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Fishing for Solutions. Stories of fisheries collapse frequently grab the spotlight in the popular press.

Fishing for Solutions

Sometimes these claims are exaggerated, sometimes not. Some species of fish have undoubtedly suffered serious decline in some areas, for example the cod stocks off New England and the Atlantic coast of Canada are now so depleted that they are close to commercial extinction. This publication attempts to provide solutions to this problem by analysing the different ways in which fish are managed around the world. It looks at the means by which individuals can be encouraged to manage marine resources sustainably, focusing on the role of institutions, conceptualised within the framework of the economics of property rights. Most commentators argue that the solution to the problems faced by the worlds fisheries is more government intervention. The book concludes that the prognosis for the world’s fisheries is not as gloomy as many commentators have made out but nor is it as rosy as some pretend.

Iain Murray: Catch Shares: It's Not Cap and Trade. Commercial fishing is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Iain Murray: Catch Shares: It's Not Cap and Trade

It's an important part of American life and American culture, going back centuries. Nevertheless, the federal government still has not figured out how to get it right. As Congress prepares to consider the reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act that governs fisheries management, they should consider ways to better incorporate free-market, private conservation principles into the regulatory regime. Currently, the industry is mostly still heavily regulated in a one-size doesn't fit all manner, subsidized by taxpayers, and vulnerable to economic downturns as well as what the insurance industry likes to call "acts of God.

" Likewise, America's fishermen are, quite literally, up against the world as the global economy grows, with more and more countries able to put large fishing fleets in the water without concern for the environmental impact of over fishing. Sistema de identificación de instalaciones de acuicultura - Visor de instalaciones - Acuicultura - Pesca.

El Sistema de Identificación de Instalaciones de Acuicultura, diseñado por la Secretaría General del Mar, permite localizar geográficamente los establecimientos de acuicultura continental y marina de España.

Sistema de identificación de instalaciones de acuicultura - Visor de instalaciones - Acuicultura - Pesca

El objetivo de esta tecnología de información geográfica es poner a disposición del sector acuícola español, así como de los distintos gestores de las administraciones estatales y autonómicas, una herramienta útil a la hora de planificar y diseñar actuaciones y estrategias de futuro. Tanto la interactividad del usuario como su facilidad de uso permiten un acceso a la información rápido y eficaz. El visor contiene las siguientes capas temáticas: INSTALACIONES DE ACUICULTURA CONTINENTAL Y MARINA. Redes de enmalle activas - Cerca amb Google.

ITQ-Catch shares

Científicos por una política pesquera común que tenga en cuenta la ciencia en la gestión pesquera. Carta abierta científicos (respostes) Trilogues « The negotiations between the Council and European Parliament to reach a common position are called trilogues (sometimes also written trialogues).

Trilogues «

The Commission is also present at these meetings. The Irish presidency reached a political agreement on two of the three parts of the fisheries reform (the basic regulation and the common market organisation) in May 2013. The Lithuanian Presidency will focus on reaching an agreement with the European Parliament on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) during the second half of 2013.

Parlamento Europeo. Aquí encontrará información y documentos diversos relativos a la actividad de nuestra comisión: por ejemplo, órdenes del día y documentos de las reuniones, nuestro boletín informativo mensual y aportaciones presentadas en audiencias públicas por expertos y personas interesadas.

Parlamento Europeo

También se ofrecen en la página inicial de este sitio web informaciones destacadas y actualizadas sobre nuestras actividades. El centro de atención de nuestra comisión durante esta legislatura parlamentaria es, sin duda alguna, la reforma en curso de la Política Pesquera Común, en la que el Parlamento interviene con poderes de codecisión a raíz de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa.

La política pesquera debe reconciliar una diversidad de intereses con el objetivo de asegurar la sostenibilidad a largo plazo del medio marino, las poblaciones de peces, los pescadores, las industrias relacionadas con la pesca y las comunidades costeras. Gabriel Mato Adrover, Presidente. Pesca - Comisión Europea.