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Styling Sub Menus | Max Mega Menu. To apply custom styling to first and second level menu links (when displayed in a Mega Menu) Go to Appearance > Max Mega Menu > Menu ThemesSelect your menu theme from the dropdown at the top rightIn the Custom Styling area (at the bottom of the page), add the following: Before: After: 10 Useful Wordpress Search Code Snippets - Speckyboy Web Design Magazine. It is no secret that the standard search within WordPress is not the best. The problem is that WordPress takes your search term far too literally, meaning, that if you were to type “search+code+wordpress” in to our search box above, it would return every post that contains those terms (in this case over 30 posts), even though we have no such post with in our database. So, in actual fact even though there are over 30+ results, our reader will never actually find what they are looking for. We have to improve this. In this post we have 10 really useful WordPress search code snippets that will help improve the search accuracy for your readers.

How To Exclude Posts or Pages from Search Results If you would like to be able to control which posts or pages should be excluded from WordPress search results, all you have to do is copy and paste the code below into your functions.php file. In this snippet, posts with the IDs 0 and 1 will be excluded. Source: → Source: → Wordpress Plugin – jQuery Mega Menu Widget. Updated 2nd November 2012 Drop down mega menus are becoming more popular as an alternative to standard drop down menus. This WordPress menu plugin will allow you to quickly and easily create drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu. The plugin can handle multiple mega menus per page, offers a choice of animation effects (fade or slide), the option to set the drop down sub-menu to full width plus the choice to activate the menu using either hover or click.

For Vertical Mega Menus If you are looking for a vertical version of the mega menu see our WordPress plugin – jQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget. Also Check Out Our Premium WordPress Plugins: Download jQuery Mega Menu Download JQuery Mega Menu Widget 1.3.9 (69,059) jQuery Mega Menu Demos Installation Useage In order to use this plugin you will need the following: A WordPress custom menu Either use an existing menu or set one up via the menu option in WordPress admin. Widget area Create Your Mega Menu Click “save” to activate the widget.

Skin. Support » HTTP Error on image upload - STILL. Hey everyone. I'm a relatively new WP user, and I'm running into that horrendous HTTP error on image upload. I have: Is there ANYTHING else that could be causing this problem? To throw a monkey wrench into your thought process, I have 2 blogs on 2 domains, both hosted on the same server - only 1 of them has this problem... I'm going insane here... How to Customize the Logo in the Header of Studiopress's Agency Pro Theme. These days I have been trying to work on Studiopress’s Agency Pro theme. I really wanted to put my own logo up in the upper left hand corner of the site. I was hoping to put an image and text. After looking for some time I finally got something to work. However, I wasn’t able to do a combo of an image and text like I wanted. The logo thing is simple enough with Studiopress’s Agency Pro theme if you want to put a logo that is 300×60.

However, I wanted something a little bigger. Here’s how I got it to work. 1st I changed this on the functions.php page After changing the above height and looking at the admin portion of my site I was under the impression that all I needed to do was upload my logo via the Custom Header section. If you look close the new logo size has changed to 300 x 75. However, I ran into a problem. For some reason the cropper still thinks the logo is 300 x 60 (the original setting) If you were to look at the image on your site you might see something like: 1. 2. 3.

Dashicons. WordPress Caching: What’s the best Caching Plugin? Your WordPress blog getting sluggish? Caching is a great technique for speeding up your blog and the WordPress community has a lot of caching plugins to choose from. Lets review each one and find out which caching solution will work best for your WordPress blog. Newer versions of these plugins may be available These benchmarks may not accurately reflect the current version of any of the plugins listed below. For those who ask, Tutorial9 uses W3TC. What Is Caching? Each time you visit your blog, WordPress will go through a sometimes lengthy process to build everything you see. If you enable caching only the first visitor will go through this entire process. Benchmarking I will be using Apache Benchmark to grade the effectiveness of each caching solution. I will be running 1,000 requests at 10 concurrent or the number of parallel requests then taking the average of 3 tests ran at various times of the day.

No Cache First we are going to run a benchmark with caching completely disabled. Audio / Video support in Core « Make WordPress Core. Post Formats are a big feature in WordPress 3.6. What you may not know is: there is now native support for Audio and Video in core! There has been great support for embeds by way of WP_Embed and oEmbed providers for a while, but, if you wanted to play an MP3 from your Media Library, you had to install a plugin. Supporting audio and video in core gives bands, podcasters, vloggers, et al the ability to easily and beautifully expresses themselves through sounds and moving pictures without using an external service. How does this work? At the core of the experience is the fantastic library, MediaElement.js. MediaElement uses the same HTML markup, regardless of playback implementation, and you can use CSS to skin the players. Shortcodes MediaElement’s great, but we don’t want to be locked in to one external library forever.

For the following scenarios: Same goes for audio: Shortcodes focus on the “what” and abstract the “how.” Embeds There are also new embed handlers for audio and video. Admin. Adding Dashicons in WordPress. WordPress Dashicons List for Post Types. It’s very simple to use WordPress 3.8’s new icon font dashicons for a custom post type menu icon. When you register a post type, set the menu_icon argument to the CSS class of the dashicon you wish to use. Check out the reference below for a list of available classes. Dashicons as menu_icon register_post_type( 'testimonials', array( 'public' => true, 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-format-status', 'label' => 'Testimonials', 'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'custom-fields' )) ); Dashicons Reference Here’s a list of dashicons available for use in WordPress 3.8+.

Menu admin-site dashboard admin-post admin-media admin-links admin-page admin-comments admin-appearance admin-plugins admin-users admin-tools admin-settings admin-network admin-home admin-generic admin-collapse welcome-write-blog welcome-add-page welcome-view-site welcome-widgets-menus welcome-comments welcome-learn-more format-aside format-image format-gallery format-video format-status format-quote format-chat format-audio camera images-alt images-alt2 video-alt no. How to optimize Wordpress. Wordpress is an amazing CMS or Content Management System that makes creating and maintaining a website really easy. However at times it can cause high resource usage when not optimized properly. Why you should optimize WordPress Because WordPress makes it so easy to do a lot of things, this requires a lot of stuff going on in the background.

Depending on the size and complexity of your website, as well as the traffic you receive, you'll want to pay extra close attention to making sure your WordPress site is optimized to handle the type of traffic you get. If you've viewed your account's resource usage with the CPU graphs available in cPanel, and noticed your account has been going outside of your alloted usage, or if you've been contacted about your usage by our systems administration team, now is a great time to make sure WordPress isn't the culprit of your usage.

Steps to ensure an optimized WordPress setup. How to stop Search Engines from crawling your Website. In order for your website to be found by other people, search engine crawlers also sometimes referred to as bots or spiders, will crawl your website looking for updated text and links to update their search indexes with. Control search engine crawlers with robots.txt file Website owners, can instruct search engines on how they should crawl a website, by using a robots.txt file. When a search engine crawls a website, it requests the robots.txt file first and then follows the rules within. Edit or create robots.txt file The robots.txt file needs to be at the root of your site. If your domain was it should be found: On your website: On your server: /home/userna5/public_html/robots.txt You can also create a new file and call it robots.txt as just a plain-text file if you don't already have one. Search engine User-agents The most common rule you'd use in a robots.txt file is based on the User-agent of the search engine crawler.

Googlebot Yahoo! How to optimize Wordpress. Disabling the wp-cron.php in WordPress. WordPress uses a file called wp-cron.php as a virtual cron job, or scheduled task in order to automate things like publishing scheduled posts, checking for plugin or theme updates, sending email notifications and more. Have you tried the new WordPress Hosting plans? With speed and security built in, they make WordPress even easier than it is already. By default, WordPress is set up to call wp-cron.php every time someone visits your WordPress website when a scheduled task is present, to basically ask “is it time to do anything yet?”. On low traffic sites this is perfectly fine, but when visitors roll in, checking multiple times for scheduled tasks can be very inefficient and lead to resource usage problems for your server, plus make your website load slower.

Disable default wp-cron.php behavior We can easily tell WordPress to let us handle the execution of wp-cron.php with the wp-config.php file. Setup manual cron job for wp-cron.php Did you know? Disable default wp-cron.php behavior. Style Genesis Themes without Writing Code - Genesis Design Palette Pro. Topic: Protect Login Page from Brute Force Login Attacks | BulletProof Security Forum. For folks who DO NOT want/allow anyone else to login/register to their website.

This .htaccess code will protect your WordPress Login page from Brute Force Login Attacks based on IP address, but keep in mind if you are allowing folks to login to your website then they will not be able to login. This .htaccess code is for folks who do not allow anyone else, but themselves to login to their website. You can of course add additional IP address octets to allow other folks access to your login page. If you have a BuddyPress site then click this link for Anti-Spammer Registration code: The new aggressive experimental code in testing is looking like a winner so far. If you are using CloudFlare, a Proxy, a CDN, a VPN then see the: CloudFlare, Proxy, CDN, VPN section below. You will find your Server / Website IP Address and Public IP / Your Computer IP Address on the BPS System Info page. Using jQuery with WordPress | Themocracy WordPress Themes. If you’re a theme developer, you’ll (perhaps) be looking at keeping up with the latest in javascript/AJAX and incorporating a few tweaks into your brand new theme – in some ways, it’s been made very easy for you (and in one or two ways it’s just a little tricky…) So, assuming you have a basic knowledge of PHP, theme design and javascript, here’s how it works:- Loading up jQuery WordPress arrives with jQuery already bundled, so this bit’s easy enough.

But we need to get it loaded onto the page, which doesn’t happen automatically… The plan here would be to get some nice tabbed divisions going, maybe in the sidebar, courtesy of jQuery. 01. <? Php 02.add_action('template_redirect', 'them_js_head_load'); 04.function them_js_head_load(){ 07. if(is_admin()) return; 09. wp_enqueue_script('tabber', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . These are already registered, so only the handle is required, here: ‘jquery-ui-tabs’, etc. The full list of bundled libraries is at: WordPress wp_enqueue_script.

Vital! Support » Jquery UI and WordPress. How do I add a simple jquery script to wordpress. How to add FitText (or any other jQuery script) to your Genesis site. Adding jquery and custom scripts to a Wordpress theme. How do I add a simple jquery script to wordpress. WordPress Optimization Guide. Note: These plugins address mainly front-end optimization issues only. If your site still takes a long time to load, an improved server or back-end code optimizations is what will make a real difference.

Read more about our WordPress Consulting Service. ***Optional First Step*** Download and activate GTmetrix for WordPress Use this plugin to get a before snapshot of your WP performance. Enter your GTmetrix API key Once you've installed it, enter your API key from your GTmetrix account in the Settings page (you must be registered to generate an API key). Test your Front Page After this is done, visit "Tests" and under the "Latest Front Page Score" module, click "Test your Front Page now" button.

Front Page Report Generated A report will be generated with PageSpeed and YSlow grades for the front page of your WordPress site. Step 1) Download and activate W3 Total Cache You'll notice a new section in your admin sidebar called "Performance. " W3 Total Cache: Check this option Click Save all settings. Genesis Tutorials — Tips, Tricks, and How-tos for the Genesis Theme Framework. Add A Unique Sidebar to the Genesis Home Page — WordPress Consultant. A unique looking home page is often a desired look. This tutorial will be similar to Jen Baumann’s tutorial How to Show a Different Sidebar on Specific Pages only specific to the home page. One other sidebar quick tip, if your looking for unique sidebars elsewhere on the site you can also try Genesis Simple Sidebars plugin (which does not work for the home page).

In order to accomplish this, you will need to: Register a new sidebar in your child theme functions.phpCreate a new sidebar file for your child themeAdd a function to your child theme functions.php Step 1 – Register a new sidebar in your child theme functions.php In this example, we want to replace the Primary Sidebar with a new Primary Sidebar on the home page. Make sure that you name your sidebar something appropriate to where your new sidebar will be located.

Step 2 – Create a new file inside your child theme directory called sidebar-home.php Step 3 – Add a function to your child theme functions.php. Genesis Code Snippets | Greg Rickaby. Genesis Code Snippets | Greg Rickaby. How to remove page name from beginning of pages but NOT from posts. WordPress Custom Fields 101: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks. How to Create a Video and Image WordPress Slider with SlideDeck. How to Get Google's Verified Authorship for your WordPress Blog. How to Secure your WordPress Pages with SSL. How to Build a Genesis Child Theme. How to Install Wordpress Manually Using cPanel in Under 5 Minutes. WordPress - add Adsense to your blog. How To Add Adsense In Wordpress - Wrap Adsense Ads With Content. 4 Plugins to Customize Where Widgets are Displayed. How to Setup a WordPress Development Environment for Windows. Membership Options. Products. Minimalism in blog design, an experiment. Function Reference/wp enqueue script. 10 Tutorials Using Wordpress and JQuery | WP Switch.

30 Tutorials Combining Both Wordpress and jQuery. Including jQuery in WordPress (The Right Way) 20 More WordPress Code Snippets and Hacks. 20 Helpful Wordpress SQL Queries Snippets.