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Apprendre la programmation à des enfants « 4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code. In a recent PC Pro article, Professor Steven Furber, developer of the ARM microprocessor, laments the sharp decline in interest in computer science classes in the UK. And although the U.S. hasn't seen that same drop in enrollment, a recent survey of some 14,000 U.S. high school teachers by the Computer Science Teachers Association found that only 65% of respondents taught in a school that offered some sort of introductory computer science course. As our world becomes more tech-oriented, educators are faced with not just teaching children how to use computers, but how to build and program them as well.

ReadWriteWeb's Back to School Coverage: "We need to get students interested in computer science and that has to be done at an early age before they decide (incorrectly) that they can't do computer science or that it is dull and boring," says Alfred Thompson, Microsoft's K-12 Computer Science Academic Relations Manager. 1. 2. In July, Google announced the launch of the Android App Inventor. Main Page - Teach Your Kids to Code. ART && CODE Symposium: Hackety Hack, why the lucky stiff. Environments for Teaching Kids to Program and Explorer the World Through Code. Mark Verber September 2006 / Minor Update Oct 2007 -- needs more about AgentSheet, Alice, Ruby, and Scratch My ten year old daughter asked me to help her learn to program.

It's not that she's interested in computer science, it's that she knows that programming is required to create games and other things that she has imagined. I investigated a multitude of languages / environments. The following is what I decided would be the best languages for instructing kids: Scratch or Logo for simple projects and younger kids. Both provide simple worlds to explore. I decided that Squeak was best option for my daughter, especially using the ReadyPC environment from Squeak: Learning to Program with Robots and that it had an Alice like Wonderland environment.

The Search Years ago I was inspired by the book Mindstorms which made the case to use computers as a tool for students to explore and learn rather than merely an automated tool for rout memorization or for teaching computer science. Logo Resources. Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain. By Marshall Brain Let's say that you have children, and you would like to help them learn computer programming at a youngish age. As the father of four kids, I have tried to approach it from several different angles. What I would like to do here is collect some ideas for parents who are looking for different options.

Let's start with a something important: Every kid is different. Some kids are reading and writing fluently years ahead of other kids. For them, learning to program is probably easier. The second thing to realize is that real analytical skills often don't start appearing until age 11 or 12 or 13 in many kids, so expecting huge breakthroughs prior to that may be unrealistic. That being said, there are lots of fun things you can try as early as five or six... Games Let's start with a few games. If you look around on the web you can find lots of "problem solving" games like these three. Light Bot (the "Play" button is on the bottom right, under the ad, after it loads) Bigger efforts. La programmation pour les non-programmeurs. L’avenir de la programmation (2/6) : La programmation pour les non-programmeurs. Par Rémi Sussan le 24/05/11 | 10 commentaires | 13,345 lectures | Impression Programmer, c’est difficile : penser logiquement, par étapes, sans en sauter aucune et en envisageant toutes les possibilités de ses actions demande une grande attention, une grande rigueur.

Mais à ces complications s’ajoute encore l’apprentissage d’une syntaxe extrêmement ardue, qui ne supporte pas la moindre faute, à la virgule près. Sans compter que ladite syntaxe nous prend à rebrousse-poil. La simple instruction A=A+1, que l’on trouve dans presque tous les langages informatiques, y compris le vieux Basic, pourtant censé s’adresser aux néophytes, semble une insulte à ce que nous connaissons des mathématiques depuis l’école primaire.

On a déjà eu du mal à avaler les maths, faudrait-il maintenant les jeter aux orties ? Un autre obstacle, peut-être moins évident, est l’absence de résultats immédiatement gratifiants pour les débutants. Les langages visuels Les enfants du Smalltalk Rémi Sussan. Teaching Kids Programming | The Baheyeldin Dynasty. In order to teach kids how to program, you need first to get them interested in something that is computer related. One of the best ways to get them interested in computers is games. They may want to write their own games, and that could be their entry into programming. Here are some links to sites that deal with this subject. Python is a very clean and very easy to understand language, yet a very powerful one as well. PyGames is a set of libraries that allow someone to write their own games using the language. Here are several tutorials on the Python language, which you will need to write games using PyGames: For beginners, it is recommended that they start with something that does not assume they know too much about programming.

IBM Alphaworks Robocode teaches kids Java programming while writing a game. Robocode Central is a web site dedicated to the Robocode community. Slashdot discussion on Robocode, titled: Learning Java through violence Kuro5hin discussion on Robocode. Open source programming languages for kids. Scratch Scratch. Click to enlarge. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT, Scratch is a graphical programming environment implemented in Squeak that works in a very Lego-like fashion. The basic premise is that you build programs by snapping together colorful blocks of code. Scratch has implementations available under Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, but as of yet there's no (official) native Linux version to run.

One useful prospect that Scratch offers is the ability to upload your programs to the Scratch Web site, where you can create an account, get support, and browse programs that other Scratch users have uploaded. One issue I came across with Scratch was that the source code for a program could become quite large when the program involved many graphics or, more specifically, music. Alice. Alice Scratch deals well with 2-D graphics, text, and other somewhat "flat" programming concepts. Shoes Shoes. MIT Media Lab Making Programming Fun For Kids. 2006 August « Ideas for Teaching Computer Technology to Kids. One Laptop per Child. A short video covering OLPC's main mission principles One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a project supported by the Miami-based One Laptop per Child Association (OLPCA) and the Cambridge-based OLPC Foundation (OLPCF), two U.S. non-profit organizations set up to oversee the creation of affordable educational devices for use in the developing world.

The project was originally funded by member organizations such as AMD, Chi Mei, eBay, Google, Marvell Technology Group, News Corporation, Nortel, Red Hat, and Quanta. In the first years of the project, the Association managed development and logistics, and the Foundation managed fundraising such as the Give One Get One campaign ("G1G1"). In 2010 the Association set up a new office in Miami under Rodrigo Halaby, and currently oversees deployment and support for the XO-1.5 laptop and its successors, and country partnerships. FAQ on official site of OLPC[2] informs that as of 2011 there were about over 2.4 million XO laptops delivered.[3] History[edit] Teaching Primary School Students Programming? Scratch (programming language) Scratch is a free desktop and online multimedia authoring tool that can be used by students, scholars, teachers, and parents to easily create games and provide a stepping stone to the more advanced world of computer programming or even be used for a range of educational and entertainment constructivist purposes from math and science projects, including simulations and visualizations of experiments, recording lectures with animated presentations, to social sciences animated stories, and interactive art and music.

Viewing the existing projects available on the Scratch website, or modifying and testing any modification without saving it requires no online registration. Scratch 2 is currently available online and as an application for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.[1][2] The source code of Scratch 1.x is made available under GPLv2 license and Scratch Source Code License.[3] The Scratch programming language is also used in the game creation tool Stencyl. The first web-based Scratch in 2006. Elementary school. A primary school, or elementary school, is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education between the ages of about five to about eleven, coming before secondary school and after preschool.

It is the first stage of compulsory education in most parts of the world, and is normally available without charge, but may be a fee-paying independent school. The term primary school is derived from the French école primaire, which was first used in 1802.[1] Primary school is the preferred term in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations, and in most publications of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).[2]Elementary school is preferred in some countries, especially in North America. The term grade school is sometimes used. The terms first school or infant school may also used though these, strictly speaking, refer to different educational programs. A Shōgakkō or Elementary school class in Japan See also[edit] References[edit] Smalltalk. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Un grand nombre des innovations de l'ingénierie logicielle des années 1990 viennent de la communauté des programmeurs Smalltalk, tels que les Design Patterns (appliquées au logiciel), l’Extreme Programming (XP) et le refactoring. Ward Cunningham, l'inventeur du concept du Wiki, est également un programmeur Smalltalk. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Il existe un grand nombre de variantes de Smalltalk, comme c'est souvent le cas avec les langages de programmation[1]. Sans autre qualificatif, le mot Smalltalk est souvent utilisé pour désigner Smalltalk-80, la première version à avoir été rendue publique en 1980.

Smalltalk est le produit d'un groupe de chercheurs conduit par Alan Kay au Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) de Xerox ; Alan Kay a conçu les premières versions de Smalltalk qui ont été implémentées par Dan Ingalls. Concepts[modifier | modifier le code] Les principaux concepts de Smalltalk sont : Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : The Genius behind HyperCard: Bill Atkinson. So - you want to Teach your Kids Computer Programming? Our modern world revolves more and more around computers. Even the gadgets we use are ‘programmed’. Just take a look around your house and see what I mean – your TV, microwave, alarm clock, oven, security system – just to name a few. And more and more things become ‘computerized’ each year. It is important for our kids to at least understand the science behind the scenes, even if they don’t go on to become programmers themselves.

And if they ever use spreadsheets a lot in a job, those basic programming skills will come in handy with complex calculations. I have one son who is half way through a computer science degree, and he has no trouble finding highly paid vacation jobs. Last summer this same son had a job with a start up company doing coding – and he earned a lot more than the minimum wage. So – job opportunities in this sector are readily available. Build IT. How To Teach Programming To Kids. This is R. L. Shanker’s submission for the HP Magic Giveaway. Feel free to leave comments for this article as you see fit – your feedback is certainly welcomed! If you’d like to submit your own how-to, what-is, or top-five list, you can send it to me.

Views and opinions of this writer are not necessarily my own: You probably know a kid who is bitten by the computer bug – could be your son or your nephew or your friend’s kid. In this how-to, I review two tools that have been tested successfully in homes/schools across the world. Age 6-9 years Scratch: A product of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT, Scratch provides kids with an exciting environment to create and share computer applications. Age: 10-14 years Phrogram. The only downside is that Phrogram is not a freeware. Age: 15+ years The kid is now ready for the big league; it is time to respect his intellect and let him take the deep plunge. Final thoughts Engage, engage and engage. Be the inspiration. Three Things I Learned About Software in College. Plan informatique pour tous. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le plan informatique pour tous (IPT) était un programme du gouvernement français qui devait permettre d'initier les 11 millions d'élèves du pays à l'outil informatique et de soutenir l'industrie nationale.

Il faisait suite à plusieurs programmes d'introduction de l'informatique dans le secondaire depuis 1971. Le plan IPT a été présenté à la presse, le vendredi 25 janvier 1985, par Laurent Fabius, Premier ministre de l'époque[1]. Il visait à mettre en place, dès la rentrée de septembre, plus de 120 000 machines dans 50 000 établissements scolaires et à assurer la formation, à la même échéance de 110 000 enseignants. Son coût était évalué à 1,8 milliard de francs, dont 1,5 milliard pour le matériel. Description[modifier | modifier le code] Critique[modifier | modifier le code] Ce plan a fait l'objet de vives critiques [2]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Technology | Why Johnny can't code. For three years — ever since my son Ben was in fifth grade — he and I have engaged in a quixotic but determined quest: We’ve searched for a simple and straightforward way to get the introductory programming language BASIC to run on either my Mac or my PC.

Why on Earth would we want to do that, in an era of glossy animation-rendering engines, game-design ogres and sophisticated avatar worlds? Because if you want to give young students a grounding in how computers actually work, there’s still nothing better than a little experience at line-by-line programming. Only, quietly and without fanfare, or even any comment or notice by software pundits, we have drifted into a situation where almost none of the millions of personal computers in America offers a line-programming language simple enough for kids to pick up fast.

Not even the one that was a software lingua franca on nearly all machines, only a decade or so ago. Only there’s a rub. And yet, they are tantalized! “Actually, my second. Uh. Steve Furber: why kids are turned off computing | Interviews. By Nicole Kobie Posted on 5 Aug 2010 at 14:37 One of the UK's tech leaders believes students are staying away from computing classes because they teach nothing but the boring basics. Professor Steve Furber - the legendary Acorn and ARM processor designer - is working with the Royal Society to figure out why the number of students taking A-Level computing classes has halved in the past eight years, and why students who love technology aren't signing up to study the subject. We speak to one of the original Micro Men to find out why he thinks teaching spreadsheets in computing classes is about as exciting as learning spelling in A-Level English classes. Q. A. We found employers groups were concerned about this as well...

Q. A. We hear a great deal about offshoring activities such as software, but what’s very unclear is which is the cart and which is the horse. Q. It’s as if maths was just arithmetic or English was taught as just spelling. Chel Resnick. Apprendre à faire de la programmation à l'école et apprendre la programmation en dehors de l'école. Steve Furber: why kids are turned off computing | Interviews. A Change at Apple Causes Trouble for Adobe. Apple Removes Teaching App From App Store, and Educators Complain. Programming Language for Kids Banned from Apple App Store. Lifelong Kindergarten :: MIT Media Lab. But at the same time, we made it harder for the... - viz.

Tech Know: Recreating the era of 8-bit computers. Teaching Kids To Code. Scratch Team Blog: Scratch on the iPhone. List of educational programming languages. Using Linux to Teach Kids How to Program, 10 Years Later (Part II) LG #167. Using Linux to Teach Kids How to Program, 10 Years Later (Part I) LG #166. ‎4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code.