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56 Absolutely Brilliant and Intriguing Photoshop Video Tutorials. We see a lot of Photoshop tutorials on the net, but most of what we come across are tutorials written in a step-by-step manner. In most cases, the instructions are clear-cut and easy to follow, but few would argue against an even more effective kind of tutorial: Video tutorials. With the emergence of video sharing websites such as Youtube and Metacafe over the recent years, we see an ever-increasing number of user-generated videos from all over the net.

Some of these videos came from avid Photoshop fans sharing their tips, while others originates from websites dedicated to Photoshop techniques sharing their video tutorials on a regular basis. These videos give the most direct demonstration of how to achieve certain image effects via Adobe Photoshop. With such boundless video resources on Photoshop tips and tricks, it will be quite a waste not to utilize them to sharpen our Photoshop skills. More: Check out our collection of more Photoshop Tutorials. 1. 2. Got a Light? 3. 4. Cyborg conversion photoshop tutorial. Photoshop Android: Mech Spines. Being a massive Cyberpunk fan I was naturally drawn toward biomech and PostHuman art. Photoshop is an excellent tool for realising fantastic concepts, particularly sci fi enhancements and robotic elements.

In the new Photoshop Android walkthrough series we’ll be looking at a selection of photo manipulation techniques for creating Sci-Fi body modifications, with todays issue focusing on Mech Spines! Splinter I’d seen a load of great cyberpunk pieces on DeviantArt, and obviously I wanted to give it a crack.. I’d dabbled a bit beforehand, but nothing that I’d deem to be real crowd pleasers – until I developed my own style which I dubbed the ‘Splinter’ series. Because I knew I couldn’t properly articulate the organic beauty of the legendary cyber-artists such as MichealO, I decided to stray off into a different direction; creating a more hostile aesthetic. The techniques used to create the spines are actually quite simple, read on for the skinny! The Stock A bit of Prep Following the Form Shadows. Core Skills: Selecting Stock Photography.

Stock Photography constitutes the lions-share of raw materials used in photo manipulation, being more selective when choosing your resources can improve your work immediately. The old adage ‘Garbage in, Garbage out’ rings very true in this instance; you will achieve a finer finish to your work if your photographic resources are of high quality. The following article will outline a few key points to consider when selecting stock photography. The Right Sources First and foremost; It’s not really acceptable to use images sourced from search engines / image search or copyrighted material from websites etc.

There are exceptions of course; for instance creating a fan-art piece in homage to a film, video-game etc. which is used in a non-profit context. I always liked the expression ‘Don’t steal art, the world is unfair enough’, and art-theft is exactly what’s happening if you rip photographers work illegitimately. ..You get the idea Resolution Great model, poor lighting :( Lighting & Clarity Review.


Figure reference.