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Povezave do FB skupin. Mobile VR & Casque VR pour smartphones - Actualités. CERV | Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle – European Center for Virtual Reality. AFRV, Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, Augmentée, Mixte et d'Interaction 3D | Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, Augmentée, Mixte et d'Interaction 3D. Cartographie des acteurs | AFRV, Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, Augmentée, Mixte et d'Interaction 3D.

Laval virtual forum. Very-VR : toute la réalité virtuelle (VR) Myoken | MYOKEN : agence réalité augmentée, réalité virtuelle, vidéo 360. News du Web, Hardware, Software, Jeux, Astuces, Anonymat. Cpv. Uradni list - Vsebina Uradnega lista. Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 14. člena zakona o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (Uradni list RS, št. 56/99) izdaja minister za delo, družino in socialne zadeve P R A V I L N I K o načinu izdelave izjave o varnosti z oceno tveganja 1. člen (vsebina pravilnika) Ta pravilnik določa vsebino izjave o varnosti z oceno tveganja, s katero delodajalec določi način in ukrepe za zagotavljanje varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Delodajalec mora vsebino izjave o varnosti dopolnjevati ob vsaki novo ugotovljeni nevarnosti in spremembi ravni tveganja. 2. člen (izjava o varnosti) Izjava o varnosti je listina, s katero delodajalec pisno izjavi, da izvaja vse ukrepe za zagotovitev varnosti in zdravja pri delu, glede preprečevanja nevarnosti in tveganja pri delu, obveščanja in usposabljanja delavcev, dajanja navodil, ustrezne organiziranosti ter zagotavljanja potrebnih materialnih sredstev v ta namen. 3. člen (definicije) 4. člen (sestavine izjave o varnosti) 5. člen (ocenjevanje tveganja) 6. člen (opredelitev nevarnosti)

Pravilnik o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih delavcev. Opozorilo: Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo predpisa predstavlja zgolj informativni delovni pripomoček, glede katerega organ ne jamči odškodninsko ali kako drugače. Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo Pravilnika o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih delavcev obsega: - Pravilnik o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih delavcev (Uradni list RS, št. 87/02 z dne 17. 10. 2002), - Popravek pravilnika o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih (Uradni list RS, št. 29/03 z dne 21. 3. 2003), - Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih delavcev (Uradni list RS, št. 124/06 z dne 1. 12. 2006). o preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledih delavcev (neuradno prečiščeno besedilo št. 1) 1. člen S tem pravilnikom se natančneje določajo vrste, obseg in vsebina preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledov delavcev ter način in roki za opravljanje teh pregledov. 2. člen 3. člen Pred začetkom preventivnega zdravstvenega pregleda pooblaščeni zdravnik lahko opravi ogled delovnega okolja. 4. člen 5. člen 6. člen.

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VRFavs - The best Virtual Reality bookmarks. PressReleaseVRFUNDEULANDSCAPE Final. Europe's virtual reality sector has grown to nearly 300 companies | VentureBeat | AR/VR | by Dean Takahashi. Europe’s booming virtual reality ecosystem now consists of nearly 300 companies, according to the first European Virtual Reality landscape released by The Venture Reality Fund and France’s LucidWeb. Silicon Valley-based venture firm The Venture Reality Fund tracks investments in the augmented reality and VR markets, but most of the action in the past has focused on U.S. companies. But now the VR Fund has created its first graphic showing the region’s growth in the VR ecosystem, its increased investment, and its growing international impact.

The European VR landscape is based on extensive research and information gathered during meetings and calls with regional VR ambassadors across Europe. Close to 300 VR startups were identified and reviewed, of which 116 were selected to be part of the first release of the VR Landscape Europe. Companies are also creating 360-degree VR capture hardware and software, with two French companies, VideoStitch and Giroptic, at the forefront.

Virtuelna realnost - najnovije vesti iz VR sveta. Oculus Connect 3 Closing Keynote: John Carmack. How Palmer Luckey Created Oculus Rift. On the afternoon of July 4, 2012, Brendan Iribe, Nate Mitchell and Michael Antonov sat in a room at the Long Beach Hilton, nervously waiting for Palmer Luckey. Luckey was late—very late, in fact—but that wasn’t the only thing making them edgy. Just days before, the three video game industry veterans had agreed to found a company with Luckey to develop a device he called the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that had been lauded as revolutionary by nearly everyone who had tested it. Because this new venture conflicted with a deal they’d made with another tech company, partnering with Luckey meant potentially forfeiting millions of dollars.

And therein lay the source of their anxiety: Not only were they walking away from a lot of money, the three were gambling on a product they had never actually tried themselves. When Luckey finally bounded into the room, clad in T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, Iribe’s unease about the risk they’d taken escalated. That’s Oculus? H. La nausée, le grand mal de la réalité virtuelle. Les casques de réalité virtuelle provoquent parfois des effets indésirables à leurs utilisateurs. Un risque que doivent prendre en compte l'industrie et les éditeurs de jeu. Le futur peut parfois donner envie de vomir. Ces derniers mois, plusieurs casques de réalité virtuelle sont arrivés sur le marché, comme l'Oculus Rift (propriété de Facebook), le HTC Vive ou le PlayStation VR.

L'occasion pour les joueurs de découvrir une nouvelle technologie prometteuse, mais aussi de se confronter à un problème dont ils n'ont pas forcément été avertis: les effets secondaires pénibles de la réalité virtuelle Pour beaucoup de personnes, l'expérience des casques de réalité virtuelle se fait au prix d'effets secondaires plus ou moins pénibles. Yeux secs, maux de tête, et, surtout, de fortes nausées. Trois ans plus tard, la cybermaladie sévit toujours. Un trouble commun mais inconnu Comme la cinétose, les nausées liées à la réalité virtuelle ne touchent pas toutes les personnes de la même manière.

Vomit Reality: Why VR makes some of us feel sick and how to make it stop. Did you know that during a flight that experiences turbulence, more than 25 percent of the passengers will experience symptoms of motion sickness? And a fairly big proportion of them will likely throw up? Many of us are used to the symptoms of motion sickness as we travel - nausea, sweating and headaches - but we'll pop an anti-nausea pill, take some ginger or just wait it out, because it's an inevitability. Now Sony's PlayStation VR is promising to take the tech mainstream but more and more people are reporting that they experience symptoms of motion sickness while they're wearing VR headsets. When you've forked out a fortune for the tech and most likely bought it for entertainment or educational purposes, it's not as easy to ignore your symptoms or just hope they pass.

We wanted to explore why we experience motion sickness when we wear VR headsets, who feels the symptoms the most and what tech companies are doing to address the problems. What is motion sickness? How to watch VR porn: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Watching porn on your laptop is going the same way as hiding dirty magazines and VHS tapes under your mattress. In its place, wearable technology and, more specifically, virtual reality headsets are transforming adult-only content into something far more real and immersive. Barely had the first consumer VR headsets dropped before porn pushers were getting naked in front of 3D camera rigs and uploading their antics to the internet.

Now, as VR finds its way into more and more homes, so too is VR porn - you filthy animals. It's still in its infancy though, can vary in quality, and isn't always the easiest to access. Know where to look and which devices to use, however, and there's plenty of high-end footage out there for all tastes and tickles that's far more immersive and life-like than traditional 2D smut. So, how can you watch VR porn? What is VR porn? VR porn, and there's no prizes for guessing this, is pornography that you can enjoy on virtual reality headsets. Who can watch it? Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing - From You can't expect a new team to perform well when it first comes together. Forming a team takes time, and members often go through recognizable stages as they change from being a collection of strangers to a united group with common goals.

Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing model describes these stages. When you understand it, you can help your new team become effective more quickly. In this article and in the video, below, we'll look at how you can use this model to build a highly productive team. Click here to view a transcript of this video. About the Model Psychologist Bruce Tuckman first came up with the memorable phrase "forming, storming, norming, and performing" in his 1965 article, "Developmental Sequence in Small Groups. " Let's look at each stage in more detail. Forming In this stage, most team members are positive and polite. As leader, you play a dominant role at this stage, because team members' roles and responsibilities aren't clear. Storming Norming. Homeworking a guide for employers and employees.

Management Training and Leadership Training - Online. How Digital Nomads Went From Niche to Normal – Backchannel. When GitHub launched in 2008 as a digital repository of code for programmers, its handful of employees communicated mostly through instant messenger. There was no office. “Chat was our office,” GitHub founder and former CEO Tom Preston-Werner said in a 2013 interview with PandoDaily. In the beginning, GitHub’s team of remote employees was a cost-cutting strategy. Over time, however, Preston-Werner began to see the setup as a tactical advantage.

Hiring from everywhere allowed GitHub to recruit beyond the narrow swatch of talent congregating in Silicon Valley—a geographically diverse group that, naturally, had a global scale. Three years later, GitHub is considered a leader in the space of distributed work. As the US economy becomes increasingly globalized, expect tech startups and larger companies to hire overseas at a faster rate. It’s a bold prediction, but there are signs aplenty: Investors are tightening their purse strings and startups are beginning to feel the crunch.