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Learning material - SuperMemopedia. Step-by-step to SuperMemo mastery. This guide will help you learn SuperMemo 16 step by step without missing any important function. Each step may take from a day to a week. Advanced techniques such as incremental reading may require months of practice. Do not rush! SuperMemo can quickly lead to confusion and disillusionment. Pick the next step to learn only after mastering all previous steps. Backing up the learning material. Safety of your knowledge stored in SuperMemo Knowledge you store in SuperMemo might belong to your most precious data on your hard disk! After all, it has cost you months or years of editing and repetitions.

You must continue your repetitions indefinitely to make sure you do not forget what you have learned. This is why your skills in making a backup copy are so vital! Чтение Интернета! Избыток информации Если бы я должен был назвать одну вещь, которая оказала бы наибольшее влияние на будущее этой планеты, я называл бы Всемирную паутину. Возможность поиска 800 миллионов страниц информации [ Nature , июнь 1999] за секунды или минуты предоставляет нам доступ к Интернету - опыту, который не был известен людям целые 40 000 лет человеческого общения до появления WWW!

При разумном запросе вы можете получить ответы на вопросы о средствах от простуды, показателях ВВП, воздействии кофе на здоровье в статьях специалистов, новостях, графиках движения поездов, ассортименте фильмов, аукционах, и т.д. Кажется, что скоро доступ к информации должен прекратить быть ограничивающим фактором в поисках больших и лучших знаний.

Но с другой стороны, вы, более вероятно, будете снабжены более ценной информацией, чем то, что когда-либо будете в состоянии обработать всю информацию. Выбираем источники. Knowledge structuring for learning. We will discuss elements that, independently of the repetition spacing algorithm (e.g. as used in SuperMemo), influence the effectiveness of learning.

Knowledge structuring for learning

In particular we will see, using examples from a simple knowledge system used in learning microeconomics, how knowledge representation affects the easiness with which knowledge can be retained in the student’s memory. The microeconomics knowledge system has almost entirely been based on the material included in Economics of the firm. Theory and practice by Arthur A. Thompson, Jr, 1989. Item univocality and inter-item interference. We will discuss elements that, independently of the repetition spacing algorithm (e.g. as used in SuperMemo), influence the effectiveness of learning. In particular we will see, using examples from a simple knowledge system used in learning microeconomics, how knowledge representation affects the easiness with which knowledge can be retained in the student’s memory.

The microeconomics knowledge system has almost entirely been based on the material included in Economics of the firm. Theory and practice by Arthur A. Thompson, Jr, 1989. Redundancy. Support for derivation, reasoning and intelligence. We will discuss elements that, independently of the repetition spacing algorithm (e.g. as used in SuperMemo), influence the effectiveness of learning. In particular we will see, using examples from a simple knowledge system used in learning microeconomics, how knowledge representation affects the easiness with which knowledge can be retained in the student’s memory. The microeconomics knowledge system has almost entirely been based on the material included in Economics of the firm. Theory and practice by Arthur A. Thompson, Jr, 1989. 20 rules of formulating knowledge in learning.

Principles of spaced repetition. The problem of forgetting Have you noticed that soon after learning a new study material you remember very little of it? The less you have a chance to rehearse what you have learned, the greater the speed with which the newly acquired knowledge evaporates from your memory. It has long been known that repetitio est mater studiorum (Latin: repetition is the mother of learning).

In other words, the best way to remember is to make repetitions of the learned material. However, you might find it quite frustrating when you have to repeat old subjects while your teachers or supervisors still want you to know more and more new material. And if you are under no pressure to learn new things ... so much the better. Most of all, you shall try to experiment with ... Incremental reading. Introduction Traditional linear reading is highly inefficient.

This comes from the fact that various pieces of the text are of various importance. Some should be skipped. Others should be read in the first order of priority. Old-fashioned books are quickly being replaced with hypertext. What is incremental reading? Incremental reading is a learning technique that makes it possible to read thousands of articles at the same time without getting lost.

Formula for Human Genius and Creativity. High IQ in high demand Intelligence, creativity and genius are generally regarded as highly valuable assets of the human mind. As a strong positive correlation exists between IQ and the median earned income, most people would gladly boost their IQ, improve creativity or accept being called a genius. Exceptions to this rule are few and most revolve around a claim that intelligence may be an obstacle on the way towards universal happiness. Here are a few exemplary arguments against human intelligence listed by the detractors of genius: high intelligence reveals existential truths and as such is highly depressive high intelligence prevents atavistic enjoyment of relationships high intelligence is a source of envy and other bad feelings in others high intelligence leads to inhuman behaviors and most sophisticated forms of evil In this article, I will tacitly ignore the above claims and assume that you would gladly become more intelligent, creative or innovative.

Devouring knowledge: step by step guide. Contents Introduction This article summarizes my 20-year-long effort in developing techniques and technologies that assist human learning. It should help you quickly convert your learning into a rationally controlled and conscious process. I believe, it describes the tools that collectively account for the fastest learning approach in existence. Flow of knowledge in SuperMemo. Summary: To maximize the speed and the benefits of learning with newer versions of SuperMemo, you will need to learn more about knowledge management and the flow of knowledge in the learning process (rudimentary knowledge of SuperMemo is needed to understand this text) Most important points and skills: In this article I would like to discuss the optimum strategy that would maximize the inflow of quality knowledge into the learning process at minimum time.

It should be noted that long-term memory is still the bottleneck of the learning process. How to break free from the work overload?