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Autoimmune & Neuroimmunology

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Why Wireless radiation can make you sick and what you can do about Fall 2011 Book Pick: FibroWhyalgia by Sue Ingebretson in MLWT Book Discussion Group. I love anthropology. So, the theories that are based more on the model that looks at our deeply-rooted biological systems that have keep our species alive facinate me.

However, as much as the "all in your head" comments really hit a nerve for us, the fact that our minds and bodies do communicate is a very important thing to remember as we pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. Some of our instinctual systems are more automatic in nature and, although they can be influenced by us, they tend to operate on their own withou us thinking about them too much. Specifically, the autonomic nervous system during the stress response. Although I know fibro isn't officially recognized as an autoimmune disease, we all have this system in common and it does affect our health.

Sue, you describe a German experiment using dogs in learning more about stress effects on our heart and how our minds/bodies adapt. ‪Lupus 7-31-11 a day in life stem cell transplant‬‏ Sjögrens Forum (SjogrensForum) 3 people in same family with neuro immune disease.