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Tucker Shaw, food lover, author, Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth. Do you ever walk through the streets of New York and marvel at the seemingly endless rows of restaurants, wondering how many years you'd have to live here to eat at all of them?

Tucker Shaw, food lover, author, Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth

Well, Tucker Shaw has probably come close, and has chronicled one year of his eating life in Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth (Chronicle Books, 2005), a grandiose, obsessive and utterly addictive photo collection of food, glorious, nonstop food. Shaw photographed every bite, from candy to cereal, steaks to sandwiches, throughout New York and during his travels. The result is a smorgasbord of food that's impossible to even page through without feeling a rumbling in your stomach. Read it with edibles on hand. Where did you get the idea to photograph everything you ate during 2004?

We are in a weird time in history. Food magazines are like fashion magazines: They celebrate what's beautiful, new, or unusual, but very rarely report on what people really wear or eat. Is available now. People Who Photograph Food and Display the Pictures Online. Barthes, ses mythologies modernes et sa "cuisine ornementale" Mythologies est ce recueil de textes, écrits entre 1954 et 1956, qui détaillent mille et un aspects de la vie française de l'époque, et en particulier ses nouveaux "mythes" - le Tour de France comme nouvelle épopée, une telle pièce de théâtre, un personnage de film, etc.

Barthes, ses mythologies modernes et sa "cuisine ornementale"

Ce qui frappe d'entrée à la lecture de ces textes, c'est le pouvoir d'évocation de Barthes, capable de trouver, en une phrase, les mots justes pour décrire derrière le fait le plus banal de la vie quotidienne les ficelles d'une représentation collective qui, in fine, fera de ce fait un mythe moderne. Barthes a par ailleurs critiqué virulemment la mentalité "petit-bourgeois". Dans ces années-là on pouvait encore se permettre de l'appeler ainsi dans un esprit de lutte des classes... Je vous en laisse juges par vous-mêmes. A noter que n'étant pas lectrice d'Elle (et certainement pas dans les années '50), je ne pose aucun jugement sur la politique du magazine.

The Dark Side of Food Porn - Nicole Allan - Life. Photo by Marshall Astor - Food Pornographer/FlickrCC I didn't know how to react to the Fat Bitch.

The Dark Side of Food Porn - Nicole Allan - Life

A friend had emailed me a link to a picture of what was, anatomically, a hoagie bun stuffed with cheesesteak, bacon, marinara sauce, French fries, tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise, and mozzarella sticks. I knew the link—the picture, even the sandwich itself—was a joke. I'd received and sent many such links, reveling at the daring of whoever would consume such creations. But this one, for some reason, just made me squirm. My decidedly not-fat friend had sent it to a group of decidedly not-fat girls who frequently bonded over pretending to be fat. What kind of man downs beer from a mug made of bacon? Like a teenage infatuation, "gross food," as termed it, or "grotesque food," as I prefer, has taken hold strongly and suddenly.

In the current climate of fiscal and dietary privation, the Fat Bitch is a fantastical reprieve from our recession mindset and never-ending quest to lose weight. Foodspotting Reaches 1M Downloads. Foodspotting, a startup that wants users to share photos and recommendations of their favorite foods, just announced that its mobile applications have been downloaded 1 million times.

Foodspotting Reaches 1M Downloads

But co-founder and CEO Alexa Andrzejewski said she has big ambitions for expanding and broadening the user base even further. The company took a step in that direction this week, she said, by adding new social features. Until now, the mobile interface was built around searching for foods, while the website also included the ability to "follow" people, places, and foods. Not surprisingly, following someone or being followed made users more likely to come back, so Foodspotting is making that ability available across all of its apps. At the same time, Andrzejewski said she doesn't just want to be "Instagram for food" or "Facebook for food"—in other words, the site shouldn't just be for foodies who want to share photos of of their favorite dishes.