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✶ DAILY CHARACTER QUESTION ✶ Some Things Never... | For All Your Writerly Needs! Did Someone Say Thunderfury? Forgivenessisourtorch: Can we just talk about the movie Shrek for a second here? Here we see the three bears in a cage, the baby bear is crying that it’s too small. Now, back at Shreks swamp we see the baby bear still crying to his father, yet he’s not in a cage, Where’s his mother?

Later on, it shows Lord Farquaads castle and it shows the Mother bear skinned and turned into a rug. Lord Farquaad SKINNED AND TURNED THE MOTHER BEAR INTO A RUG. THAT’S WHY THE BABY BEAR IS STILL CRYING. (via snowgoober) Verdslengsle. What the fuck is One Piece. Doctor Who Official on Tumblr. Angelcreations: angelcreations: So here are the three pieces I finished for Toronto Comicon this past Sunday!

I’m really happy with the way they turned out and they were a big hit! It’s so amazing to go to cons and meet so many people who love the same things you do as much (if not more!) Than you do! Reblogging for the day crew! (Source: misplacedbets) The Doctor Who tumblr is in Brussels! Cleowho: The First Doctor’s modus operandi.Doctor Who: Planet of Giants (via succubesties) thedayofthedoctor: the brotp is strong with these two thinkingingallifreyan: oegly: We can’t be the only planet with a Scotland.

Scientific fact: EVERY planet has a Scotland. Horror Channel (UK) is airing classic Doctor Who beginning 18th April via the fine folks at Anglophenia: (Source: lovelylovelyruthie: Peter Davison getting ready to become the 5th Doctor… btw, it was Peter Davison’s birthday yesterday and it’s Peter Capaldi’s birthday today! (via tardisadventures) Ok. Doctorpuppet: castielcastle: lunalovegouda: Doireallyneedaname. DW masterpost. Assassinateassassins. Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird.

Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else. (Source: 4clovesofsummer) lightthefuze: when you dont want to post anything else because the last thing you posted makes your blog look great maid-en-china: Modern day reinterpretation of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat.The next one will probably be The Fall of the House of Usher :)(Part of the Poe series. One Piece Headcanons. Come along pond.