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Game Design Concepts. Features - Building the Foundation of a Social Future. To say that social games are booming is an understatement.

Features - Building the Foundation of a Social Future

After having been in existence for only a scant few years, games on social networks like Facebook and MySpace are gaining users explosively. There are now over 200 million monthly users playing the top 10 Facebook games alone -- up by 50 million from August to September. Investors have certainly taken notice and, even in the depths of a recession, startups have been popping up left and right. With competition comes conflict and social gaming has been no exception -- already the space is a mire of me-too clones and lawsuits, with companies so busy looking over the shoulders of their neighbors that they've lost sight of the bigger picture. Rather than dashing headlong into this new space, throwing money, resources and litigation blithely and blindly, it may behoove us to pause for a moment and consider: just what is a social game? The term "social" is perhaps not very descriptive. 1. 2. 3.

FarmVille. Simplification. I Have No Words & I Must Design. This article was published in 1994 in Interactive Fantasy #2, a British roleplaying journal. A more recent version of the piece may be found here. There's a lotta different kinds of games out there. A helluva lot. Features - The Anatomy of a Design Document, Part 1: Documentation Guidelines for the Game Concept and Proposal.

The Anatomy of a Design Document, Part 1: Documentation Guidelines for the Game Concept and Proposal The purpose of design documentation is to express the vision for the game, describe the contents, and present a plan for implementation.

Features - The Anatomy of a Design Document, Part 1: Documentation Guidelines for the Game Concept and Proposal

A design document is a bible from which the producer preaches the goal, through which the designers champion their ideas, and from which the artists and programmers get their instructions and express their expertise. Unfortunately, design documents are sometimes ignored or fall short of their purpose, failing the producers, designers, artists, or programmers in one way or another. This article will help you make sure that your design document meets the needs of the project and the team. It presents guidelines for creating the various parts of a design document. Design documents come in stages that follow the steps in the development process. The Purpose of Documentation Documentation means different things to different members of the team.

Kotaku, the Gamer’s Guide. Game Design FAQs. Game Design, An Introduction. Games Changed My Life - Thoughts on social games. The Gamer Brain. I just came across a really good wiki on gamification and I found the chart below very interesting.

The Gamer Brain

The wiki is called and it talks about everything gaification related. According to Rob Benson the picture below shows the areas of the brains that become engaged through brain mechanics. It appears that different people enjoy various types of game design. Here are the 7 types of reward centres in the brain that Rob Benson identified: Socializer, Conqueror, Achiever, Mastermind, Seeker, Daredevil, Solver and Survivor. In case you can not read the chart above here is a transcription of the descriptions of each reward centre: Conqueror (Defeat): Science: Some players are not satisfied with winning early – they want to struggle against adversity and fight tooth and nail for victory.

What makes you tick? Looking forward to your thoughts. Un Designer à Ubisoft Paris. Bonsoir à toutes et à tous !

Un Designer à Ubisoft Paris

Voici une nouvelle fournée de mes réponses à vos questions après quelques longs jours d'absence ! Et ce soir c'est au tour de Zinzolin_Hallucine :). Comme d'habitude, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer vos questions par MP si vous en avez ;). Enjoy! David Grivel Mes réponses à Zinzolin_Hallucine Zinzolin_Hallucine : Comment se passe ta journée au boulot, ton quotidien avec le stress et les bonnes choses ? Héhé, oui, c'est une question intéressante. Zinzolin_Hallucine : En tant que Game designer, level Designer, je sais que tu ne commandes pas les autres mais comment t'es rapport avec eux ? Oulah non, point de disputes, on est plus à l'école ! Il peut évidemment y avoir des divergences de point de vue sur certaines features du jeu mais à ce moment-là, on s'assoit et on en discute.

Je ne suis pas du genre à fermer des portes en disant « non c'est pas ton boulot ».Bien au contraire, plus on est de cerveaux, plus on designe ! Features - The Design of Free-To-Play Games: Part 1. When we talk about free-to-play games, we are not talking of a new genre, but instead of a deep revolution that is affecting most aspects and actors of the game industry: marketing, publishing, hardware manufacturers, and of course, designers and developers.

Features - The Design of Free-To-Play Games: Part 1

Free-to-play (F2P) is here to stay. That is good news; it is expanding the number of people who play games, it is stimulating the industry after a slow-down, and it gives us the opportunity to create new gaming experiences for players. A free-to-play game does not require its full content to be created before its release, as most content is created gradually after the game launch. Thus Nexon estimates that a free-to-play can be released with only 50 percent of its final content, and for Playfish, the percentage is as low as 20 percent!

There are other reasons which explain the low initial investment: the technologies used are often simple and inexpensive. But enough of an overview: let's talk key design issues. Combat Arms.