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Living Spaces: Inspiration set 1. This year is going to be huge for Designcollector as we just entered our 10th Year of online existence.

Living Spaces: Inspiration set 1

During the New Year I was thinking to go beyond normal posts and focus on what we love to do – collect things under different categories. So we start the year with 1st Inspiration set of Living Spaces or simply great Interior Design examples (mostly done in Rustic, minimalists and industrial style) collected in our Pinterest View all sets. My first project. Reinventing San Francisco’s Oriental Warehouse Loft. Join the congregation. What are efficiency apartments?" An efficiency apartment is one of the smallest and least expensive apartment rental options on the market.

What are efficiency apartments?"

Also called a studio apartment, it's an open space concept design that incorporates the sleeping and living space into one area. The other two main features of an efficiency apartment are an enclosed bathroom and a kitchenette -- a small, open kitchen area. Occasionally, efficiency rentals have no kitchen at all. The biggest advantage to renting an efficiency apartment is the relatively low cost. The cost savings over a one bedroom apartment can be anywhere from 15 to 30 percent. Choosing a studio apartment or "efficiency" over another option is typically a cost cutting move, and it won't appeal to everyone.

GRAND CENTRAL - Apartments Madison WI - Campus and Downtown Living. Madison Apartments - Campus and Downtown Living - Madison WI - Apartments, Condominiums, Restaurants, Services. Urban Land Interests // Tobacco Row. 10 Clever Architectural Creations Using Cargo Containers: Shipping Container Homes and Offices. Cargo Architecture: 10 Shipping Container Homes & Offices Article by Urbanist, filed under Offices & Commercial in the Architecture category.

10 Clever Architectural Creations Using Cargo Containers: Shipping Container Homes and Offices

With the green theme growing in popularity across every stretch of the world, more and more people are turning to cargo container homes for green alternatives for office, and even new home, construction. There are countless numbers of empty, unused shipping containers around the world just sitting on the shipping docks and taking up space. The reason for this is that it’s too expensive for a country to ship empty containers back to the their origin in most cases, it’s just cheaper to buy new containers from Asia. The result is an extremely high surplus of empty shipping containers that are just waiting to become someone’s home or office.

There are plenty of benefits of to the so-called shipping container architecture model. The world’s first hotel built from recycled shipping containers has popped-up in Uxbridge, West London. Can I live in a warehouse? - rent apartment condo. Interior Design.

Architecture / Buildings

Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide. My Loft (Warehouse Apartment) Hydraulic Living Room Car Lift Rides Right into Your Home. Ah, to be rich enough to simply drive into your underground garage onto a lift and be carried right into the heart of your living room – or at least to be able to implement other creatively luxurious interior design ideas like this one.

Hydraulic Living Room Car Lift Rides Right into Your Home

A moving platform – finished with wood slats to match the surrounding floors – lifts up and down on a hydraulic system at the push of the button, almost like something out of a spy movie. Takuya Tsuchida (Photos by Koichi Torimura) twisted arms and fought building codes for his client when seeking to install this unique horizontal, in-house garage door and elevator system. Much like the infamous patio Cardok car lift design, the imprint left behind after the lifting process in the otherwise rather ordinary living room space is noticeable but not too obtrusive. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation. Derinkuyu, or: the allure of the underground city. My friend Robert and I finished reading Alan Weisman's The World Without Us almost simultaneously – and we both noted one specific passage.

Derinkuyu, or: the allure of the underground city

Before we get to that, however, the premise of Weisman's book – though it does, more often than not, drift away from this otherwise fascinating central narrative – is: what would happen to the Earth if humans disappeared overnight? What would humans leave behind – and how long would those remnants last? These questions lead Weisman at one point to discuss the underground cities of Cappadocia, Turkey, which, he says, will outlast nearly everything else humans have constructed here on Earth.

[Images: Derinkuyu, the great underground city of Cappadocia; images culled from a Google Images search and from Wikipedia]. [Images: Derinkuyu and a view of Cappadocia; images culled from a Google Images search and from Wikipedia]. Some tunnels lead from building to building. [Image: A map, altered by BLDGBLOG, of an underground Cappadocian metropolis]. Fantastical Places around the world where you can live in a cave.

Luxury Property, Interior Design, Exclusive Travel & Bespoke Furniture. Singita, Luxury African Game Reserve Singita, meaning place of miracles, is a group of world-renowned games reserves in Africa which provide a positive balance of hospitality, conservation and community for all of their guests.

Luxury Property, Interior Design, Exclusive Travel & Bespoke Furniture

The luxury lodges contain an eclectic mix of African heritage and European contemporary furniture which adds a luxury feel to this unique African game reserve. About Richard Barker Love Interior Design & Exotic Travel? Follow us.. May 25, 2010 | South Africa Travel | View comments Be enchanted, entertained and soothed at Nam Hai, Vietnam.