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Sales and Customers

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Simple CRM and Sales Tracking App. How to Create & Execute a Sales Pipeline: A 5-Step Process From a 20-Year Business Veteran) I’ve been teaching someone on our team recently about how a sales pipeline works — and so I thought I’d summarize my sales approach here for you (I’ve used this for straight up sales as well as for partner sales).

How to Create & Execute a Sales Pipeline: A 5-Step Process From a 20-Year Business Veteran)

Note: I’m going to refer to the party I’m selling to as a “customer” but it could easily be a partner in the case of partnership sales. There are any number of sales pipeline stages you can use: I’m going to use Leads, 10% Opportunities, 50% Opportunities, 90% Opportunities and Closed Won/Lost. I first adopted this methodology when I began using which mapped well to how my mind works. Stage 1: Leads First you have to get leads in the door. TOS accepted.