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Tricky Towers on Steam. First of all, i want to say that i love the game. Once you're actually playing it, with friends or strangers, it's an absolute blast. When i'm at work i think about the game and want to go home and play it, and a game like that is pretty rare to come by nowadays. So for the actual game play it's 10/10, I f*cking love it.But what don't i like? Literally everything else.There is no/barely any single player. You can't race the AI so if you want to play the standard online game modes by yourself you're going to have to play a local game and make it so you're playing with the controler, and the other player are using the keyboard. Then you can play 2/3 game modes by yourself in a sort of practice mode were on the other payer (your keyboard) simply drops the pieces into the abyss until you win. Oxenfree. Gravitee Wars | Action Games. Valthirian Arc | Strategy Games.