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RAOUL FRANCÉ: FÖLDÜNK KINCSEI. A teremtés első napja.A magyar tűzhányóhegyek.Mi van a magyar föld alatt? A tenger építi és lebontja a szárazföldet.A magyar föld érckincsei.A drágakövek irányítják a világtörténelmet.Hogyan keletkeztek a Kárpátok? A magyar só és kőolaj értéke.A Kárpátok is el fognak tűnni.A jég munkája.A termőföld kincse.A fejlődés törvénye. A teremtés első napja. Ha valakinek meg akarnám mutatni a magyar föld minden kincsét és csodáját: - hova vezessem? A Kárpátok bérceire, az erdélyi havasok rengetegeibe, vagy pedig vezessem-e fel az új Magyarország legmagasabb hegyére, a 2305 méter magas borsai Horthy Miklós-csúcsra? Vagy kövessük honfoglaló őseink útját s látogassunk el a visszatért Kárpátalja erdőborította hegyláncaira? Itt mindenütt találunk valamit a magyar föld sajátosságaiból, de ami hazánk igazi lényegét teszi, azzal nem találkozunk. Szebb ez, mint a sokat látogatott Jánoshegy, mert itt édesen csendül fel a magány dallama.

Kitárul előttünk a lét nagy titka, az emberiség történelme. Mi a bazalt? Zsizsik és Moly. Natural Pools for Swimming. 50 straw bale house plans. Cob houses... Pacific Horticulture Society | Back to Nature. The prolific green roofs of Switzerland’s major cities meld even their most industrial edges with the surrounding landscape. Photo: Jeff Joslin If the phrase “green roof technology” calls to mind ice cube-like trays sandwiched between layers of plastic sheeting and synthetic fibrous mats topped with highly engineered growing medium, and a pre-grown sedum carpet you’re not alone. This is an apt description of most American green roofs and the economic backbone of the contemporary green roof industry. So this past summer when several Bay Area living architecture specialists were invited to travel and learn about green roof planting and policy in Switzerland, we thought we knew what to expect.

Instead, we were introduced to the polar opposite of what we had anticipated. There were no systems, no plastic trays, no manufactured “moisture retention layers,” or synthetic filter fabrics. And these green roofs were spectacular! Planting on Zurich’s Sihlcity shopping mall roof. Your Natural Building and Natural Living journey starts here... Guruló Otthon kezdőlap. Nabukodonozor. Building Blog. Cob Fireplace Inspiration... Read more... New building-integrated photovoltaics or BIPVs blend almost seamlessly with traditional roofing materials. Read more... Currently the majority of wood stoves in use deliver only 40 to 50 percent of the energy potential of the wood. This is highly wasteful. But on a bright note, many of the prototype models entered into the Wood Stove Decathlon squeezed out more than 90 percent of the wood's energy potential and burn much cleaner than older stoves.

One of the keys is complete combustion... Read more... Sand, clay and hay. Read more... There are cob homes in the UK that are a thousand years old. Read more... Earthy and warm, the inside of cob homes exude an incomparable charm. Read more... Cobbing is making a resurgence. Read more... Vertical herb garden inspiration. Read more... Creating furniture from books... Read more... Instead of putting those branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the a hugel bed. Read more... Read more...


Handmade Matt: Kitchen and Bathroom Wagon - Off Grid Portable Home. You can click on any photograph to enlarge it. It's been a magic process of creation with a mixture of new and recycled materials resulting in a completely unique home that is truly part of me. The total cost has been about £3,000 - A functional substitute could be achieved for a lot less no doubt, I have done many previous builds and camper conversions on a shoe string budget but this latest creation is in a league of it's own. I am so happy with the result. This article will show a photo documented step by step guide of the process.Firstly, here's a few shots of the finished cabin: The vegetables and the 490watt Solar Array: The interior: The vision was to create a modern, comfortable and yet rustic set of facilities for life in a yurt. A set up like this means that on any suitable site within a few days a very comfortable home can be made.

Here's some pictures of the trailer on the day I bought it, it's bed is 14' x 6' a modest 84 square feet: Everything was being offered up for size.