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Going OT

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This is a collection of articles, references and links relating to achieving the state of Operating Thetan (OT) as detailed by L.Ron Hubbard.

The power of the postulate | Milestone Two. By Lana Mitchell Much of the popularity of Scientology is based on the intrigue and mystic of the OT levels – and a person’s desire to discover and build on their own abilities as an operating thetan. As a Clear, I had my own certainty on what I could do, and what my future was influenced by. As an OT, I have an ever-increasing understanding of the power of the postulate, and my whole view of life has changed. When I completed OT 2, one of my realizations was that when I now make a postulate, the counter-push, or counter-effort that had seemingly always occurred immediately afterwards, was gone. As a simple example — a postulate that the day is going to go well, would earlier always be immediately countermanded by an idea that that would not be the case, and of course, right on cue, things would not go as planned, with a child’s tantrum, a flat tire, or some random action that made the day less than desirable.

And I think that cannot be repeated enough. Like this: Like Loading... Fruit cakes, nut jobs and squirrels | Milestone Two. By David There will always be individuals and groups in the field that are involved in OT researches, altering processes, inventing new ones, and mixing things up a little. And at this time, unfortunately, the same can be said for the Church of Scientology, where Miscavige has altered basic procedure on NOTs and much more. In some field groups they are convinced that “Ron never completed the Bridge”, or “NOTs was incomplete”, or other jibbering nonsense.

They use this as a justification for why they are doing something other than what Ron said to do. In each case, the persons directly involved, ran into something they did not know how to handle. They did not get results from what they thought was the correct process. There is a guy I met recently who audited his whole Bridge in the Freezone, and has gone off into all manner of odd ball processes, actions and inventions. The truth is there is nothing wrong or incomplete with the tech we have.

“There is only one Standard Tech! 1. 2. Flying high | Milestone Two. By Lana M. I have rewritten this article several times. It is hard to put in words how my life has changed, so my apologies, but I have been writing and rewriting this article for about 4 days now. A large worry for people, who are still within the C of S (but wanting to leave), is how they can move up The Bridge in the future. I too had that concern, and when I was declared in 2005 I pretty much gave up on ever doing the Bridge this life. There are, unquestionably, no lack of squirrelly individuals that will take your money and lead you up a garden path to nowhere.

This is the blackmail that is used to control people and get their agreement and cooperation. How on earth can a spiritual being lose its ‘eternity’?? I had given up hope and decided I will have to wait till next time round to go OT — and that is a long time considering that I am a last life Dianetic Clear, and I am now just in my early 40′s. But that all changed starting in early 2011. My OT 1, 2 and 3 were wonderful. Related. What I was Shocked to Find Out About Out-Tech on OT VII | dave fagen. (Section 12 of Part 3 – Why I Left the Church) For many years I had a fixed idea that RTC, Snr C/S Int Office and the Flag Service Org, could be trusted with the tech. I began to find out, while looking into what some people (no longer in the church) were saying they experienced while trying to go up their OT Levels, that I was very mistaken. As part of my gathering information from sources now outside of the church (in order to help resolve my doubts), I saw a video on Youtube where two people, a husband and wife who lived in Clearwater, named Greg and Debbie Barnes, gave a detailed verbal account of severe injustice that they experienced in response to their bringing up a MAJOR point of out-tech that has been occurring in the church for years and years.

I won’t go into full detail of what happened because if you are interested, you watch the video. But did you know that these “6-month checks” or “refreshers” for OT VIIs, where they get Sec Checked every six months, are out-tech? “b. Solo NOTs Win | Oasis for Personal FreedomOasis for Personal Freedom. We are all very lucky that Ron came along and gave us the Tech. We are especially lucky that he gave us the OT levels. Here is a win that expresses that: “When I got into Scientology many years ago I had one major ruin that I wanted to handle. After getting up the Bridge and through OT 7 it still wasn’t handled, but, I attested because I didn’t think it could get handled on Solo Nots. That ruin was such a deep dark secret that I could barely admit it to myself let alone anyone else.

I first noticed the ruin when I was just a kid. It had to do with work and having a job. I feel so lucky and so grateful to LRH and the tech he gave us and to have help like Ingrid gave me. Here are a few words from Ron: “Now, you’ve been on the track for many trillions of years, and you have been going downhill with great regularity until Scientology, this is for sure. I want everyone to win on NOTs and Solo NOTs. Telepathy | Milestone Two. By Mark J. When I first got into Scientology I had only an inkling of what telepathy was about. I lacked reality on what it was or how it worked. On television shows they portray telepathy as a super power. The person closes his eyes, puts his hands to his temples, and with great effort and facial twisting, he reads someone else’s thoughts — to the great amazement of those watching on.

I did know that I had always had a close connection with my brother, and seemingly I would always sense when something was wrong, or when he needed me. I would consider it coincidence, when he would call me just a second after I had been thinking of him, or when I would perceive that he needed me, to then find out that this was actually the case. As I progressed in Scientology training and auditing my own understanding of telepathy increased.

Some years ago, just before an auditing session, I had been terribly upset and I had not known why. Yes, I said. Unfortunately my session had come too late. Like this: The Upper OT Levels | Martin Luther. Marty Rathbun has been emphatic in stating that there are no OT levels above OT VIII. He “knows” this for two reasons. First, Pat Broeker claimed, during his original power struggle with David Miscavige, that he had access to the LRH notes on the upper OT levels, and was using this as a vehicle to hold sway over Miscavige. Marty subsequently engaged in three forcible searches of places where Pat Broeker might have hidden such notes, and found nothing. Second, Marty questioned Ron’s last auditor, who said that Ron had “nothing intelligible” to say about any levels of OT beyond OT VIII.

This claim by Marty has always rankled me, as I remember statements to the contrary, made by LRH or posted on copies of the Bridge as far back as 1976, when I got into Scientology. There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII* fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more people’s full attainment of OT VI and VII. Marty has doubtless read the above reference. Like this: Like Loading... 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death. By Annie Kagan, OmTimes When my brother Billy woke me three weeks after he died, describing what was happening to him in the afterlife, I thought maybe I had gone a little crazy. How could my bad-boy brother, who died a tragic death, who had problems with addiction all his life, who didn’t live what most people would call a successful life, how could he be sharing secrets about life’s greatest mystery from another dimension?

But as time passed, my skepticism turned to wonder as Billy taught me all about death. The List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. About the Author When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. The Courseroom. Travelling course room and AO | Milestone Two. NOTs – off the tracks | Milestone Two. By Milestone Two crew It has become apparent, over recent time, that a significant percentage of those we have met and helped have been NOTs case level, and have had their NOTs program mucked around with, have trouble, stop auditing, and get confused with the constant additions to their program. NOTs and SOLO NOTs, within the C of S has been made a minefield of mis-programming, arbitraries and out-tech.

“An unpredictability and a lack of agreement on data in a group of people can make them physically ill. And an agreement on data and what it’s all about and a direct result that can be discovered therefrom can make them well. There are several key stable datums relating to the NOTs Rundown, and we provide the supporting LRH references below: New Era Dianetics for OTs (NOTs) is a Rundown, a complete set of actions begun, and with a finite end.

But first, let us support the above stable datums: Program Departures “As with any major grade or RD, there should not be any departures from the Pgm. The OT Club | Martin Luther. There’s a lecture in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course which tends to stand out among the rest (and there are other lectures of this caliber in the PDC). It pinpoints the reasons why a thetan stays in a body, what keeps him there, and what it takes to bring him from that state into a state where he can operate as a thetan without a body (theta clear). In fact, the processes needed to produce a theta clear are all explained in this lecture series, and in lecture 54, Ron even says you could theoretically run all this on yourself. From that lecture: … But if you were to sit down and do this [yourself], theoretically you could then attain theta clear….”

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I want to concentrate on lecture 50. From PDC #50 SOP: Spacation Step III, Flow Processing I quoted all the information above just so you get an idea of the profundity of that last sentence. I won’t go into the ramifications of this. But what if we could begin to resolve that situation? Like this: Like Loading...