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Learning Japanese

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Studying in Japan. More than 100,000 international students are currently studying at universities, junior colleges, professional schools and other educational institutions in Japan.

Studying in Japan

Their number has been increasing rapidly since the 1980s, with two thirds of the students coming from China. Visa Matters Short time studies at Japanese language schools are permitted on a tourist visa. Nukemarine's Suggested Guide for Beginners. I'll be honest, this is more of a thread I can link to whenever anyone asks "how to begin or what next?

Nukemarine's Suggested Guide for Beginners

". I figure it works better than retyping the same thing each time. Also, each of us has our own opinion on how to go about the self study route, and that's all this is: my opinion based on both my experience and feedback from this forum. This roadmap is aimed at people involved in a career where one can only spare 1 to 2 hours a day for to study.


Vocab. Kana and kanji. Grammar. SRS. AJATT: All Japanese All The Time. Penpals. A/V links.