda. Focus on growth, not grades, because your ability to grow professionally (that means stretching beyond your comfort zone, trying new challenges, recovering from failures and moving on to successes) lasts a lot longer – and will do you more good – than an A in cataloging. 2. Multipurpose your assignments. 3. 4. 5. 6 Grab every opportunity to build your portfolio. 7. 8. 9. 10. You will be spending a lot of time and money to complete your MLIS degree. What MLIS Grad Schools Need to Tell Prospective and Current Students Now. One has only to participate in a few LIS discussion lists or online groups, hang out at a professional conference or two, or read some of the many LIS blogs and their comments to realize that the library profession is in the midst of extensive and somewhat discouraging change.

Although the long-promised “graying of the profession” is in fact underway, the equally long-awaited results – thousands of professional-level jobs opening up and tons of great, entry-level opportunities for new grads – are simply not happening. Nor are they likely ever to do so again. Welcome to Library Profession 2.0 Current MLIS students and graduates need to assume that although they may, indeed, find jobs in the traditional-library fields they desire, those jobs are likely to: • take months to find • require previous experience • offer less-than-stellar salaries • require relocating • possibly require starting at a paraprofessional level So If This is the New Normal, Why Should I Get My MLIS? The smart move? So You Want to be a Librarian? A Guide For Those Considering an MLS, Current Students & Job Seekers.

I get a lot of email asking for advice either on getting an MLS, the job search or the skills needed. So I’ve pulled together a list of the best of the best advice for potential MLS students, current students and job seekers. In cases where the titles are not self explanatory I’ve grabbed a sentence or two from the post to give context The Degree So, You Want To Be A Librarian? Part IWhat the eff can you do with a MLIS/Archives/Library Science degree?

- Earlier tonight a friend passed a question on to me from Aardvark in which the person asks, “What can you do with an MLIS other than become a traditional librarian or archivist?” The Job Search General Professional Advice Skills What programming should a library science student learn? Help keep this site ad free Similar Posts: Library School To Do List. Photo by Carissa GoodNCrazy on Flickr In getting my MLIS, there are things I’m glad that I did, and there are also things that I wish that I had done differently. To get a library job there are some important skills you need. If I had to do it over again I would make sure that I had all of these things checked off my list: Real World Experience You can’t expect to get hired out of library school unless you have some real experience to point to. Some Technology Skills Libraries and technology are integrally tied together.

Professional Engagement You need to show that you care about the profession and want to give back. Make Connections Build and maintain connections with students, professors, and other professionals you meet. Get a Website The benefits of getting a website is twofold. Teaching Experience This one I found very helpful personally.