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Mikebeechfilm is the online portfolio of the director, cinematographer, and editor, Mike Beech, an award-winning filmmaker with a passion for visual storytelling. The website features a stunning collection of Mike's work, including captivating short films Visit today to explore more of his exceptional body of work.

Filmmaker Seoul | Videographer | Cinematographer- Mike Beech. Cinematographer in Seoul. Discovering Seoul through the Lens of a Freelance Videographer - Download - 4shared - Mike Beech. Independent Videographer Korea | Mike Beech. Director | Cinematographer | Editor - Mike beech PowerPoint Presentation - ID:13365159. Director | Cinematographer | Editor - Mike beech. Music Video Cinematographer And Director- Mike Beech. Mike Beech is an independent writer, director, cinematographer, editor, camera operator, and drone pilot. He has worked in a wide variety of genres including documentary, high-end TVCs, fashion, drama, music videos, broadcast television, travel, corporate and charity projects. Mike has always had a deep passion for cinema and a love of visual art. From the first photo he took as a child on a homemade pinhole camera to shooting feature-length films on a Red, he has always found inspiration and peace in images.

His filmmaking career has allowed him to shoot in over 25 countries around the world but the majority of his work takes place in the Middle East and South Korea. In 2022, Mike wrote and directed his first fiction feature ‘Mother Midnight’ (Korean title: 서까래) which is had a very successful festival run being selected as part multiple international festivals and winning Best Film at London Breeze 2023. He is currently based in Seoul, South Korea. Music video cinematographer | Mike Beech PowerPoint Presentation - ID:13342346. Experienced Freelance Filmmaker in Korea - Mike Beech | PDF. Mike Beech- Director, Filmmaker and Cinematographer.

Freelance Film Director - Mike Beech. Independent Videographer in Korea | Mike beech. Capturing Korea's Essence Through the Lens. Usually on projects I use my own Red camera or will look to rent an equivalent machine that can deliver higher-end imagery. However, I think in the past I may have over-emphasised this requirement for the best imaging in detriment to the overall piece. At least that is what quickly became apparent on the first day of this particular project. As you can see on the left, we shot the first day on my Red. This was during the height of the Korean summer in a tiny room with no aircon. The image looked decent but the camera fans were so loud. As the conversation went on, the room got hotter and hotter and the camera fans began to encroach on the audio quality. Additionally, the run time of the Red batteries and mags, while not bad, are not ideal for long, emotionally intense discussions. That night I spoke with the producers and we decided a rethink was in order.

Budgeting Tips for Independent Film Directors. Introduction Many independent Film directors independent Film directors need help creating a film on a limited budget. But with careful planning and smart strategies, it's possible to produce high-quality films without breaking the bank. This guide will offer practical budgeting tips to help you effectively manage your indie film production costs. Understanding Your Budget Fixed Costs vs. Before allocating funds, it's important to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant, such as location fees or salaries for key personnel. Fixed costs provide a foundation for your budget. Variable costs, on the other hand, require flexibility. Essential Budgeting Tips Prioritize Your Expenses Not all expenses are created equal. For instance, high-quality sound is often more critical than lavish sets.

Save on Equipment Costs Equipment rental can be one of the biggest expenses. Another option is to purchase used equipment. Utilize Free Resources Final Thoughts. Seoul Freelance Filmmaker. Documentary Film Director - Mike Beech. A Guide to Music Video Cinematography. Music Video Production Crew: Who Do You Need to Make a Music Video? Director: The visionary behind the video, the director conceptualizes the storyline, visual aesthetics, and overall mood. Collaborating closely with the cinematographer, they ensure the artistic vision aligns with the song’s message.Cinematographer: The cinematographer (or director of photography) is responsible for translating the director’s vision into stunning visuals. They choose camera angles, lighting, lenses, and camera movements to evoke emotions and enhance the storytelling.Camera Operators: These skilled professionals operate the cameras during the shoot.

Their expertise in framing shots, focus pulling, and camera movement contributes significantly to the final product.Gaffer and Grips: The gaffer manages lighting equipment, ensuring proper illumination for each scene. What Should My Music Video Look Like? Before diving into production, consider the following: Genre and Mood: Understand the genre of the song. Mike Beech Best Documentary film director | PPT.