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Chris Sharma. Alain Robert. Alain Robert (born as Robert Alain Philippe on 7 August 1962), is a French rock climber and urban climber, from Digoin, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France.

Alain Robert

Known as "the French Spider-Man" (after the comic character Spider-Man), or "the Human Spider", Robert is famous for scaling skyscrapers using no climbing equipment except for a small bag of chalk and a pair of climbing shoes. Robert is managed by English player's agent Bryan Yeubrey.[1] Strategy[edit] Because authorities will not normally give him permission for such dangerous exploits, Robert usually appears at dawn on the site of whichever giant skyscraper he has chosen to climb. [citation needed] His exploits attract crowds of onlookers who stop to watch him climb. His rock-climbing physical training and technique allow him to climb using the small protrusions of building walls and windows (such as window ledges and frames). Catherine Destivelle. Catherine Monique Suzanne Destivelle (born 24 July 1960) is an Algerian-born French rock climber and mountaineer.[1] In 1992 she became the first woman to complete a solo ascent of the Eiger's north face.[2] She completed the climb in winter in 17 hours.

Catherine Destivelle

Her other notable climbs include the Bonatti Route on the north face of the Matterhorn and the southwest pillar of the Aiguille du Dru (the Bonatti Pillar).[3] Destivelle has been the subject of several documentaries,[4] including French director Rémy Tezier's, Beyond the Summits (Au-delà des cimes), which won the award for best feature-length mountain film at the 2009 Banff Mountain Film Festival.[5] Alex Honnold. Biography[edit] In 2010, Honnold was awarded the "Golden Piton" for his climbing achievements.[8] Journalist Lara Logan interviewed Honnold as part of CBS 60 Minutes program airing on October 2, 2011.[7] In November 2011, Honnold and Hans Florine missed setting the record time on the Nose route on Yosemite's El Capitan by 45 seconds with a time of 2:37.[9] On June 17, 2012, the two set a new record of 2:23:46 on that same route.[2] Honnold is an avid reader, with interests in classic literature, environmentalism, and economics.

Alex Honnold

Patrick Edlinger. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Patrick Edlinger

Patrick Edlinger, né le à Dax et mort le à La Palud-sur-Verdon[2], est un grimpeur français. Réputé pour ses ascensions en solo intégral, il est un des pionniers de l'escalade libre de haut niveau et a été dans les années 1980 l'une des premières figures médiatiques de la discipline. Opera Vertical part 1. Opera Vertical part 2. Opera Vertical part 3. Fred Rouhling. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Fred Rouhling

Fred Rouhling Akira part 9b. Akira (escalade) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Akira (escalade)

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Akira. La voie, qui fait 21 m de surplomb[1], se situe dans une grotte et peut-être divisée en deux parties : Un toit horizontal qui ne comporte aucun point d'assurance.Un dévers très prononcé où l'assurance devient possible. Au-delà de la difficulté de la voie, la première partie dangereuse et non assurée explique que peu de grimpeurs n'aient pu ou voulu la tenter. Vilhonneur - Akira - Escalade : Le blog de la C.M.E.L. Bienvenue sur le blog de la Compagnie des Moniteurs d'Escalade du Littoral !

Vilhonneur - Akira - Escalade : Le blog de la C.M.E.L.

Steph Davis. John Bachar. John Bachar (March 23, 1957 – July 5, 2009) was an American rock climber noted for his skill at free soloing.[1] A fitness fanatic, he was the creator of the climbing training device known as the Bachar ladder.

John Bachar

Along with Ron Kauk and John Long, Bachar was part of the team that freed the East face of Washington Column, ushering in a new age of free climbing with their first free ascent of Astroman. This route, containing numerous pitches of 5.10 and 5.11 difficulty, set a new standard for long and continuously difficult free climbs.

Bachar played a key role in making the first free ascent of the technical and difficult "boulder problem" pitch low on the route. Bachar lived in Mammoth Lakes, California and was Director of Design of Acopa International LLC, a company which manufactures rock climbing shoes. On December 3, 1996 Bachar became a father when his only child Tyrus was born to Valerie Vosburg. Dan Osman. Dean Potter. Dean Potter (born January 18, 1972 in the United States) is an American free climber, alpinist, BASE jumper, BASEliner, and highliner [1] who grew up in New Hampshire.

Dean Potter

He is noted for hard first ascents, free solo ascents, speed ascents, and enchainments in Yosemite and Patagonia. Early life[edit] Dean Potter was born to an Army officer. He taught himself to climb when he was in high school in southern New Hampshire. He attended the University of New Hampshire where he rowed varsity crew where the coach urged the team to not just beat the competition, but to "own" them.