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The 50 Best Realistic Frugal Living Tips. Seeds for a Natural Way of Thinking. 25 (more) clever ideas to make life easier. .

25 (more) clever ideas to make life easier

We heard you loud and clear. When we published our first list of clever ideas to make life easier last year, we received an overwhelming response. So without further ado, here’s another 25 ingenious household tips and organisational tricks that will have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Source: Got an empty kitchen shelf? Source: Wall mount cutlery trays and add a cup hook in each compartment for brilliant jewelery storage. Source: Avoid messy dresser drawers by “filing” your clothing side-by-side instead of stacking items on top of each other.

Photo: William Warby on Has putting Toy Story on constant repeat finally taken its toll? Source: Packing tip: Protect breakables such as wine bottles or food containers with children’s inflatable floaties. Source: Rather than bundling them in your drawer, loop tights over a coathanger and store them in your wardrobe. 75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda. Baking soda is a chemical compound that appears as a fine powder.

75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda

It releases bubbles of carbon dioxide when it interacts with an acid and a liquid. It’s most commonly used in baking, where it acts as a leavening agent. The following are 75 other uses for baking soda aside from making muffins soft and fluffy. Health Uses. 17 Housewarming Gifts People Actually Want. 30 Tips to Help Keep Your Laundry from Making You Crazy - Harvard Homemaker. 2.9K Flares Twitter 16 Facebook 250 Pin It Share 2.7K Google+ 12 Email -- Email to a friend 2.9K Flares × This post was written as a sponsored post for Organize-It.

30 Tips to Help Keep Your Laundry from Making You Crazy - Harvard Homemaker

All thoughts and opinions are completely my own. Laundry can be the most exhausting, monotonous, mundane chore ever. And you can’t escape it–it’s always there. There probably aren’t many of us out there who actually like doing the laundry. Ten years have gone by since I stood bawling in my laundry room with my daughter crying next to me. As for the laundry, I’ve come a long way. If you’re where I was years ago and the laundry makes you feel completely overwhelmed, I hope this post is helpful. Many of the handy items I use (and mention below) can be found at Organize-It. Use a Divided Laundry Sorter with Color-Coded Tags for Kids This is my #1 tip!! If you don’t do anything on this list except make this one easy change, you will be in much better shape around your house! Find the tags shown below for easy printing. 33 Insanely Clever Things Your Small Apartment Needs.