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Sunny Side up | Documentary Evolution. Mirella carrozzieri sur Twitter : "Thanks to everyone!!! #milestone #documentaryevolution #scoopit...

Panel about film, transmedia & interactive

Transmedia - interactive doc. Doc resources. Watch. DOCUMENTAIRE. Documentary Evolution. DOCUMENTARY! New Trends, New Formats | DOCUMENTAL! Nuevas tendencias, nuevos formatos. Filmmaker, writer, visual artist. He has lived ten years in New York and five in Mexico City, participating in projects in seventeen countries. He has received over forty honors including two awards at Berlinale, Emmy Nominee and National Geographic Prize. His work has been selected at Sundance, MoMa, Whitney Biennial, Lincoln Center, Harvard University, PBS, BBC, TVE and Canal+. Former director of international relations at New York Film Academy, program director at Televisa, and director of Cancun Riviera Maya International Film Festival.

He has collaborated at NBC, Vivendi Universal, and Rockefeller Foundation. Fulbright scholar and PhD Audiovisual Communication with studies at Columbia University. Profesor asociado en la UC3M. IMR_Fall14_InteractiveDocs - Documentos Google. Quel modèle économique pour le financement d’un dispositif transmédia ? | Audiovisual 2.0. Documentario e le sue declinazioni internettiane. Highlights from Tribeca Interactive | Documenta. TFI LIVE Podcast - Episode #1 | Documentary Evo... Poynter. As a journalist, taking good notes is crucial to keeping your facts straight. But most writers do this simply for the purposes of the story at hand and then move on once it’s published. Few consider this fact: Fleeting thoughts and observations that seem interesting, if not directly relevant to your article, could someday lead to another story, whether that’s a quick blog post or a book.

Capturing these random thoughts in an organized fashion is challenging. That could be why few writers do what is sometimes called collecting “string” — or, random threads of thought that could someday be spun into a larger story. Below, I describe three very different methods for organizing string and recommend some software that could help organize the information for you. Jonathan Weiner’s Index Method: Very Organized Let’s say Weiner is interested in writing something about the history of zoology, but he isn’t really sure what he wants to write about yet. Readings → Science → History of Zoology → Fossey. Login to Luke McMillan's Blog - The Rational Design Handbook: Four Primary Metrics. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.

The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. In my last post, I gave an introduction to the process of RLD and how it can be applied to designing a simple jumping puzzle. When I posted the first part of this series on Gamasutra, it sparked significant debate within the community. Although tools don’t stifle art, their effectiveness is ultimately governed by the skills and knowledge of those wielding them. In many ways, this debate has remarkable similarities to the production of music. With this in mind, I have decided to re-write the second installment of the RLD Handbook to acknowledge the similarities of RLD and music production by depicting the RLD process as a tool akin to those used in audio production. Figure 1[1]: The Avalon Vt Pre-Amp. Preamps work in a linear, sequential fashion. Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 8 Figure 9 1. My Mother Has No Idea What I Do For A Living by...

DOK Leipzig Net Lab | DOK Leipzig. The DOK Leipzig Net Lab 2013 is a two part conference lab, which offers new insights on transmedia storytelling and production, provides a platform to exchange and network and creates the opportunity to join forces with experienced colleagues and international tutors. The selected project teams get intense individual support for their cross media project, with an in-depth look at interactive storytelling and media architecture. Day one offers inspirational talks, case studies, presentations and round table meetings with international experts. This is a platform where up to 60 international media creatives meet like-minded people, build new networks, exchange ideas and share their experiences.

Day two is dedicated to intense tutoring and support for the eight hand-picked transmedia projects in progress and their teams; we provide concrete support for projects in development, production or post-production stage. 4 Star Hotel, Italy Producer: Fabio RagazzoWeb Design: Martino Bresin. Le pôle web d’Arte, avec M. Lévy-Leblond et G. Freissinier.

Quoi de neuf du côté du pôle web d’Arte ? Le Blog documentaire s’est rendu dans les locaux isséns de la chaîne franco-allemande pour le savoir. Quelle stratégie, quelle ligne éditoriale ? Quid du jeu vidéo ou de l’animation ? Que penser de l’archivage ou des projections de webdocs en salles ? Alors qu’Arte peaufine de nouvelles productions d’envergure attendues dans les prochains mois ("Fort McMoney", "Type:Rider", "Mémoire vive"), tour d’horizon des questions actuelles avec Marianne Lévy-Leblond, responsable des productions web et des projets transmédias, et Gilles Freissinier, successeur de David Carzon à la direction de l’unité web. ARTE Zen – © C. Le Blog documentaire – Gilles, votre arrivée au sein du pôle web d’Arte, c’est aussi un peu de l’esprit Canal + qui souffle désormais dans les couloirs ?

Gilles FRESSINIER – Il y soufflait déjà ! Mais rassurez-vous : je suis loin d’être perdu dans cette nouvelle maison ! Marianne LEVY-LEBLOND – Il y a deux éléments de réponse. M. M. M. M. Transmédia Naissance d’un concept entre imagination et raison. Depuis quelques mois, le concept se répand dans les directions des grandes chaînes de télévision mais aussi du côté d’opérateurs de télécommunication. À l’heure de la multiplication des écrans (TV, mobiles, ordinateurs…) et, surtout, de leur usage en simultané, l’avenir aurait pour nom « transmédia ».

Le terme n’est pas encore entré dans le Larousse et sa définition même est fluctuante. Mais les phénomènes et les évolutions qu’il recouvre n’en sont pas moins bien réels. Avant de les aborder pleinement, risquons néanmoins une première définition, rudimentaire, du transmédia : il s’agirait d’une nouvelle façon de concevoir des histoires, à partir de la prise en compte des nouveaux usages des outils de communication. Le transmédia paraît ainsi une source intarissable de créativité, qui doit beaucoup à la culture des jeux vidéo. . (1) Éditions Le Pommier, 2012. [LIVE STREAMING] Suivez en direct les Cross Video Days. Quel modèle économique pour le financement d’un dispositif transmédia ? → On n’a pas le budget ! Que vous soyez journaliste, auteur, producteur transmedia, agence ou photographe, vous avez tous entendu un jour cette phrase qui tombe comme un couperet mettant […] Le top 10 des pages Facebook des musées francais avec ShoorK{metrix} → J’ai découvert aujourd’hui un nouveau service web bien utile pour tout ceux qui veulent optimiser leur stratégie sociale marketing sur Facebook.

Ce service se nomme ShoorK{metrix} et il suit près de 1 200 […] Entretien sur le transmédia avec Eric Viennot → A l’occasion du SmartFipa, nous avons eu la chance de nous entretenir avec Eric Viennot, fondateur du studio Lexis Numérique et créateur d’Alt Minds. Lancement de la série « Black Sails » sur Starz et OCS Max → Le 26 janvier prochain à 20h50, quelques dizaines d’heures après sa diffusion aux Etats-Unis, OCS diffusera le premier épisode de la série Black Sails en version originale sous-titrée. CC Search. La evolución del Storytelling. At Tribeca Film Festival, ‘Storyscapes&rs... The New Digital Storytelling Series: Kamal Sinclair | Filmmaker Magazine | Audiovisual 2.0. L’expérience immersive du web documentaire : études de cas et pistes de (...) Qu'est ce qu'un webdocumentaire ou webdoc ? | Documentary Evolution. Interactive Storytelling 101 Workshop Resources · TheFaithful · Storify | Documentary Evolution.

POV Hackathon: Five Documentary Prototypes From a Weekend of Hacking | POV Films Blog | PBS | Documentary Evolution. Sheffield Doc/Fest 2012 Report. Sheffield’s Doc/Fest is like Mecca for British doc filmmakers, compelled to make the pilgrimage for four days of networking and film screenings. Aspiring documentary filmmaker and BAFTA Youth Board member Jacob Harbord reports from last month's event.

Good stories over social issues Within an hour of arriving on the first day, I found myself sharing a pew with scores of industry insiders as we listened to commissioning editors from all corners of the globe pass on their vision for documentary’s future and explain what they’re looking to buy. Virtually all agreed that the emotional impact of a film was what they were most excited by, that only feelings can convey the hard facts properly, and that good stories were preferred over social issue films.

The potential of user-generated content and web projects were also hot topics, with the possibility of collating masses of material into multi-perspectival mosaics emerging as a particular point of interest. Networking: Fun, not awkward Top Tips. Now and Then: What Can We Demand of the Documentary--Subjects, Aesthetics, Goals and Business Models? 'The Invisible War' In a recent interview with Rahul Chadha, Thom Powers — filmmaker, co-founder of the Cinema Eye Honors, Toronto and Sundance Channel programmer, general documentary savant — made clear that the strength and diversity of documentary sales at Sundance stemmed from a shift away from traditional theatrical programming.

HBO may now be this country's foremost force in documentary filmmaking, while Showtime, A&E, CNN, ESPN, Sundance Channel, IFC, and Epix are joining the fray. Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon Video, among other VOD platforms, now offer more nonfiction options than all but the best art houses. If you don't live in New York or Los Angeles, small screens are often the only place to see most documentaries these days: of 2012's rich documentary slate, I saw exactly zero on a big screen. This could be construed as the sad state of movies, yet further evidence to support the doomsday scenarios floating in the Internet's ether.

"Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present. " Sound for documentary, Part 1: Eight fundamental concepts. The (Near-) Future of the Web Documentary | Documentary Evolution. Jason Brush and Michel Reilhac Discuss the Second Screen and New Interactive Cinema at SXSW | Filmmaker Magazine | Audiovisual 2.0. The D-Word: Pitch This! - Developing a Pitch and Logline to Fund Your Doc. NABC: How to develop an idea Video. Sheffield Doc/Fest Animates: Documentary Distribution Video. Crewing Timelines Video. Doc/webdoc : Synthèse subjective du Sunny Side. L’édito de ce mois de juillet sur Le Blog documentaire n’est pas un édito. C’est d’abord et avant tout un bilan du Sunny Side de La Rochelle. L’occasion de dessiner les contours d’une partie de l’offre à venir en matière de documentaires et de webdocumentaires… Mais dès après l’événement phare pour tous les acheteurs, diffuseurs et producteurs de la planète documentaire, les festivals se bousculent, à commencer par le FID de Marseille dont nous sommes partenaires… 1755 participants, 286 décideurs et acheteurs, 400 sociétés exposantes… Le 23eme Sunny Side of the Doc s’est achevé ce vendredi 29 juin à La Rochelle dans un climat plus ou moins serein.L’événement a été ponctué de nombreuses rencontres ; de la confidentialité des négociations entre producteurs et diffuseurs à la convivialité de rendez-vous plus ouverts autour du webdocumentaire ou des coproductions internationales.

Commençons par les coproductions internationales, justement. Actualité chargée également côté webdoc. Pushing the boundaries of news: Why gamify investigations and current affairs? We live in an age where media is undergoing the most dramatic transformation since Gutenberg mass printed the bible. Newspapers and broadcasters around the world are trying to adapt to the digital age beset by fear that they are losing the attention of the audiences. So the questions was, could we, at Al Jazeera come up with an original, interactive, investigative story that would transform viewers into players and capture their attention?

Our project started as a brainstorm about how best to tell the viewers what a real investigation is like. On screen, a TV or film audience is most likely to see a linear narrative, carefully assembled over weeks in the edit where we show the steps we took to investigate a crime. What we don’t tend to show are our many failed attempts as journalists and investigators before we get to the end. Our investigation into illegal fishing in Sierra Leone is an example in point. The god of television smiled on us. It wasn’t. Digital Storytelling: è ancora "effetto Snow Fall" Percorso > Home / Digitale / Digital Storytelling: è ancora "effetto Snow Fall" Il suo, di Online News Association’s Award, Snow Fall lo ha vinto l’anno scorso. In quell’occasione l’ormai emblematico reportage del New York Times sulla valanga che il 19 febbraio 2012 ha travolto un gruppo di sciatori uccidendone tre si è portato a casa il premio per Best Feature (Large).

Tanto per rinfrescarci la memoria, Snow Fall ha vinto anche il Pulitzer, il medesimo anno. L’edizione 2014 degli Online Journalism Awards, tuttavia, vedrà il progetto del New York Times celebrare un altro trionfo: quello di essere riuscito a conquistare praticamente ogni redazione degli States (e anche molte al di fuori) ed essere diventato un trend. Di Snow Fall si è detto tutto: che è costato troppo, che era il futuro del giornalismo e anche che non era il futuro del giornalismo, che al New York Times potevano anche sperarci, ma non sarebbe stato questo tipo di progetti a cambiare il destino della Dama Grigia. The Listen Tree Project | Documentary Evolution...