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Simple Tooltip with jQuery. It's always a joy to understand how things work. Well, at least I do. Alright, this time, I want to share with you all, how to create a simple jQuery tooltip. In this website, I'm using a script I grabed it online, and it uses onmouseover and onmouseout. It's really messy and annoying me. So, it's jQuery comes to rescue. The way it works is fairly simple, I use the Anchor tag REL and TITLE attributes to identify a tooltip and its content.

By the way, if you are having problems looking for a good iPage Web Host, you can use this website to guide you: Web Hosting Review Getting the mouse X and Y axis First of all, I did a search with google, and I found this little script from this blog, very useful information. Detect the Anchor element I wrote a simple selector to select only Anchor tag with REL set to tooltip, I'm using the same approach in the Navigation List menu + jQuery Animate Effect tutorial. $('a[rel=tooltip]').mouseover(function() { ...... }); Finally, the CSS.

Final Product. jQuery Pagination - jPaginate. Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin. Simple tooltips Here's some examples of simple tooltips using some of the default options provided by the simpletip library. Hover over me to see a bog standard tooltip using all default options. $(). simpletip Hover over me to see a fixed position tooltip. $(). Click to see a persistent tooltip that only closes when clicked! Here's a tooltip with some custom content. Positioning When using static tooltips (e.g. fixed: true; configuration) there are several options available to position the tooltip. Hover over me to see a tooltip positioned to the left of the parent element. $(). Hover over me to see a tooltip positioned to the right of the parent element. $(). Hover over me to see a tooltip positioned to the top of the parent element. $(). Hover over me to see a tooltip positioned to the bottom of the parent element. $().

This tooltip is absolutely positioned at coordinates [100, 730]. $(). This tooltip is relatively positioned to its parent element at coordinates ["0", "-100"]. $(). Effects css eq. CrossSlide - A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animat. CrossSlide is a jQuery plugin implementing in 2kB 1 of Javascript code some common slide-show animations, traditionally only available via Adobe Flash™ or other proprietary plugins. CrossSlide builds upon jQuery's animation facility, so it is as portable across browsers as jQuery itself (that is, a lot!)

Internally CrossSlide does not rely on lookup tables, building instead a "chain" of functions. Each function starts a linear phase of the animation through jQuery, setting the next function in the chain as a complete callback. After all the functions are prepared and the animation is started, no other calculations are made. This setup reduces runtime overhead to the absolute minimum, making CrossSlide the most optimized implementation of these effects.

CrossSlide can create a few different effects, depending on how it's called. Static cross-fade The simplest effect, a cross-fade between static pictures is just as simple to set up: Slide and cross-fade Here is the jQuery code to set it up: Pagination. jQuery Menu Style 01 (Black) Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness - Nettuts+ Browsers will automatically display a tooltip when you provide a title attribute. Internet Explorer will also use the alt attribute. But, in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to quickly write a jQuery plugin that will replace the typical browser tooltip with something a little flashier. One of the great tools we have in our web development goodie-bag are tooltips. A tooltip is a box that appears when you hover your cursor over an element like a hyperlink. It provides supplementary information about that element. For example, a link with little or no text (an icon) may become confusing.

Provide an extra sentence or two within a tooltip to explain to your users what will happen if they click on it. Before You Start This tutorial would probably fit in the category of Intermediate. If you need a refresher on jQuery, here are a few recommended sites: Here's a rundown of what each file/folder is: Step 1 - First, Get a Little Creative Step 2 - Slice and Dice Your Tooltip The HTML The CSS. Easy Slider 1.7 - Numeric Navigation jQuery Slider. I got a lot of emails and feedback about my easySlider plugin, thank you all for that. However, I have to apologize to all of you who sent emails asking for a little help with implementation or small bug fixes.

I simply don’t have the time to answer all of your emails. I wish I do. What I am presenting you today is an easySlider update with 2 new features. When going through your feedback I noticed 2 feature suggestions appearing very often: numeric navigation (as an alternative to next/previous buttons)continuous scroll instead of jumping to the first (or last) slide So, that’s what I implemented in this new version. Also, your suggestion about continuous scroll made most sense, it is kind of annoying when you have many slides and have to wait for all of them to scroll back to the first one.

Download easySlider 1.7 I suggest that you read about previous versions in order to understand better how it works: easySlider version 1.0 easySlider version 1.5 Options prevId prevText nextId nextText speed. hSlides jQuery plugin. s3Slider jQuery plugin. This example shows the layer appears on top or bottom. Lorem ipsum dolorConsectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec eu massa vitae arcu laoreet aliquet. PraesentMaecenas est erat, aliquam a, ornare eu, pretium nec, pede.

In hac habitasseQuisque ipsum est, fermentum quis, sodales nec, consectetuer sed, quam. This example shows the layer appears on left or right. Morbi malesuadaVivamus molestie leo sed justo. In hac habitasseQuisque ipsum est, fermentum quis, sodales nec, consectetuer sed, quam. This example shows the layer appears on all sides (left, right, bottom or top).

Morbi malesuadaVivamus molestie leo sed justo. In hac habitasseQuisque ipsum est, fermentum quis, sodales nec, consectetuer sed, quam. jQuery Tip - Getting Select List Values: jQuery, Tutorial. A friend asked me a simple question today, but it is worth noting because I have asked the same before, “How do you get the current value from a select list?” To get the current value is very simple using val() . But sometimes you may need to get the selected option’s text. This is not as straight forward. First, we get the selected option with :selected selector. Then once we have the option, we can get the text with the function, text(). $('#selectList :selected').text(); View Demo: Note on July 23 @9:14AM: HoyaSaxa93 wrote in to ask how to get values from select multiples. Var foo = []; $('#multiple :selected').each(function(i, selected){ foo[i] = $(selected).text();});

Simple Static Tooltip Widget using jQuery.UI. I've seen different type of tooltips around. And actually jQuery tooltip plugin was one of the best I ever seen. And then I thought to build some tooltip similar to those tooltips available on learning items . Just simple one to be displayed on left or right of the tooltiped item (element). And I decide to build that using jQuery.ui widgets . Very simple and straight forward, all I needed is the following: A tooltip fully UI customizable to be displayed to the right or left of the desired element. I built a sample which you can download to demonstrate how this tooltip should work and you can view the demo here. Before go through the code, I recommend first to read the following posts: So, I'll start with init function, where I register for hover/out events or focus/blur events.

As you noticed, there are 2 handler functions hoverHanlder and outHandler . It worth to mention that those function are of the widget context. This tooltip has 7 options. Yes that is it! Create a Content Rich Tooltip with JSON and jQuery | Web Resourc. Today we’re going to break the mold of the traditional tooltip. This tutorial will demonstrate how to build tooltips that are powered by jQuery, with information pulled from a JSON array. Here’s a look at the final result that we’ll be looking to make: Our page will have two links. When a user hovers over a link, it will trigger the top banner to change its background image and text based on the entry in a JSON array.

See the Demo We’ll be using a pack of background images in later steps. Build the Page Structure New File: I have called my HTML file ‘json-tooltip.htm” for this tutorial Our example’s HTML is pretty self explanatory. Pay special attention to what’s going on with link anchors with a class of “tooltip” though. <! Size and Style with CSS New File: I have called my CSS file ‘json-tooltip.css” for this tutorial Since the bulk of this layout will be done in jQuery, the CSS is only responsible for sizing the banner div to proper size.

The Logic Behind JSON Create Array with JSON 1. jQuery plugin: Tablesorter 2.0. Author: Christian Bach Version: 2.0.5 (changelog) Licence: Dual licensed (just pick!) Under MIT or GPL licenses. Please with sugar on top! Don't hotlink the tablesorter.js files. Download it and host it on your servers. Update! New version! , and the tablesorter docs are now available in russian, head over to Helping out! Comments and love letters can be sent to: christian@tablesorter.comchristian at tablesorter dot com. tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. Multi-column sorting Parsers for sorting text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats), time.

TIP! To use the tablesorter plugin, include the jQuery library and the tablesorter plugin inside the <head> tag of your HTML document: tablesorter works on standard HTML tables. NOTE! HoverAnim jQuery plugin. Image Rotator w/ Teaser - CSS & jQuery Tutorial. jQuery Stuff. Sliding Login Panel with jQuery 1.3.2. Sliding login panel with jQuery - Demo This script is based on my previous script "Show/Hide Login Panel with Mootools 1.2" but now works with jQuery 1.3.2 instead of Mootools 1.2. Click "Log In | Register" on top to open the demo. Download this script here » Please note the Login and Register forms in this demo will not work "out of the box" without a user login system pre-installed on your site (e.g. PHP/MySQL user login system)! However, most of the CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc have a login system integrated in their platform.

This page is valid (X)HTML & CSS. What's new in this version? Panel has been redesigned to be "slicker". Known Bugs Rollover effect for the login button doesn't work in IE6 because of 24Ways' script. And now some Lorem Ipsum to fill the page Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. jQuery plugin: Treeview « Lightwof an unordered list into an expandable and collapsable tree, great for unobtrusive navigation enhancements. Supports both location and cookie based persistence. Note as of April 2010: While the plugin still works as it is, it has some shortcomings, and not maintained anymore. There are now plenty of alternative jQuery tree plugins, like jsTree. Eventually there will be successor as part of jQuery UI. Note October 2010: Despite the above, I’ve moved the plugin to GitHub, fixed a bug when combining persist: “location” and prerendered: true, and released (tagged in Git) 1.4.1.

Current version: 1.4.1License: MIT/GPL Files: DownloadChangelogDemosDocumentationGitHub Repository Dependencies Required jQuery 1.2.x+, tested with 1.4.3 Support Please post questions to the official Using jQuery Plugins Forum, tagging your question with (at least) “treeview”. Donate.