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Drug smarts

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A BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO DRUGS FOR GIRLS « I am a girl. If you are also a girl, you’ll doubtless have been offered plenty of useful tips for life. Tips on things like how to hook Mr Right and not get into unmarked taxis, how to juggle both a family and a career and how to halve your vagina-age. But, good as that stuff is, (and it is great), has anyone ever taught you the basic Ys and Ns of getting high? Probably not, and that's why most of us are worse at it than boys. Here are some pointers for the beginners out there so you can get high without becoming that girl slumped in the corner of the night bus with vomit all over your shoes and lockjaw so bad your teeth have all snapped in half. NOTHING GOOD EVER HAPPENS AFTER 5 AM This is a hard and fast rule for anyone, not just a girl thing. DON’T TAKE DRUGS WHEN YOU’RE ON YOUR PERIOD Do you really think that after three pills (if you're a girl, never go higher) you’re going to remember what time your tampon needs changing?

WALK AROUND Double-dropped and still not up? Drugs World. Drug Testing Vaults : Misc Info. Neurotransmitters and Drugs Chart. Argot .com : dictionary of street drug ( cannabis, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, et al. ) slang. The Great Big Narcotics Cookbook.