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Les noves llibreries de Barcelona: un model diferent. Tot i el futur negre que alguns auguraven pel sector editorial, aquests últims mesos Barcelona ha vist néixer un seguit de llibreries que desafien les circumstàncies i presenten un nou model amb molt de futur. Totes elles comparteixen un seguit de característiques alternatives a les grans superfícies. Aposten per una oferta singular o especialitzada, com els llibres autoeditats o de petites editorials, els llibres de segona mà o de temàtica concreta. Són locals petits que obren les seves portes, no tant per fer negoci, sinó per esdevenir punts de trobada, motors culturals. I és que els seus propietaris, lletraferits de cul inquiet, organitzen tallers, presentacions i altres activitats per tal de contagiar l'amor als llibres i per acostar autors i lectors. 10 meravelles dels cementiris de Barcelona. Els cementiris de Barcelona són una de les perles ocultes de la ciutat. Els seus recintes amaguen autèntiques meravelles –moltes de centenars d'anys d'antiguitat– en forma d'escultures, panteons o sepultures que val la pena visitar.

Tant el cementiri de Montjuïc com el de Poblenou organitzen visites guiades als seus espais. Al cementiri de Montjuïc podreu triar entre una ruta artística, una d'històrica o una que barreja ambdós aspectes. El cementiri de Poblenou també organitza visites guiades a través dels panteons i dels personatges que hi ha enterrats. Si voleu que la visita sigui una mica més misteriosa, heu d'aprofitar les poques nits que obren els cementiris.

Dr. Cementiri de Montjuïc Projectada per l’arquitecte Emili Cortés l’any 1888, la sepultura del doctor Frances Farreras Framis està presidida per una escultura de gran realisme, obra de l’artista Rossend Nobas. Praktik Hotel Bakery – Barcelona ‹ Singulares Mag. Llocs alternatius per estudiar, treballar o reunir-se a Barcelona - Menjar i beure. AMAZING APARTMENT IN BCN GRACIA en Barcelona. As you can see the apartment is set in a beautiful turn of century building, just some steps away from Paseo de Gracia. It consists of a big kitchen, a huge living room with a beautiful wintergarden as dining area. There is a big bedroom with ensuite bathroom and another big double bedroom. There is a second shower room and independent guest toilet. Furthermore a laundry room. In total the apartment is 150m2. Our apartment is set in the Area of Gracia, one of the most beautiful areas in Barcelona, with lots of little shops, bars, restaurants, and beautiful squares to sit outside and enjoy the med lifestyle.

You are just a few steps away from Diagonal Metro, with main lines to all important spots in the city. So far every person that has stepped in our apartments just loves the welcoming and peaceful atmosphere, the nice hours on the balcony, and the amazing views over the roofs of Barcelona. HAIR TIME. El Palauet Living Barcelona. Most of us turn to Paris when we want our turn-of-the-century architectural fix. But we sometimes forget that the city that allures us for its culinary excellence and cutting edge art galleries is also home to the world’s most beautiful architecture. Never mind Gaudí, whose curvaceous buildings stand magnificently all around the city, any one of Barcelona’s blocks contain the works of architects that should have also been called artists. But what makes this Catalan city so unique is the mix of modern and traditional. Nowhere else in the world would you see such a high respect for both the traditional 19th century architecture and the modernism that followed it.

El Palauet Living Barcelona is a beautiful example of Barcelona’s love for the old and the new. Every trip we’ve taken to Barcelona has brought us new inspiration. Shop Rue: 1. GGmarket (2ª edición) Barcelona City Guide. Illustration by Judy Kaufmann Today’s Barcelona City Guide comes from illustrator and Barcelona resident Judy Kaufmann.

When Judy isn’t creating illustrations for clients like BBC London, Google and Random House, she can be found biking the city streets or escaping to the nearby sea and mountains. Today she shares some of the best that Barcelona has to offer, from dining and shopping to attractions and hotels. Thanks, Judy, for this wonderful guide! Read the full guide after the jump . . . Photo by Carlos Borrego All pictures are from Carlos Borrego except: La Fonda, courtesy of La Fonda website; Luka, courtesy of Luka; Manchester Bar, courtesy of Manchester Bar; and XIX Gin Tonic, courtesy of XIX Gin Tonic website Hotels INSIDE-BCN APARTMENTS Whether it’s because you travel with the family, expect to bring people to crash on the couch, or prefer to have breakfast on your own terrace, sometimes a flat is the best option.

Bars Galleries and Culture Shops and Books Photo courtesy of La Fonda Eat. Moda masculina imprescindible - Botigues. Vintage i segona mà - Botigues. Raso Terra | Palau, 5 08001 | Restaurants i cafès. Gut | Perill, 13 Gràcia 08012 | Restaurants i cafès. La llista definitiva d'hamburgueses de Barcelona - Restaurants i Bars. Els millors bikinis - Menjar i beure -Time Out Barcelona. Colmado Shop. #new !!! #lovely dresses #dress #blackandwhite #musthave #loosefit #azabala #desing #colmadoshop #like #beautifulthings (en Colmado) #cold #lovely #hat #soft #wool #potipoti #awesome #coat with #scarf #cotton #wool #love #noseems #vaska #bag #handbag #leather #cute #frog #ring #ceramic #jewellerry #familyaffairs #lovely #silk #shirt #colmadoshop #like #beautifulthings (en Colmado TheShop) #new #newinshop #wood #handmade #jewellery #necklace #earrings #love #love #love #geometric #things #girl #gift #present #barcelona #beautifulthings at #colmadoshop (en Colmado TheShop) #love loooove!!!!

@manuelbolano #manuelbolano #fashion #show #summer 14 #art #prints @miguel_leal <3 #colmadoshop #love #larissahadjio #bag #fishli #leather #beautifulthings (en colmadoshop) #beauty #simple #geometric #line #leather #highquality #bag #handbag #bolso #vaska #colmadoshop #love #like #beautifulthings (en Colmado) #colmadoshop #love #larissahadjio #bags #funny and #beautifulthings (en colmadoshop) NOTÉNOM BARCELONA.