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Newsletter. Coke and Diet Coke Cans Should Be Polar Opposites, Buyers Say. Dec 1, 2011 4:34pm Image credit: Coke Don’t worry, Coke fans, those classic red cans are on their way back. The Coca-Cola Co. told ABC News today that it would be following up last month’s release of its white, holiday “Arctic Home” cans adorned with polar bears with a “limited-edition” red version. The Arctic Home campaign will run through March 2012 “We launched ‘Arctic Home’ to raise awareness and funds for the polar bear. … We committed up to $3 million to World Wildlife Fund and are encouraging others to join us in helping protect the bears and their habitat,” spokesman Rand Carpenter wrote via email.

Some consumers told ABC News today that although they liked the message behind the redesign, they mixed up the white can with Diet Coke. “We were confused and did think it was diet at first,” Lucie Kamuda McHan commented on Facebook. “I purchased three six-packs because I thought they were diet,” Gail O’Donnell of Danvers, Mass., told ABC News via email. Image credit: Tropicana. Blog David Merzel. Discover a new approach based on my own experience as marketer and in martial art.

Thanks to this innovative approach, I’ve been nominated Marketer of the Year. Just Click here_below to access the voting page. The spirit in Close Contact Marketing is basic: Treating your consumer with respect is the best way to win their heart. Applying the Close Contact Marketing technical I have developed within my team has been very succesful, for the launch of Kinect in Belgium. I want to share with you the approach that leads Belgium to be that successful.

The close contact Marketing is based on the following belief: once you convince the consumer, he becomes your best ambassador. Close contact marketing has its roots in eastern values of the martial arts such as karate: respect and direct involvement are part of it. Let me introduce these to you: Rule #1 : Engage Personally Involve yourself personally as a Marketeer. Rule #2 : Trying is Believing. Set up an authentic, winsome experience on your products. Culture & numerique. E-marketing. Community Management. Buzz.


Les 13 (types d’) outils du marketing online. Initié ou débutant, le webmarketeur a de nombreux outils à sa disposition pour promouvoir son site. Vous en connaissez certainement, c’est évident. Ce blog n’a pas pour habitude d’expliquer les basiques (et on a même tendance à faire des gros raccourcis) mais il est parfois bon d’établir un panorama à un instant T. Pour chaque outil/type d’outil, j’ai essayé de donner les principaux avantages( ), inconvénients( ) et une conclusion( Place aux outils ! 1. On en parle régulièrement sur ce blog, le référencement naturel est un outil incontournable du marketing on-line.

Lorsque les résultats sont au rendez-vous, il vous assure une rentabilité élevée ainsi qu’une légitimité/notoriété aux yeux des internautes Coût au clic « gratuit » ROI mesurable Rentabilité élevée à moyen/long terme L’internaute est en phase active de recherche lorsqu’il arrive sur votre site Les résultats ne sont pas instantanés Travail continu pour rester positionné sur le long terme Visibilité sur un nombre de mots-clés finis 2. 3.

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