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Emoji luv necklace +diy. So I'm pretty sure all of us are obsessed with emojis by now. I need like emojis everywhere in my life. As a graphic artist, I totally believe in the idea that images speak louder than words. Hence my love for The Emoji. So when I was at Target one day, and spotted a package of - what?! - Emoji stickers?! I was super excited. So anyways, I totally grabbed a pack and decided to get to work. To turn these stickers into charms, I turned to one of my favorite materials: polymer clay. Adding these emoji charms to chunky chain from Cousin Corporation, and mixing with rhinestone pave beads, totally completes the look.

I'll show you exactly how to make your own below. Are we ready?! Step 1: Gather materials. Step 2: Choose which emoji sticker you want as your charm. Step 3: Gently peel off your sticker, and stick it right on the pancake. Step 4: Continue trimming, using your Xacto blade to get right up against the sticker. Step 5: Carefully make a vertical hole in the clay with a needle. Stamptramp: Double Embossed Dog Tag Tutorial. Hi all! I have been having a lot of fun in the studio lately playing with some new products and I have a very cool project to share with you! A couple of months ago, Els from Elizabeth Craft Designs was kind enough to send me a set of her new jewelry dies. Of course, my first thought was, 'what can I cut with these?! ' They are wafer thin dies, but I really wanted to see if they would cut aluminum flashing. I was shocked when they cut it like it was butter! I set the dog tags aside and got distracted with something else (typical). Last week Wendy Vecchi sent me a selection of her embossing powders (it was like Christmas!)

My first experiment yielded a cool necklace (which I'll post soon). Begin by cutting a dog tag from aluminum flashing (I got mine from Lowe's) using the largest dog tag die. Next, sprinkle Wendy Vecchi's Orange Blossom embossing powder over the tag, making sure to leave a few areas open. While the paste is still wet, cover with silver embossing power. Stageit - Micah Schnabel - Not the Boy You Used to Know EP Digital Release Party! DIY Tutorial: Snow Jar Necklace. A reader pointed out that I can make fairies in a jar with the glowing beads I made the other day. After a search for the how-to in the Internet, it looks like the craft calls for the liquid inside a glow stick. I am (still) struggling, trying to find out how to cut my glow stick (it seems like I will need a more powerful tool to cut through it). So, with whatever I had at the time, I made this glowing snow jar instead, minus the glow stick.

Salah seorang pembaca memberi ide bahwa saya bisa membuat toples ajaib dengan manik-manik dari cat fosfor yang saya buat bulan lalu. Setelah mencari-cari tutorialnya di Internet, kelihatannya untuk membuat toples ajaib tersebut dibutuhkan cairan dalam glow stick. What you need | Yang anda butuhkan: Small bottle/jar | Botol kecil;Water | Air;Glitter;Wire | Kawat;Necklace chain | Rantai kalung;[optional] Glow-in-the-dark paint | Cat fosfor;Glue | Lem;Plier | Tang.

Step 1: Fill 3/4 of the bottle with water. Langkah 1: Isi 3/4 botol anda dengan air. Tutorial: Alcohol Ink Crackled Metal Pendants — Tammy Tutterow Designs. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss a single post. Thanks for visiting! I am soooo excited to share this project with everyone! If you recall, last week I shared a piece of metal that I embossed with a Texture Fade, colored with Alcohol Inks, and then coated with Rock Candy Distress Crackle Paint (see that post HERE). If you remember, the effect was amazing looking but not very durable. Well, I did it! I do want to say that I got several suggestions to use Crackle Accents in place of the Rock Candy Distress Crackle Paint. Okay, so now, on with the tutorial. . . First up, to make the metal pendants like mine, you will need some sheet metal. Cut the metal pieces out using scissors. Along each edge, make two score lines, one at 1/8″ and one at 1/4″.

Trim about half of the metal away in the space between the edge and the first score line on each side. After you trim the edges, cut away the corners along the fold lines (as shown above). Whew! Art Recipe Wednesday: Vintage and Steampunk Pendants. Hi my darlings, I hope you are having a great week! I've been away for a couple of days enjoying the beauty of Irish wilderness in west of Mayo, recharging my batteries before new projects, challenges and classes. It was my so much needed time with my husband I'd promised him in... ehm... June? Anyway - it was amazing how lucky we were with the weather - and how enchanting, magical these places are... I fell in love in Atlantic and west coast from the first sight 9 years ago and let me tell you - this love is even stronger now! Today is Wednesday again, so as I promised - I'm back with new Art Recipe for you!

Altered Pendants - a bit vintage, a bit steampunk... something for everyone! The idea is very easy: combining Prima Mechanicals (especially the big ones: caps, pendants, watches and pendant caps) with a dose of bling: Art Ingredients Glass Beads (it's amazing how they are matching ANY kind of project) and mixture of Glass Glitter adding amazing sparkle and depth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Puffy Dimensional Paint Jewelry! Great Kid Craft! DIY Miniature Book Necklace, Anthropologie knock-off and why I stopped reading. » Debi's Design Diary. I walked into the kitchen telling myself that this time I might break her down, I handed the order form to my mom trying to act casual, as if checking off 12 boxes on the page was perfectly acceptable .

She scanned my second grade penmanship and said,”Debi, just two…” “but Mom!!!!” “Debi, space them out you can get two more next month” “please Mom… two is not enough, I really need to have ALL of these, and a month takes forever! All the other kids get to order a bunch of books! My argument never worked, two books a month from the scholastic reading program is what our family budget allowed but at seven years old I didn’t understand budgets or restraint, I just wanted to read as many of the shiny colorful books in the catalog as possible.

I have been thinking about my love of books a lot lately, some people say that reading books in on the decline even among avid book enthusiast! This weeks video is a DIY tribute to my long lost love of books, it’s for book worms everywhere! Sincerely, Debi. I Try DIY: Jigsaw Puzzle BFF Necklace Pendants. So, I came upon a few of these mini jigsaw puzzles at home. I'm not much a fan of small puzzles, or Sophia (?) For that matter, so I decided to make something out of it. BFF Necklaces were all the rage when I was younger. I remember buying this pair of necklaces, each got half a heart with the words Best Friends Forever engraved on it. I think one had Bugs Bunny on it, and the other had the Tazmanian Devil. It was meant to be shared with your one best bud. I took four pieces of adjacent puzzle pieces. I found spray paint in chrome silver at NBS.

Once completely dry, you'll need to hook on some jump rings so you can easily string them onto your necklace chains. I used my Crop-A-Dile Big Bite Punch to punch the holes easily. Find a type of necklace chain you like. Give each of your BFF's a piece of the puzzle. DIY: Marbled Washer Necklace Tutorial. One of the BEST things about DIY is that you are able to make something from practically nothing. It’s pretty darn cool. What’s even cooler is when you take something that you don’t normally find at the craft store and craft with it. Hardware store crafting is HUGE right now and this is hardly the first ever washer necklace tutorial out there.

There are tons and lots with a slightly different spin on the project that makes it fun and unique! I also love crafting because it’s a way to pass time. It’s nice to crochet or embroider or do any number of crafty things, but sometimes you just want to play around, maybe make a mess and create something that is totally one of a kind. For this project you will need: WashersAlcohol inksStraw, cotton swabs, etc (optional)Spray polyurethaneAlcohol and cloths or paper towelsBails, chain and clasps, as needed Go out to the garage and raid the hardware drawer for some fun washers.

Drip, drop or brush on your alcohol ink. So what do you think? Doodle Craft...: Damask Polymer Clay Pendants! Damask Polymer Clay Pendants! It's easy to make these colorful pendants! When all was said and done...I liked the damask ones the BEST! You just need oven bake clay, like this white sculpey. Some rubber stamps...and paint! Soften and roll out some clay about 1/4" thick. Stamp an impression on the clay Use a cookie cutter to cut the clay Add a necklace hole with a straw Place on a tray and bake according to package directions.

Now it is time to paint! Now, add some other colors... Dab another color on it and get down in all the cracks. Just over part of the pendant. Then use a damp cloth and wipe off the top surface of the paint. Add on some more paint, in another color! Wipe again. Keep it like this... Or keep wiping and the paint on the highest surface will wipe off and show the white clay again! Repeat again---for a stunning sort of tie dye effect! These are gorgeous and would make great ornaments too! Add a chain, cord or whatever to make a stunning necklace! Blitsy Crafts: Turn Your Favorite Paper Into Jewelry! Do you have a favorite paper that you are literally OBSESSED with? Well, guess what? You can now turn that paper into wearable art! What are you waiting for? Head over to Blitsy when our sale launches to scoop up your supplies so you can start designing your own jewelry!

- Paper- Paint Brush- Scissors Let's get crafty! Step 1: Cut your paper so it fits inside of your metal blank. Step 2: Put Mod Podge on the back of your paper and glue it to the inside of your blank. Step 3: Add any words, or other paper designs to your blank. Step 4: Place your designer charms where you want them on your blank. Step 5: Go over the entire surface of your blank with your Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. DIY Bird Nest Necklace Tutorial. Creating a unique piece of jewelry for Mother’s Day, or any day really, can be difficult. You’ve celebrated several holidays with your mom, hopefully, so you’ve given her lots of gifts! Coming up with one she hasn’t seen yet… well, you may be left racking your brain a bit.

Since we started Slap Dash Things, I’ve found a new love for one of a kind jewelry. Create this DIY Bird Nest Necklace with me and you will, too! Very rarely do I have time to really read blogs, but this week I found a new blog I’m now obsessed with: Super newbie? DIY Bird Nest Necklace Tutorial You’ll need: - 20 or 24 gauge wire (24 is easier to work with) - wire cutters - a few beads Be sure that your wire is small enough to thread through the beads. Yep, keep wrapping… it’ll take a while. Attach a jump ring (optional) and chain for a necklace, and you’ve got a unique piece of jewelry handcrafted by you! If you like it, be sure to pin it! And have fun with the leftovers! Wear it proudly! (itsy) Bitsy Books… | Awesomesauce & Asshattery. Our local charity shop has a take-it-or-it-goes-in-the-rubbish box just inside the front door. I usually avoid digging through it because if the charity shop thinks something belongs in the bin, it probably does.

However, on my last thrifting expedition I literally tripped over this beauty dangling over the edge of the box – most likely attempting an escape before it got dumped in the trash: a groovy patchwork leather purse…just what I had been looking for to mate with the leftovers from my secret book safe to create… …fanfreakingtastic mini book pendants! Here’s how to make your own with stuff you already have in the house: First, I deconstructed the purse & washed the leather pieces then I grabbed my awesome mini-drill, exacto knife, scissors, plant wire (the same stuff I used here), paint brush, leftover book pages, glue, pliers & chose a few scraps of leather… cut a few small rectangles of leather for the outside of your books - mine measured 4.5cm x 2cm arrange the pages on the leather… Eat.sleep.MAKE.: CRAFT: Leather Leaves Necklace. You can find some hidden treasures at estate sales if you look hard enough (and Shannon is the master of estate sales, check out her 3-part guide to estate saling 101 HERE.)

While rummaging through some things in the garage of at a local estate sale recently, I came upon a bag of leather scraps for dirt cheap. They were on a high shelf, sitting unassumingly among odds and ends. I grabbed them up as soon as I saw them and my mind began to churn with all the possibilities. You can buy bags of scrap leather at Hobby Lobby for pretty cheap, but you can't beat finding a bag of leather scraps at an estate sale for $3! For my first leather project (ever!)

I made this simple fall-themed leaf necklace. It's become my new favorite, I wear it with everything! SUPPLIES: suede cord, 2 large jump rings, 2 beads, 1 head pin, scrap leather, round nose pliers, wire cutters, and a leather punch or Crop-A-Dile. ONE: cut out 2 leaf shapes from your leather scraps. DIY Hunger Games Locket. I’m really excited to share today’s project with you. It’s an easy keepsake glass locket that I made with a Hunger Games theme – you can really personalize these awesome lockets however you like, but as I’m getting ready for the Catching Fire movie to come out, I’ll tell you a little bit about how I made mine!

Glass lockets are available at a few different jewelry sources, I like Goody Beads but you can find them elsewhere as well. The charms I used were some I picked up at several different sources as I was planning this piece. Since I can’t give you a way to replicate this look exactly, I am going to give you some suggestions for putting your own locket together! If you’re planning a Hunger Games theme too, here are some suggestions. First of all, you want your charm size to be approximately half the diameter of your locket, otherwise your locket will end up looking a bit empty. Polymer clay is a great medium, and I used Shrinky Dinks to make a couple of my charms! Faux-Dichroic Glass Pendants (Recycle Craft) Today I have a fun recycle craft for you- Faux Dichroic Glass Pendants.

I love the look of fused glass but don’t have the time, tools or inclination! So I came up with this great way to reuse beach glass (or tumbled glass shards) and….wait for it….basket cellophane! Before I get to the tute, let me show you how they look worked up into finished jewelry. It’s pretty simple. Mod Podge Dimensional Magic -it’s what I used, albeit in the old packaging. You cal also use bits of holographic gift wrap (the shiny plastic kind) and even stickers like Magenta Peel-offs or Dazzles! The first thing you do is coat your piece of glass with a thin layer of MPDM- just a dot will do. Tap the cellophane onto the tacky glass. Then cut smaller bits- stripes or random shapes- and repeat the process. When you are satisfied, finish with a thicker coat of MPDM for a glossy, glass-like finish!

Remember that it goes on cloudy, but dries crystal-clear! (Yeah, I know dimensionality is a made-up word. How to make a paper Chinese lantern pendant | I Love Paper Beads. DIY Bird Nest Necklace Tutorial. Viktoria Slutsky - Claying Mama: Petite Pendant With Crystal Rhinestone Tutorial. Lightning In A Bottle Tutorial. DIY: Fairy Dust Necklaces | LexyLevin. Dictionary Necklace. DIY Tape Roll Pendant | onelmon. Washi, washi, washi. 14 Days of Love- Sweet Vintage Spool Necklaces. Double Fingerprint Heart Necklace. Birdhouse Art to Wear: An Easy Mixed-Media Jewelry Project - Cloth Paper Scissors Today. Steampunk Jewelry- Number 4 Dictionary Pendant. Adult Friendship Bracelets | Shades of Tangerine. Make pie chart paper pendants. Spider - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial. Mummy - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial. POTION No. 9 - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial. WATCHING EYE - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial. Caged Skull - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial.

Resin Jewelry Making: Double-Sided Resin Butterfly Pendant - Jewelry Making Daily. Birdhouse Art to Wear: An Easy Mixed-Media Jewelry Project - Cloth Paper Scissors Today. Copper Pipe Pendants.