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Tree Signs. Welcome home. Chart Breakdown. Astrology: Retrograde planets. As all the planets are moving at different speeds, there will be times when a particular planet will appear from Earth that it is not moving at all, and at times that a planet is actually moving backwards when viewed against the backdrop of a fixed star. In such periods, the planet is said to be in retrograde motion.

In the ephemeris, planets which are in retrograde are denoted by a R after the degree and minute designation.A retrograde planet may denote delayed development of factors relating to that planet rather than any negative influence as was suggested in ancient Astrology. A capital S alongside the planetary degree in the ephemeris stands for the word stationary and will occur when the planet is slowing down and has virtually stopped moving.

Retrograde planets are thought to be weak in their effect, which is true for the personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars but it is not so with the outer planets which stay Retrograde for up to six months. Astrology, Signs, and Planets on | Astrology Basics | Houses. The astrological chart wheel is divided into twelve segments, each one representing a major sphere of life experience. House Systems When a chart is calculated for a given event, such as someone's birth, the size of each house is determined by the time and location of the event. The house system used by the ancients was the Equal House system, in which all houses are the same size. Eventually, it was understood that the distance between the lines of longitude is greater at the equator than it is at the poles.

Over the centuries, various methods of calculating house size were developed in an effort to more accurately reflect these differences. Placing the Signs Around the Chart The degree of the sign that is rising on the eastern horizon of the earth at the moment of the event is known as the rising sign, or the Ascendant. The signs that follow are then placed around the wheel. Placing the Planets In the Chart Types of Houses There are three types of houses: Angular, Succeedant, and Cadent. Aries Horoscopes from Astrozoom.