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YEI 3-Space Sensor — YEI Technology Division - Pentadactyl. The YEI 3-Space Sensor™ product line is a family of miniature, high-precision, high-reliability, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) / Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). Each YEI 3-Space Sensor uses triaxial gyroscope, accelerometer, and compass sensors in conjunction with advanced processing and on-board quaternion-based Kalman filtering algorithms to determine orientation relative to an absolute reference in real-time. The product family offers a breadth of communication, performance, and packaging options ranging from the ultra-miniature TSS embedded to fully integrated battery-powered wireless and data-logging versions. Orientation can be returned in absolute terms or relative to a designated reference orientation. The proprietary multi-reference vector mode increases accuracy and greatly reduces and compensates for sensor error.

Product Documentation and Firmware YEI_3-Space_Family_Tech_Brief_v1.0.4.pdf - YEI 3-Space Family Overview Technical Brief Python Code Examples Videos. Head-mounted display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Pentadactyl. A head-mounted display (or helmet-mounted display, for aviation applications), both abbreviated HMD, is a display device, worn on the head or as part of a helmet, that has a small display optic in front of one (monocular HMD) or each eye (binocular HMD). There is also an optical head-mounted display (OHMD), which is a wearable display that has the capability of reflecting projected images as well as allowing the user to see through it. A binocular head-mounted display (HMD). A professional head-mounted display (HMD). Overview[edit] A typical HMD has either one or two small displays with lenses and semi-transparent mirrors embedded in a helmet, eyeglasses (also known as data glasses) or visor. Types[edit] HMDs differ in whether they can display just a computer generated image (CGI), show live images from the real world or a combination of both.

Optical HMD[edit] An optical head-mounted display uses an optical mixer which is made of partly silvered mirrors. Applications[edit] Sports[edit] Head Mounted Display (HMD) Comparison Chart. eMargin. Дисплейные очки с датчиком положения Z800 3DVisor™ Видимое изображение: воспринимается как экран с диагональю 2,5 метра, расположенный на расстоянии 4 метра. Угол обзора: 40° по диагонали Датчик положения: 360° по горизонтали и более 60° по вертикали, точность 1°, дрейф показаний не более 1° за 5 минут, задержка не более 4 мс, частота отсчетов 125 Гц. Аппаратное разрешение: SVGA (800x600 тройных пикселов или 1,44 мегапиксела). Цветность: 24 бита, более 16,7 миллионов цветов. Яркость: 50 кд/м2. Контрастность: более 200 к 1. Стереоскопия: автоматически распознает черескадровый стереоскопический видеопоток, показывает как двумерное так и трехмерное изображение. Размеры контроллера: 155x88x29 мм.

Вес очков: 227 г. Потребляемая мощность: около 1,25 Вт. Питание: Порт USB или источник стабилизированного постоянного напряжения 5 вольт. Входной сигнал: Разъем VGA (D-SUB), 24 бита на цветной пиксел. Аудио: Собственные стереонаушники. Микрофон: Встроенный, шумоподавляющий. Рабочая температура: 0...40°C. HMZ-T1 | Индивидуальный 3D дисплей | Сведения | HMZT1W.RU3 | HMZT1 | Sony - Pentadactyl. News | Oculus Rift - A Virtual Reality Headset for Immersive 3D Gaming - Pentadactyl. Z800 3DVisor: Get Inside The Game™ - Pentadactyl. ST1080, HMD, HD Projector, LCoS, 1080p Projector, 4k2k | Silicon Micro Display - Silicon Micro Display - Pentadactyl. Floor. Omnidirectional treadmill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Pentadactyl. U.S. Army Research Lab's ODT with CAVE Graphics Advantages to pairing an ODT with an immersive virtual environment include: Natural navigational movement of the system user within the enclosure while still providing context cues which simulate physical traversal through the virtual terrainReverting immersive navigation tasks from hand-based (mouse, joystick) to mentally hard-wired whole body (leg) basedEnhancing immersion by providing a whole-body experience that begins at the soles of the feet and ends at the top of the headFacilitating whole-body haptic interaction Future directions and discussion[edit] Natural navigation employing the ODT has two fundamental, parallel paths.

One path seeks to create wholly immersive, obstruction free environment as in virtual reality, the other seeks a lower cost, more restricted device. The immersive vision is that of a large active surface upon which the immersant is able to walk freely and unfettered. Potential uses[edit] Cybercarpet See also[edit]