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Awesome Poster on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. Our Bloom's Taxonomy section here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is growing richer in materials and resources. I am so grateful to everyone of you for generously contributing with your ideas and links. I just got this poster from a fellow teacher featuring the 6 thinking skills as outlined in the revised taxonomy. As you probably know, Blooms taxonomy that was first created in the 1950s has been revised by Krathwohl and there are two main changes that appeared in this revised taxonomy: the first one is semantic in that nouns are now being replaced with verbs; and the second change relates to the order of these thinking skills.

In the old taxonomy, Bloom highlighted the importance of evaluating and therefore placed it at the top of the thinking continuum, but for Krathwohl Creating is the highest order thinking skill. I will let you have a look at this awesome revised taxonomy poster and looking forward to your comments and feedback. Fleischer Kompetensutveckling – Föreläsning: Datorn i klassrummet – vägar till djupare kunskaper. Antalet iPad-studier växer – och resultaten är positiva. Allt fler skolor köper iPads till sina lärare och elever. Det rullar som en våg över hela den rika världen och sker till stor del utan att det finns några större studier som stöder paddans värde som utbildningsverktyg.

Förutom dess omvittnade snabbhet och användarvänlighet kan ett viktigt skäl vara att paddan svarar extra bra på de krav på en mer individanpassad undervisning som reses från politiken, allmänheten och forskningen. Successivt börjar nu också allt fler studier av iPad:ens styrkor och svagheter att publiceras. På forskningssidan så kom det under 2012 en amerikansk doktorsavhandling[1] och några artiklar publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Med intresse kastade jag mig över några av dessa, men blev ganska besviken. Intressantare än dessa studier är en utvärdering av iPads i skotska skolor som genomförts av University of Hull. Det personliga ”ägandet” av enheten var en avgörande framgångsfaktor som ökade motivationen och intresset för skolarbetet.

Stockholms iPad-satsning utvärderad | Jan Hylén. Under våren 2012 fördelades drygt 2 200 iPads på 13 skolor i Stockholm. Jag fick i uppdrag att utvärdera satsningen och har genomfört enkäter, intervjuer och klassrumsobservationer. De frågor utvärderingen skulle besvara var: I vilka lärsituationer kan iPad användas med framgång? När kan en iPad ersätta en bärbar dator? Ökar användandet av iPads elevernas motivation till att lära?

Resultaten kan sammanfattas som att en iPad kan ersätta en dator i de flesta situationer utom möjligen ordbehandling. Vidare svarar nio av tio lärare att med iPads är det lättare att motivera eleverna i skolarbetet. Du hittar hela rapporten här. Lakeville test shows iPads boosted education in many classrooms. A new report shows that the Lakeville district’s investment in technology is paying off in terms of student learning and motivation. Of the 31 classrooms or programs that completed research on newly issued iPads last year, 23 reported increases in student engagement, 24 reported that student motivation went up and 20 observed gains in student learning, according to the iLearn Resarch report, discussed at Tuesday’s school board meeting.

“This is innovation at its best and I’m really excited about that,” said Roz Peterson, board chairwoman. Superintendent Lisa Snyder said she was happy with the results, but not surprised. “I’ve read a lot of the research on the utilization and need for digital tools for learning,” she said. “So I wasn’t very surprised that it was going to be successful.” Trish Harvey, the district’s digital learning coordinator, said that classes not reporting gains either saw no change or had teachers who were reluctant to attribute progress only to iPad use.

Ipad höjer motivationen i skolan. Håkan Edman, grundskoledirektör i Stockholms stad. Efter drygt 6 000 inköpta Ipad har Stockholms stad valt att utvärdera sitt projekt med Ipad i skolan. Projektet har bedrivits på 28 av stadens 120 grundskolor och resultaten är blandade. En preliminär rapport kommer att presenteras på konferensen SETT om skola och it på torsdag. Målsättningen med utvärderingen har varit att ta reda på om surfplattan kan ersätta datorn i klassrummet och fungera som pedagogiskt verktyg. Med hjälp av en extern konsult har Stockholm stad låtit intervjua 40 lärare och fått in enkätsvar från 120 stycken som använt Ipad i undervisningen. . – Många lärare menar att dokumentationen av elevernas lärande blivit mer varierad. Lärare i svenska för de yngre berättar till exempel att att eleverna kan visa sin läsfärdighet genom att spela in ljudfiler.

Även praktiska saker som att plattorna startar direkt, är lätta att bära och har batterier som räcker längre än en bärbar dators uppskattas av lärarna. Antalet iPad-studier växer – och resultaten är positiva | Jan Hyléns webbplats. 1-1 och Forskningen! iPad and Education – No Longer A Debate! | syded. There is no longer a debate! If money was no object would a teacher want their students to have an iPad each? Even if they only used it to research a different perspective. Even if they only used it to add resources to their work. Even if they only used it as an alternative way to demonstrate learning. The research exists to support the device as a tool for learning.

Any mobile device can assist in the learning process, it just happens that the iPad is the current class leader. So why do we continue to debate? Money – It isn’t the educators job to worry about the finances. Behaviour Management – ‘If students are using technology inappropriately in the classroom, you have a behaviour problem, not a technology problem.’ Learning – If the device isn’t suitable for a task then educators shouldn’t use it. The iPad in Education debate should centre around appropriate use. The real debate centres around when and where to use the device to support existing methodology.

Like this: Like Loading... iPad Research in Schools. Last updated on 2/5/2014 Print this page1 The Technology Enhanced Learning Research group, led by Kevin Burden (Principal Investigator) based in the Faculty of Education, has completed the first national evaluation to investigate the use and impact of tablet technologies (in this case the iPad), across schools and homes in Scotland. The study was based in eight schools and six local authorities across Scotland where iPad devices were being piloted to investigate a range of issues associated with the deployment of personal mobile devices as tools for teaching and learning. This follows the announcement and launch in May 2012 by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning in Scotland (Mr.

Michael Russell) of a series of pilots6 to assess the issues associated with personal ownership of technologies for learning. It is anticipated the current evaluation will contribute to the evidence base which Scotland is looking to develop in this important aspect of education. iPad Research in Schools. 8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education. 8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education Posted by Ashley Wainwright on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 @ 09:26 AM Since their release in April of 2010, Apple’s iPads have taken the US by storm. iPads have swept through almost every industry, especially education.

Apple is pushing for iPad use in education, and several schools across the US have taken up the charge. The proliferation of iPads in the classroom will only keep accelerating. With these powerful mobile devices come a lot of possible benefits for educators and students alike. We all know iPads are exciting and there is a plethora of engaging apps for them out there, but do they actually improve education? There have been many interesting studies done about iPads in the classroom and the effects on both students and teachers. A research study, conducted in Auburn, Maine showed that Kindergartner students using iPads scored much higher on literacy tests than students that didn’t use the device. iPad Research in Schools.