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DIY Linogravure, tampons, cachets cire

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Block Printing T-Shirts with a Linocut — Boarding All Rows | Linocut Prints. One of the most common questions I get is how I print my linocuts on fabric, particularly t-shirts. I wrote a short blog post about printing linocut t-shirts last year but I wanted to expand on that and give a lot more details and tips. People usually want to know where to get the supplies or want to read reviews so you'll find Blick and Amazon links. I would get a small commission if you end up buying something on these two sites, but please shop at your favorite local store if you prefer! You can find more details about this here. Fabric Block Printing Ink Okay, for fabric block printing you can go the relief or screen printing ink route.

Many people use screen-printing textile inks for block printing and there are lots to choose from including Speedball, Jacquard, Versatex, Permaset (really not a big fan!) Linoleum and Soft Carving Blocks In terms of blocks for carving, I use battleship gray linoleum, purchased in large sheets that I then cut down to size. Tampon encreur Browns par MotherMMountain. Custom Made Stamp Maker | Black Market Wax Seal & Stamp. Chalk ink Clouds | How To 'sday. Today's How To 'sday by Becci Manies how to make chalk ink clouds has to be one of the most ingenious ideas I have ever seen when it comes to ink! I adore my Fluid Chalks and I think I'll love them even more now after putting to use Becci's tutorial on how to create clouds with chalk ink. Shop all of our ink and craft supplies at a Steal here. Step 1. Start with your basic supplies: chalk ink, white cardstock, and a cloud template.

Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. My template is a bit small, so I move it and stagger it so that the cloud shape is slightly varied between lines of clouds. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Becci—BRILLIANT! If you have an idea that you would like to share as a How To'sday tutorial, please send your photos and directions to wesendjoy (at) Mon matériel de linogravure – La Tit'Fabrik. Après être passé par plusieurs phases de test concernant les différentes encres spéciales linogravure, j’utilise désormais quasi exclusivement les encres Aquawash de Charbonnel.

Je ferais d’ici peu un article plus détaillé sur les différentes marques d’encres, leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. Les encres Aquawash de Charbonnel possèdent un certain nombre d’avantages pour très peu d’inconvénients : Le seul inconvénient de l’Aquawash reste son utilisation pour les impressions à la main. Malgré de la patience et différents essais au baren et à la cuillère, je n’ai jamais réussi à obtenir une impression de qualité. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les encres Aquawash, la documentation complète se trouve sur le site de Charbonnel. Allover print - art & custom clothing. Make Your Own Stamps. After posting all of those wonderful DIY stamp ideas, I had to try a few of my own. These stamps are really a combination of a few of the others, but are closest to this herringbone stamp from A Beautiful Mess. I was a little worried that using craft foam sheets wouldn't work very well, but it really did. It was so easy, and I know I'm going to make more.

What you need: 1. Craft foam sheets 2. What you do: 1. I also made a stamp for my blog logo, and for my (upcoming) etsy shop. Custom Rubber Stamps! My Tardis! This is a thing! I didn't know this was a thing until just barely! Make your own Rubber Stamps!!! (if you don't want to make one, but you NEED one, I've got a few in my shop) I've used scraps of rubber to make background shapes... but never a full stamp!

I've wanted a TARDIS rubber stamp for a long time. a long time. I'd dream about having one. This stuff is awesome and amazing. There it is! Then I used a cheap pen and traced my lines. Removed the stencil and prayed. Using an X-acto knife...or other hobby blade. Alas, many lines are imperfect But there is a certain charm to something handmade. Once I thought it was "there", I tested it out. In blue, of course...although I don't have the right shade of blue! Looked pretty good, but there were a few places I cleaned up. I used some adhesive foam I had for stamps and stuck it on.

And made a bunch of fun cards! Isn't that super? Linking up to THESE parties this week! DIY Cross Hatch Stamp. I loved these easy DIY stamps so much, I wanted to make some more. I've always wanted a cross hatch stamp to use to fill in a larger shape or area. My artistic side loves the little sets of parallel lines (or maybe it's my mathematical side). Follow this tutorial for more detailed instructions on how to make this kind of stamp. The short version is: Cut out shapes from craft foam sheets and glue them to a wooden block. Some people have asked where to find wooden blocks. I've used ones I already had around the house... a couple were scraps of wood from another project, and a couple were... well, taken from my son's wooden block set.

Once you've made your cross hatch stamp, it's easy to make cross-hatched shapes. Step 1: Use a piece of scrap paper or newspaper and cut out the shape that you want. Step 2: Tape your stencil to your surface with a low stick kind of tape. Step 3: Keep stamping. Step 4: Carefully remove the tape and stencil and VOILA! Créer ses propres tampons, c'est possible ! DIY : Tampons encreurs à réaliser soi-même. DIY : Tampons encreurs à réaliser soi-même Aujourd’hui je te propose un DIY vraiment très simple à réaliser, ou comment faire tes propres tampons encreurs sans gomme, ni gouge, ni bac+5 option sérigraphie ! L’idée m’est venue d’un de mes précédent articles, en cherchant à détourner le fameux bulgomme de Mémée Citron.

C’est fou tout ce que l’on peut faire avec ces petits motifs géométriques qui je suis sûre, vont redevenir à la pointe de la mode. Et je peux même prédire qu’après avoir lu cet article, tu vas te ruer chez Toto acheter TON bulgomme qui sera en rupture de stock d’ici trois jours (oui, je surestimes un tout petit peu l’importance de mon blog dans tes achats). Je te propose donc de customiser tes petits cahiers avec des tampons tout en fraîcheur. Voici le secret de fabrication : Pour le matériel, il te faut des bouchons de bouteilles d’eau (qui te serviront de support), des ciseaux, de la colle, des petits encreurs de couleur et le bulgomme ! Tindiiin !