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Fail Your Way to Success

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YouTube. Fail Your Way To Success! Why Failure Is So Wonderful! Thomas Edison's Million Dollar Secrets of Invention Secret 5: Fail Fast Thomas Edison's Top Ten Invention Strategies: 1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 Update: this video features my new friend, Frank Attwood as Thomas Edison. Check out his site! Thomas Edison understood the profound secret that to succeed you have to be willing to fail and fail fast. To Edison all failure provided valuable information that he could use to correct his course, and lead him to eventual success. Here's why failure is such a wonderful advantage to creative people... 5. Win! The genius however sees losing as the track to winning, and failure as the path to success. In this era, where our Gods are movie stars, super models, pop stars and sports stars, we are spellbound by the illusion of instant perfection. That beautiful actress doesn't look like that in real life.

Pop stars are styled and filmed by masters of illusion. No. An airline pilot has to fly from New York to Madrid. Failure is your friend. Resources: Failing Your Way To Success. The greatest desire of every human being is to attain success in every aspect of their life; be it in the home, in one’s career, academics, finance and other areas. Everyone wants to do well. However, one common factor that both the rich and the poor have in common is the ability to fail. Every one is bound to fail in something in life.

But you can choose how to react to that failure. Whether you get up, clean yourself up, move on and try to achieve something substantial, or you decide to stay behind to lament and mourn over lost glories, is what makes you who you are today. My main reason for writing this article is to help you get up and move on after a downfall; help you realise your hidden potentials and maximise them in order for you to be successful. It is to help you to fail your way to success. is a practical example of someone who failed his way through life. A popular Nigerian adage says , that is, if it does kill you, it strengthens you. Now Mr. Hold on to your dreams. . . Failing Your Way to Success.

Fail Your Way to Success! Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples. Everyone in life faces failures ever now and then. It’s part of being alive and being human. However, I know from experience, when we are actually going through the trying times, it’s no fun. The hardest battles we face in life are with ourselves, and there is nothing more challenging than going out into the world each day with a smile when you want to give up on the inside. However, I want to promise you that whatever failures in your life you might be going through right now, with tenacity and perseverance, you will either eventually succeed or they will lead you to another opportunity and a different door will open. I thought today I would shake things up a little and write about some inspirational people whose stories have really helped me through the years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Header Image Credit: [olly / Shutterstock] Fail Your Way to Success. Me: So, what stops you from launching your blog? You have an amazing story to tell. Client: Well, I guess I’m afraid that I don’t really have anything interesting to say. That I will fail. The point that my client was missing was that she couldn't fail unless she even didn't try. Imagine the results if we each committed to do one thing that spikes our fear of failure. In the next three months I will face my fear of failure and take the following steps to achieve (fill in the blank with a goal that conjures up the fear of failure.)

Step one: Step two: Step three: Now imagine what it will feel like in three months when you've actually done it! The fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles to success. "People who are afraid of failure have confused failure with mistakes," says success psychologist, Ann Vertel. We have to make mistakes in order to understand what does and doesn't work. CrowdSPRING co-founder, Ross Kimbarovsky is no stranger to failure.