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Is Your Outfit Complete? Here's a Cosplay Checklist. Ways that Cosplay Encourages Creativity Among Children. How to Have an Awesome Christmas Party During COVID-19. We, Filipinos, love Christmas.

How to Have an Awesome Christmas Party During COVID-19

So while this year’s Christmas celebrations may deviate from our holiday traditions, this doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy this season of festivity. Tips to Help Your Child Find the Right Costume. A lot of children love dressing up, especially nowadays, with the influence of anime and K-pop permeating the country.

Tips to Help Your Child Find the Right Costume

Unlike before, when cosplay in the Philippines wasn’t popular, today, public figures can be seen proudly promoting cosplay. So if your child suddenly tells you that he/she wants to do cosplay or wear a costume to satiate their curiosity, help them find the right costumes with these tips. Make sure that the costume is comfortable and breathable.Make sure that their outfit fits perfectly – not too small or too big.Consider the comfort and style when choosing shoes and accessories.Check the costume for any hazards, so they don’t accidentally hurt themselves. My Child Wants to Cosplay! What Do I Do? For many older folks, the concept of cosplay in the Philippines is very much foreign.

My Child Wants to Cosplay! What Do I Do?

While some parents do have an inkling on what cosplay is, most of them do not even have the slightest idea of what it entails. So what do you do when your child suddenly says they want to cosplay as super heroes? Well, the first thing you have to do is research. Learn what you can about cosplay and be open-minded. The most important thing here is to support your child without being judgemental. Next, let them do it. It may not seem as special as creating their costume or having a customized one, but for beginner cosplayers, it’s not a bad thing. Tips to Make Your Birthday Party Extra Special. Celebrating your birthday in the middle of a pandemic doesn’t sound appealing.

Tips to Make Your Birthday Party Extra Special

Liven up Your Day by Dressing up in Cute Costumes! The year 2020 has not been the most ideal for many of us.

Liven up Your Day by Dressing up in Cute Costumes!

With the pandemic still unabated and with restrictions still imposed, it’s not surprising if you feel a little bit gloomy. However, these pandemic blues will end eventually. So, once all this is over, definitely make up for all the time you’ve been staying at home. You can enjoy a COVID-free environment by dressing up in cute or wacky costumes when you begin meeting with friends and attending important events. How would that help, you wonder? If you dress up in something cute, wacky, or beautiful, you’re bound to feel good. Most Popular Costumes Among Kids. Dressing up is one of the things kids enjoy doing.

Most Popular Costumes Among Kids

No matter what occasion, kids love to wear outfits of their favorite characters. With that, we have curated some of the most popular costumes among kids. A Beginner’s Guide to Cosplay. First time in cosplay?

A Beginner’s Guide to Cosplay

You must get confused about what to do or where to begin. No need to worry! We’ll be here every step of your cosplaying journey to guide you. Filipino Cosplayers You Should Be Following. The rise of cosplay in the Philippines has driven many out of their rooms and engage in its wild world.

Filipino Cosplayers You Should Be Following

The term itself is derived from the two words: “costume” and “play.” Cosplay is the act of dressing up as a character or concept, a type of art that enables you to play with your costume. It could be anything really, like your favorite fictional character, comic book character, or Super Heroes. The Psychology Behind Getting in Character.

Cosplay has become more than portraying one’s favorite anime and other characters.

The Psychology Behind Getting in Character

Recently, some institutions have initiated studies to explain why most fans personify their cherished celebrities or cartoon characters. Researchers also try to debunk the myth that cosplaying might be a symptom of mental illness and that everyone in this industry needs a psychiatric evaluation. As a renowned retailer of party outfits and costumes in Manila, Philippines, we at Milconi Marketing DBA Fantasy Costume Boutique have delved into the studies that analyze the psychology behind cosplaying. Creative Expression One research paper at the Asia Pacific College explains how cosplay stimulates the creative aspect of humans. From designing the costumes to impersonating fictional characters, a cosplayer enjoys the entire creative process and slowly develops self-confidence.Coping with Trauma According to Robin S. Indeed, cosplays are an avenue of self-expression.

How Cosplay Reached Philippine Shores. Cosplay in the Philippines has grown over the years since it was first introduced in the country.

How Cosplay Reached Philippine Shores

But did you know how this particular hobby came to be? The term “cosplay” first started when the writer and founder for Anime publisher visited a Comic Con in Los Angeles and was fascinated by the people who dressed up as their favorite action heroes and science fiction characters. By then, he had created the term “Costume Play” but was later shortened to “Cosplay.” Your One-Stop Shop for All Your Costume Needs. On special occasions, a well-prepared outfit can make a huge difference, as well as complete the day. An exquisite costume can be a good fit for individuals of all ages, from toddlers to adults.

Whether you need an outfit for a grand event or for a cosplay in the Philippines, Milconi Marketing DBA Fantasy Costume Boutique has everything you need. As a renowned store for various costumes in Manila, Philippines, our array of outfits has expanded significantly from school activity attires to traditional and national attires from around the globe. We also have traditional Filipino clothing, including Filipiniana, ready for any of your cultural celebrations. You can also choose from our wide array of apparel products, such as: