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Worksheet Site. Whiteboards. Pirate Cruncher. ICT Maths. Cinemath Project. Manga High. 1. Maths Coverage Mangahigh is a comprehensive and powerful maths teaching resource offering full coverage of the UK National Curriculum with more than 400 different challenges ranging from addition to quadratic factorisation 2. Adaptivity Students work best when they work at the edge of their abilities, and Mangahigh tempts students with easy tasks and then builds confidence for harder, more conceptual work 3. Mangahigh is designed for use in a school context and relies on the teacher to direct and control the maths learning experience for students 4.

Our industry-leading tools analyse student performance in terms of achievement vs. effort, and also allow you to download these results for use in other packages Mangahigh also offers APP 5. Mangahigh offers sophisticated problem-solving pedagogy, not rote learning Learners are introduced to new lessons with scaffolding, and then progress towards applied work, supported by specific hints and worked solutions throughout 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. Math Live. Transum. IXL. Illustrated Maths Dictionary.