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Bucarest au centre de l’alter. Depuis plusieurs années, loin des clichés sur la ville communiste froide et grise, ou les incontournables visites d’églises orthodoxes et de palais médiévaux, Bucarest est devenu une des destinations européennes préférée des city breakers (des jeunes férus de courts séjours à l’étranger) attirés par sa modernité, sa scène artistique hétéroclite et ses lieux underground. Balade dans les marges créatrices de la capitale roumaine. 1 L’ancienne brasserie Rahova C’est dans le dédale de cet ensemble de 10 000 mètres carrés construit en 1894 que les œuvres des meilleurs graffeurs du pays côtoient les fresques réalistes de l’ère communiste. Il faut braver les panneaux interdisant l’entrée de l’ancienne usine Rahova et leurrer les gardiens par les brèches dans la clôture pour voir le spectacle.

Le lieu demeure un terrain de jeu pour initiés, relativement dangereux. 2 Le Quantic Club 3 La station Parc Bazilescu Comme beaucoup, les membres de la Sweet Damage Crew ont commencé dans le métro. Y manger. Bucarest au centre de l’alter. RATB - Regia Autonoma de Transport Bucuresti. Calendar May 2016. Informaţii utile. MUZEUL NAŢIONAL DE ARTĂ AL ROMÂNIEI Calea Victoriei, 49-53, 010082 Informaţii: Tel: +4 021 313.30.30 Fax: +4 021 312.43. Program: miercuri - duminică 11.00 - 19.00 (mai - septembrie) 10.00 - 18.00 (octombrie - aprilie) Închis: luni, marţi, 1 şi 2 ianuarie, prima şi a doua zi de Paşte, prima şi a doua zi de Rusalii, 1 mai, 15 august, 30 noiembrie, 1, 25 şi 26 decembrie Casele de bilete şi standul muzeului se închid cu 30 de minute înainte de închiderea muzeului. Tarife: Reduceri: • elevi şi studenţi, inclusiv din învăţământul particular acreditat: 75% reducere (cu legitimaţii vizate pe anul în curs); • posesorii de carduri Euro 26 în vârstă de până la 30 de ani: 75% reducere; • persoanele adulte cu handicap mediu sau uşor: 75% reducere; • pensionari: 50% reducere; Biletul de intrare este valabil întreaga zi.

Vizite ghidate: Pentru prezentări în limbile română, engleză şi franceză, realizate pe baza unei programări, se percepe taxă. Programe pentru familii: 15 lei/ persoană MUZEUL K. What to do in Bucharest - travel video by Wizz TV.


FOOD/DRINK. What It's Like To Live In Bucharest, Romania. While it is true that I tend to speak positively about almost every destination I visit, there’s a simple explanation for that. My views about a particular city, or even country, have little to do with the tourist attractions that may or may not exist or about the number of chances to take stunning photos that I may have during my stay.

Instead, I formulate my opinions based upon my interactions with local people, my wanderings around random, everyday neighborhoods and my keen interest in trying to ‘feel’ a destination as opposed to simply seeing it. And when travel is approached in this manner, it is, quite frankly, difficult not to enjoy every single destination that one visits. One no longer needs to be ‘wowed’ by a castle or impressed by a museum.

One only needs to wake up and walk outside, treating every moment as a potential, and interesting, learning opportunity, in order to fully appreciate your surroundings and have a most rewarding travel experience. Conclusion. National Library of Romania. Biblioteca Naţională a României is the National Library of Romania. It is intended to be the repository of all that is published in Romania. History[edit] The roots of the library can be found at Saint Sava College library. Saint Sava College library was opened in 1859 when 1000 French volumes were archived. After 1859 Union, the library has reach the national statute (Bibliotecă Naţională şi Bibliotecă Centrală - National and Central library) In 1864 the library was named Central Library of the State (Biblioteca Centrală a Statului).

In 1901 all the collections were ceased to the Romanian Academy Library. As a result from 1901 to 1955, the Romanian Academy Library has achieved the national attribute. New building[edit] In 1986, a new, larger location began to be built for the library, between Piaţa Unirii and Nerva Traian. Mission[edit] The National Library is a cultural institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Collections[edit] Statistics[edit] References[edit] After more than a 20 year wait, the new National Library to open for public next week. The new National Library in Bucharest will open its doors to the public on April 23 this year, said Elena Tirziman, general director at the National Library.

The new National Library is located on Unirii Blvd., close to Unirii Square, in a building that was started during the communist period. The new library will provide old and new collections to readers, a room dedicated to youngsters , a buffet and a coffee shop. The library has organized a public program between April 23 and April 27. ‘ A perspective on culture at the Romanian National Library’ will showcase the work and mission of the national library, as well as extending a bridge to other libraries, museums, archives and cultural centers. April 23 was chosen as grand opening day as it is the International Book and Copyrights Day and the International Day of the Librarian. The library has seven floors above ground and two below, a 30 meter atrium, glass elevators and glass ceilings and LED lit floors.

Going to - Bucharest. Next Stop - Bucharest - A Checkered Past Adds Intrigue to a Bohemian City. Surfacing - Lipscani, a Bucharest District, Struts Again. NAUTILUS - English Books. Manuc's Inn. Manuc's Inn In the area of the present streets of Lipscani and Stavropoleos, there used to be a great number of inns, which were part and parcel of the flourishing commercial world of Bucharest between the 16th and 19th centuries. Actually few of those inns resisted to the test of time, of which the Lime-Tree Inn, built up in 1833 and Manuc's Inn raised in 1808 by a wealthy Armenian, Emanuel Mârzaian, called by the Turks Manuc-bei (prince). They say that Manuc, a rich adventurer, who was also a merchant and a political man, was the owner of a fabulous fortune made up of money, gems, houses, shops, estates and even mountains. After 1812, he was forced to leave the country for fear of the Turks, and once arrived in France, he was adopted by the French high-life society.

He owned a stately palace and was considered to be the most elegant foreigner who lived in Paris. He was versatile in 12 different languages, and had many love affairs. . Teatrul de Comedie.