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Visualisation of Activity in Afghanistan using the Wikileaks data. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin. In Berlin after World War I, after the horrors of trench warfare and a nearly complete collapse of the social structure, the freedom arose, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, to create and bring forward innovative forms of art directly confronting sexual, racial, political, and cultural norms. This artistic license soon also, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, disappeared.

For a short while, between the end of imperial censorship with the Kaiser's abdication in 1918 and Hitler's elimination of free expression in the early 1930s, the artists of the Weimar Republic reworked, often brilliantly, our most basic assumptions about how we express ourselves and how we communicate with each other. Studying the culture of the Weimar period as a Fulbright Research Fellow makes me keenly aware that centralized power can react with brutality, but also with great sophistication, against what threatens its control of the means of representation. I am a news junkie.

Let's start with censorship. SF Street Artist Sandwich Mashes Up Halo/Wikileaks. Libre Graphics Meeting, du 27 au 30 mai 2010 à Bruxelles. Cutting edge graphics software meets free culture Developers and users of Free, Libre and Open Source graphics software have met May 27-30 in Brussels at the fifth annual Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM). The meeting space was truly unique -- an historic piano factory, freshly renovated into a lively exhibition and workspace. LGM 2010 gave software developers, artists, designers and other graphics professionals the opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other. LGM emphasizes the sharing of collective creativity, innovation and ideas and was free for everyone to attend.

The Libre Graphics Meeting 2011 will take place on May 10-13 in Montreal. A review of LGM 2010 [More pictures and articles] With a Lot of Face-to-face meetings among developers and users alike; LGM provided the time and place for developers and users to interact. Reclaim your tools. from Jake on Vimeo. The conference organizers invite all interested to join the Create Project mailing list and get involved. Wikileaks data visualization. Group hackademics took Data Wikileaks activity of the war in Afghanistan and noted that visualization video from the event. 91,000 documents to track events in this friendly fire and civilian injuries and deaths in the past six years. By Mike Dewar, a post-doc student at Columbia University's School of Engineering, thermal, or ten days on the second, was based on “the number of events are recorded in a small region maps within one month window. “ “Intensity Heatmap shows the number of events recorded. gamut of colors from 0 to 60 + events within one month window.

Also Dewar, the map was created by Drew Conway, a graduate student in politics at the University of New York, John Myles White , a doctoral student of psychology at Princeton and Harlan Harris, a statistical programmer Kaplan Test Prep. This group is not only a visualization of data by the release of Wikileaks.

Visualization active in Afghanistan, based on data Wikileaks with Mike Dewar on Vimeo . Warlogs irakiens: l’interface de visualisation » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. WikiLeaks publie 400,000 documents classifiés de l'armée américaine relatifs à la guerre en Irak. Explorez-les grâce à notre application collaborative. Cet article sera mis à jour régulièrement, en fonction de l’évolution de notre travail de crowdsourcing. Cliquer ici pour lancer l’application 00h00: Clôture du live-blogging Le live-blogging est désormais terminé.

Pour suivre l’évolution de la situation et de nos recherches, dirigez-vous vers nos articles étiquettés “WikiLeaks” 23h37: Les dernières mises au point de Julian Assange S’exprimant devant le Frontline Club à Londres aux côtés de Daniel Ellsberg (l’homme des “Pentagon Papers“), Julian Assange a souligné “le traitement différents entre les médias avec lesquels WikiLeaks avait noué un partenariat, alors que ceux-ci avaient tous le même point de départ”, et a insisté sur le rôle de la télévision pour toucher les foules. Au début, vous considérez que tous les rapports sont nocifs jusqu’à preuve du contraire. “WikiLeaks se fait l’Irak”