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How to populate ASP.NET DropDownList using jQuery and Ajax. A breaking change between versions of ASP.NET AJAX. Note: This post is part of a long-running series of posts covering the union of jQuery and ASP.NET: jQuery for the ASP.NET Developer. Topics in this series range all the way from using jQuery to enhance UpdatePanels to using jQuery up to completely manage rendering and interaction in the browser with ASP.NET only acting as a backend API. If the post you're viewing now is something that interests you, be sure to check out the rest of the posts in this series. When working directly with JSON serialized ASMX services, be it via jQuery, pure XmlHttpRequest calls, or anything else other than the ScriptManager, one question inevitably arises.

That question is of the inexplicable .d attribute that appeared in ASP.NET 3.5. What is it? Why is it there? In this post, I’ll use both a 2.0 and a 3.5 example ASMX web service to illustrate exactly what’s going on. An example Following a concrete example always helps to better clarify these things. Calling the service and inspecting its result Conclusion. Brandon Joyce's Blog | JQuery AJAX and ASMX. Php - jquery ui autocomplete with database.

Ajax auto-suggest / auto-complete | BrandSpankingNew. View the original article at BrandSpankingNew Here's Version 2.1.3 of my Ajax-powered auto-suggestion, or auto-complete textfield. Examples & description Example (JSON) Description The AutoSuggest class adds a pulldown menu of suggested values to a text field. The results of the first request are cached on the client machine and are filtered as the user continues to type, to reduce the number of requests hitting the server. In the JSON example above a callback function is passed to the autoSuggest instance. In the XML example below supplementary information is being displayed along with the names, in this case an english county. Example (XML) Release Notes What's new in 2.1.3? Identitfied and fixed bug that caused "No results! " What's new in 2.1.2? Smaller file size (under 9k) Uses encodeURIComponent instead of encodeURI bsn namespace is set as default - uses new bsn.Autosuggest(... instead of new Autosuggest(....

What's new in 2.1? What's new in 2.0? Usage bsn.AutoSuggest_2.1.3_comp.js Options. $.ajax post from page and __viewstate causing call to fail.