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Des boutonnières sur un seul rang. Attaching raglan sleeves in bottom-up sweaters. I recently helped one of my friends attach the sleeves to her Bellyphant baby sweater, and I admit, it is a little hard to wrap your brain around what you're doing the first time you do this.

attaching raglan sleeves in bottom-up sweaters

What you have when you join the sleeves to the sweater body is two small tubes and one large "tube" that is not a tube because it is a cardigan. The difficult thing to imagine beforehand, but what becomes really obvious once you've done it, is that when you're holding a sleeve tube up next to the sweater to attach it, the back side of the sleeve (closest to the armpit) is held with right side facing the right side of body, and the outside of the sleeve is held with right side facing out. The diagrams in this Vogue Knitting article by Jared Flood help to clarify this all. Jared has you put the armpit sleeves on holders rather than binding them off.

If that is easier for you, by all means, do it his way. So here's the process as I am working that row where the arm stitches are joined: Lengthening and shortening knitwear. Includes 3 illustrations, click any illustration to enlarge As a frequenter of Ravelry, I have discovered that Ravelry is the greatest timesuck ever invented, although it is also the best website for all knitters (and spinners and crocheters) and you should join now lots of knitters would like to know how to make too-short knitwear longer, and too-long knitwear shorter, or remove a cast on and redo it, or otherwise start or end their fabric in some other place than it is now.

lengthening and shortening knitwear

Now, this isn't very difficult, but it is scary the first time you try it, and there are a few shoals in the water, so that's the subject of today's post. Problem: Let us suppose that you have a sleeve or a hat which is TOO SHORT or TOO LONG, and that you have knitfrom the top down in the round or back and forthin stockinette Lucky you, that is the easiest case! Solution: Unravel and re-knit longer/shorter. Attach a new, unkinked yarn by any of these methods: Russian join, overcast join, overlap join, back join.

Rallonger les manches d'un pull. ... ben oui, surtout que les manches étaient trop courtes.

rallonger les manches d'un pull

Alors : Comment, oui mais comment ..... rallonger les manches d'un pull quand on a un gamin qui grandit plus vite que vous ne tricotez ? ? Il est toujours très à l'aise dans son pull en pure laine de yack pour la simple et bonne raison qu'à chaque fois que je le lave, il s'agrandit aussi vite que le môme ... génial non ... en revanche, il pèse toujours une tonne (le pull, pas le môme ...). Et comme le dit son père ... "tiens, t'as mis ta côte de mailles ?