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Workshop Participants

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Dealtronic Software - Sales Software promotions and deals to increase sales and profits for businesses. Peter McCAUL. John MacMahon & Co. Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditor. Newry, Belfast and Dundalk. Claire MacMAHON. Milligan Reside Larkin Architects. Edward (Eamon) LARKIN. Newry and Mourne District Council. Martin PATTERSON. Proton Labs. Prototype as a Service. Application design & development. Bartek CZERWINSKI. Frédéric HERRERA. Tweets. Fredherrera : Le Collège des Irlandais à... Fusepool. Queen's Students' Union. Lynne WEIR. RivTec. SlackPress Video Production. Simon BLACK. Trailer Vision Ireland, Interference Free Digital Wireless Camera/Reversing Systems.

Stephen ENGLISHBY. Willowbrook Foods: Fresh vegetables, mash, salads for retail and food. Paul Anthony MACKLE.