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Whale Learning Games & Videos For Kids. Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum - Home. Whales. The madness of the whaling – hunting species after species to the verge of extinction – is the same model now being used in modern fishing today.


Protecting the whales – not just from hunting but the many other daily threats they face - would be a signal that governments are serious about all ocean protection. “Save the Whales” is the famous shout out that brought millions of people together and produced a worldwide ban on commercial whaling in 1986. Wonderful World of Whales. Campaign Whale » Kids Page. Welcome to Campaign Whale’s Kids section! Here you will be find a wide range of information about whales aimed at young people. We have also included some fact sheets, briefings and educational resources, which you can download and use in the classroom or even at home. Facts about whales, dolphins and porpoises What threats are whales facing? Whales: The Kids' Times - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries.