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Is Economics: A PEDestrian's Guide to the ECONOMY. Economics Help. About us - Basic Income UK. We are a group promoting an unconditional basic income as a progressive policy towards an emancipatory welfare state for the UK and beyond.

About us - Basic Income UK

Our initiative originally started in february 2013 after a meeting in London. Our first meeting in february 2013. We have different political and social backgrounds and do not represent any one political party. Except when explicitly mentioned, the views expressed on this website do not represent any official position as a group. The articles and opinions are rather intended as a discussion amongst a plurality of viewpoints and a way of raising awareness and debate around this issue.

Beyond our differences, we are working together to actively promote the idea of an unconditional and universal basic income as an unimpeachable right of every citizen of the world. We welcome articles for submission as well as any questions you might have regarding basic income or possible ways of getting involved and helping with the cause.


THE HISTORY OF MONEY. World Bank, IMF and WTO. UK enforces law which bans public from criticising the govt. A British citizen was held for days without charge in a London mental hospital under little-known laws which allow the police to arrest and detain anybody who voices criticism against politicians or celebrities.

UK enforces law which bans public from criticising the govt

The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) was quietly set up to identify individuals who they claim pose a direct threat to VIPs including the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Royal Family. It was given sweeping powers to check more than 10,000 suspects’ files to identify mentally unstable potential “killers and stalkers” with a fixation against public figures. The team’s psychiatrists and psychologists then have the power to order treatment – including forcibly detaining suspects in secure psychiatric units. Using these powers, the unit can legally detain people for an indefinite period without trial, criminal charges or even evidence of a crime being committed and with very limited rights of appeal. A number of British citizens have already fallen victim to these laws.

People's Parliament. Citizen’s Income: A minor policy change that would transform our society Tuesday 4th March. 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Committee Room 5, House of Commons Tickets are now all gone for this event.

People's Parliament

A Citizen’s Income is an unconditional, nonwithdrawable income for every individual as a right of citizenship. The withdrawal of means-tested benefits as earned incomes rise means that far too many households receive almost no benefit from additional earnings. A Citizen’s Income would change that and would therefore enable families to climb out of poverty. With: Dr Malcolm Torry (Director, Citizen’s Income Trust) Dr. Com Money. What Is a Derivative? An Explanation of Derivatives and How They Work. One of the most common words thrown around on the news and Wall Street today is “derivative”.

What Is a Derivative? An Explanation of Derivatives and How They Work

With very few exceptions, virtually no one stops to explain to new investors precisely what a derivative is or how one works. In the next few moments, you’re going to learn everything you wanted to know about derivatives and, perhaps, even be able to impress your friends at your next cocktail party. The Definition of a Derivative The short answer: A derivative is anything that is valued based upon some other asset. In other words, it derives its value from something else. The long answer: A call option, which is a simple type of stock option that gives the buyer the right (but not the obligation) to buy 100 shares of a certain stock at a pre-determined price, is a derivative because the value of the option depends on what the underlying stock does.

Farmers in the heartland are responsible for a lot of derivatives in the United States. The Different Types of Derivatives.