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Social interfaces. Les nouveaux Réseaux sociaux professionnels arrivent. Une floppée de nouveaux Réseaux sociaux professionnels vient de débarquer ! Après les Réseaux sociaux pros "généralistes" comme Linkedin et Viadeo, place aux Réseaux sociaux pros hyper spécialisés. Les Groupes et autres Hubs ne suffisent plus, les professionnels et les "experts" ont besoin de lieux d'échanges plus riches et plus développés où ils retrouvent leurs pairs ou les professionnels de leur région. La spécialisation des réseaux sociaux professionnels est donc la tendance du moment. A l'occasion de la sortie de Muxi et Linkeol, je vous propose un panorama des Réseaux sociaux professionnels (liste enrichie le 28 décembre 2011 à partir des nombreux commentaires) : les "Sectoriels", les "Entrepreneurs", les "Locaux", les "Sectoriels-Locaux", les "Générationnels" et les "CSP" !

Les "Sectoriels" Muxi Directement inspiré du modèle des confréries, Muxi est un réseau social organisé par secteurs d’activité (les 68 "Fraternités") et par métiers (les 300 "Cercles"). La Hierarchie sociale mupiz. Elements Of A Trustworthy E-Commerce Web Design. Should I trust you? That’s what e-commerce shoppers are asking as they creep closer and closer to making a purchase. You can’t blame them. They are about to put their credit card information into your website in the hopes that you will deliver the goods. There are no hard rules about designing for e-Commerce, but there are plenty of fundamentals to follow to ensure you are garnering the trust necessary to be successful. In this article we will delve deeper into these fundamentals and expose some areas that may be creating some skeptical shoppers on your website. 1.

An online shopper is making a sacrifice. Notice how REI places their guarantee front and center early on in the buying process. 2. If you are selling a number of products, you better have a search function and it better work well. You can find the absinthes that most suits you by using the array of filters on the search bar at All Absinthes. 3. Customer reviews are critical in the success of an e-commerce website. 4. 5. 6. 10 Rules to Follow for Popups and Modal Windows. Skillfully used popups or unclicked modal windows are among the best ways to attract newsletter subscribers, to sell affiliate products, and to generally get your message noticed.

The problem with them is that they are at times far too obtrusive and users do hate it when you bombard them with popups. This is why you do need to find the balance between using popups for marketing purposes and keeping your visitors happy. Here are 10 basic rules to follow to make your popups good instead of annoying. 1. Make the Popup/Modal Simple Since a popup is really visible, you might be tempted to include lots of things in it.

This is a huge mistake! Second, the more stuff you put in a popup, the higher the chance the user will leave. Therefore, the elements you can include in a popup are your logo, a field for the email address, optionally a Name field, a Subscribe button, and of course, a Close button. 2. For users, the Close button is the most important component of a popup they don’t like. 3. 4. Seven UX Best Practices of Community Design. Business strategists have long preached the advice, “Adapt or die.” Adaptation is happening in the social pond with a user’s social graphs influencing online and offline decisions. A user’s community is more important than ever. Businesses are mining online communities for valuable consumer information that can influence every phase in their go-to-market cycle, from product innovation to fostering repeat purchases.

The definitive tome on the social movement, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies, foretells, “Within a few years, a company that doesn’t engage in this sort of activity will look dated… companies that aren’t wired into the groundswell in 2012 will look very 20th century—which is to say, out of touch.” The transition means that UX designers no longer design “flat sites” or interactions where the company pushes out content, but rather ones that foster rich community interaction and contribution. 1. 2.

Browsing Searching Contributing 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Improve The User Experience By Tracking Errors - Smashing UX Design. Comprehensive Review Of Usability And User Experience Testing Tools - Smashing UX Design. Advertisement Usability and user experience testing is vital to creating a successful website, and only more so if it’s an e-commerce website, a complex app or another website for which there’s a definite ROI. And running your own user tests to find out how users are interacting with your website and where problems might arise is completely possible. But using one of the many existing tools and services for user testing is a lot easier than creating your own. Free, freemium and premium tools are out there, with options for most budgets. Free And Freemium Tools A ton of free and freemium tools are out there to test your website’s usability and user experience.

Ethnio Ethnio enables you to intercept visitors on your website and recruit them to help you with research (you can offer incentives to make participation more enticing). Simple Mouse Tracking Mouse tracking is a great way to see how visitors are actually interacting with your website. Premium Tools (al) It's done. Wireframe Easily and Beautifully with Interface Libraries. By anthony on 06/17/12 at 9:21 am 10 Reasons You’ll Love Interface Libraries You get six libraries (Mobile, Buttons, Forms, Navigations, Content, Annotations) for one great price.You get the files for Omnigraffle, Illustrator and Fireworks.You get free updates to Interface Libraries forever.You’ll be able to work fast and easy with these drag-and-drop libraries.You’ll impress your clients with the beautiful, professional wireframes you make.You’ll impress your colleagues with your consistent and standardized approach.You’ll be able to resize the vector objects any way you want.You’ll have all the necessary interface objects at your disposal.You’ll communicate your design ideas clearly and effectively to clients.You’ll create amazing interfaces and applications for your clients.

No other wireframing toolkit compares to Interface Libraries. With Interface Libraries, you’ll make wireframes that ooze with beauty and professionalism. The single user license is $27.00 for one person. Trading Cards / Customer Research, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Usability, User Experience.


Easy home page. Steve Krug on the least you can do about usability. Experience Is The Product. Designing The User Experience Curve 2.0. Designing for delight (Giles Colborne)