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Makeup Brush 101. Hey lovelies!

Makeup Brush 101

I am so thrilled to finally be publishing one of your most-requested posts- Makeup Brush 101! I think the reason this topic has been requested so much is that brushes can be a really intimidating subject. There are just so many sizes, shapes, brands, types, etc. and I can definitely see how it can all get a little overwhelming! 6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school - The Look. Total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET / By Sharon Yi, You could say that I have a love/hate relationship with makeup.

6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school - The Look

But then there are those days when my liner refuses to go on straight, my bronzer makes me look like an Asian Snookie, or my lashes refuse to curl. I had one of those days last week, and after walking into work wearing two very different winged tips on my eyes, my editor assigned me a new story: Go to makeup school and write about it. Want to see the best techniques I picked up without spending the thousands of dollars (and crazy amount of time) it takes to go to makeup school yourself?

Lesson No. 1: Spend some bucks on your tools At Napoleon Perdis' Makeup Academy in Hollywood, Rebecca Prior, NP's National Educator, begins the first lesson by introducing us to our tools. Here are the eight basic brushes you need: Makeup Brushes Buying Tips at - Best Makeup Brushes. Who doesn’t want flawless skin, glowing cheeks and eyes that really pop?

Makeup Brushes Buying Tips at - Best Makeup Brushes

Here’s a secret every makeup pro knows: Gorgeous makeup is as much about the tools you use as the products you apply. “Brushes make all the difference when it comes to getting a professional-looking makeup application,” says New York City-based celebrity makeup artist Troy Surratt. For starters, you should buy them à la carte. While brush sets seem like an easier option—and initially appear to be a better deal—more often than not, they include at least one or two brushes you’ll never use and a couple more that aren’t quite right for your needs. Inexpensive Way to Whiten your Teeth at Home. Post from: You want to keep updated?

Inexpensive Way to Whiten your Teeth at Home

Please LIKE Beauty Tips 4 Her On Facebook. A car salesman will always try to convince you that the most expensive vehicle is the best for you, and since you have no knowledge about the subject you would probably fall into his net. It might sound a bit far-fetched to say that a dentist would recommend an expensive teeth whitening procedure just for the sake of better payouts, but I wouldn’t take the chance. Even specialists accept the fact that existing techniques are not completely harmless, although they emphasize the fact that low risks are taken. I am a sucker for beautiful smiles, so it goes without saying that I religiously use this teeth whitening procedure, and the effects are self-evident. Step 1: — Mix 1/2 part of hydrogen peroxide to 1/2 part of Listerine (or any mouthwash) then gargle the mixture for about a minute and rinse out the mouth. DIY Teeth Whitening. ^riza^ / CC by 2.0 Are you a soda/coffee/tea drinker (guilty, kinda guilty and guilty) lookin’ for a quick and easy way to whiten up those used-to-be pearly whites?

DIY Teeth Whitening

Peta2 to the rescue! The magical ingredient in today’s DIY beauty blend is strawberry (have you noticed our fruity theme on the peta2 blog?). Strawberries contain malic acid which helps remove tooth discoloration. Unclogging the Ugly Truth. No Pulling & Pain Free! PHILLYGIRL1124 on YOUTUBE! 5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads. You know how, if your pants fall down just a little tiny bit when you’re leaning over and a millimeter of your crack shows?

5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads

A MILLIMETER? Everyone can see that. Everyone sees it. Even the men in the space station. Blackheads are not like that. Still, they’re annoying. Let’s make that happen. The 10 Commandments of Blush: Makeup. DIY Homemade Blush. 5 DIFFERENT WAYS TO APPLY BLUSHER! HOLLYWOOD SKIN: 100% INVISIBLE MAKEUP - FLAWLESS SKIN TUTORIAL! How to Contour (slenderize) your face! 7 Steps to a Flawless Face (Foundation) EMERGENCY: How To Hide Zit.


Lips. DIY Finishing Face Powder. Homemade Face Wash. Skin Brightening Toner. I love everything skin and especially when it comes to making and trying new skin care recipes. A few weeks ago (after giving up with the toner I was currently using) tried a new toner recipe and since then have been, dare I say, in love with it. Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Lemon juice 1 Cup Water 2/3 Cup Witch hazel (can purchase at any drug store) Plastic bottle or jar Facial toner recipe for those with normal to dry skin. *For oily skin add 2 Tablespoons Alcohol* STEP ONE: Mix ingredients in a bottle or jar. STEP TWO: Cleanse skin with facial cleanser and rinse. STEP THREE: Apply toner with a cotton pad, sweep upward and outward over entire face and neck. DIY Glowing Face Serum. DIY Facial Moisturizer. Since my introduction to dōTERRA essential oils, I’ve started to replace the products I use daily with something I make myself.

DIY Facial Moisturizer

A DIY facial moisturizer is something I’ve been looking forward to. BONUS! This moisturizer would be perfect after using the luscious Lemon Lavender Oatmeal DIY Mud Mask created by my friend Gabby over at Essentially Eclectic. Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Facial Mask. I was browsing Pinterest the other night when I ran across this face mask recipe from College Fashion.

Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Facial Mask

I'm no skin care guru by any stretch of the imagination and I literally cannot remember the last time I put a mask on my face, but I had all the ingredients and it sounded fun at the time, so I went for it! Apparently nutmeg and honey can reduce swelling and redness in your skin, as well as soothe acne scars and prevent infection. Who knew!

I just know that cinnamon, honey and nutmeg taste pretty good, and I enjoyed the smell following me around for the 30 minutes I had this mask on. The nutmeg and cinnamon felt really nice when I was taking the mask off, too. Milk Mask. Vitamin HB | Cleopatra’s Perfect Skin Milk Mask!

Milk Mask

Sun, 15 Apr 2012 DAILY DOSE | SKINCAREBy Huda Heidi Kattan We all try so hard to find the best ingredients out there to keep our skin perfect and blemish free, but honestly most of the ingredients we want are found in our basic kitchen products! DIY Aspirin Facial. May Aspirin, a form of salicylic acid is an all natural skin care ingredient .

DIY Aspirin Facial

Salicylic acid, a BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) has the ability to penetrate the skin deeply to unclog pores and effectively exfoliate dead skin cells reducing the incident of acne breakouts whilst stimulating cell renewal leaving you with smooth, vibrant looking skin. This is truly one of the best kept secrets, why pay hundreds of dollars on chemical laden products available on the market when you can do it yourself naturally for under $5.

You don’t have to buy expensive aspirin either generic aspirin works just as well. Baking Soda and Orange Juice Face Mask. June 21, 2010 Today’s DIY recipe is a total revelation to me. It comes courtesy of Melissa Colgan, the Style Editor at Mpls.St. Paul magazine. She was kind enough to take before/after glamour shots of her soon-to-be-famous baking soda and orange juice mask. MC says that this combo gets rid blackheads like nobody’s business and is great for treating hormonal breakouts. Mud Scrub: DIY. What is Mud Scrub you ask?? Well... basically it’s a sugar and coffee scrub. I love it! Especially because the coffee has such great benefits for your skin. DIY Citrus Salt Scrub. It’s that time of year. Where you need all the exfoliation you can get!

Homemade Skin Care Recipes. 9 Soothing DIY Facial Masks. Forget spending time and money at your local spa. Clarifying Almond Scrub!