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Visible Thinking

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Chantelle Morrison sur Twitter : "Handy little chart for #visiblethinking @ldeibe @Miss_Para @le_harris... Visible Thinking and Maths | Chantellemorrison. Last week, we had the most phenomenal Numeracy session in Year 3 and it was all because of Visible Thinking. Visible Thinking was developed by Harvard’s Project Zero and aims to assist students to make their cognition (usually invisible) visible. Not only does Visible Thinking develop and grow students’ ability to deepen their thinking about learning and metacognition but it leads students to be more conscious of their thinking. For more information on Visible Thinking and associated routines, go to .

Prior to the lesson, students had conducted a “National Testing”-type assessment online through Mathletics. After analysing the data and spying a few consistent misunderstandings about Stage 2 Numeracy concepts, I collated a list of questions that could be thought about more thoroughly. I then printed these questions onto A3 paper and spread them around the space. During the lesson, each student (in triplets) was given 3 post-it-notes for each poster.

Misscmorrison : Why I use #visiblethinking... Visible Thinking and A Private Universe | Chantellemorrison. I’ve been wanting to blog about a Visible Thinking workshop that I attended a while ago. The workshop began by showing this video (circa 1987) called A Private Universe: Misconceptions That Block Learning. In the clip, Harvard graduates are asked a seemingly simple question – What causes the seasons? You’ll be surprised by the responses. NOTE: You can also watch the full video here: The video shows the strength of “private theories” that students construct. What does this mean for learning (and teaching)? It is vital for students to become aware of their own schemata on any given topic. Here are some examples of Visible Thinking routines that can assist the learning community in developing a shared understanding of a concept: What Makes You Say That? (see for more in depth instruction on these routines) Like this: Like Loading...

Visible Thinking Routines for Blogging  Our school‘s fabulous PE teacher, Claire Arcenas, is bringing blogging to her PE classes. She is incorporating Visual Thinking Routines to help her students become reflective commenters. In a recent planning session, she reminded me of the book Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchard, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison, that I had download but not read yet. We then started diving into the core routines outlined on Visible Thinking from Harvard University. The core routines are a set of seven or so routines that target different types of thinking from across the modules. These routines are easy to get started with and are commonly found in Visible Thinking teachers’ toolkits.

Try getting started with with one of these routines.What Makes You Say That? Each one of these routines seemed well suited to help guide students in quality blog post writing as well as commenting. Here is our first attempt: Blogging as Information/Research Research- What have you read that has informed your position? Harvard Graduates Explain Seasons. "A Private Universe" - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Science Education Department, Science Media Group. A Private Universe.