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مدرسه ای برای همه. جایی برای یاد گرفتن و یاد دادن. Computing and ICT. 3. References - UNISUL Social Network Analysis. Topiranian; سایت ایرانیان خارج از کشور Iranian Abroad. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) International Scholarships. Institute of International Education. APSIH. CS Topic Generator. Computer Science is facing a major roadblock to further research.

CS Topic Generator

The problem is most evident with students, but afflicts many researchers as well: people simply have a tough time inventing research topics that sound sufficiently profound and exciting. Many PhD students waste needless years simply coming up with a thesis topic. And researchers often resort to reading documents from government grant agencies so they will know what to work on for the next proposal! Good news for the CS community: the problem has at last been solved. The table below provides the answer.

To generate a technical phrase, randomly choose one item from each column. A synchronized secure protocol Best of all, two phrases can be combined with simple connectives, making the result suitable for the most demanding use. For example, one could generate a thesis title by selecting a second phrase and a connective: A synchronized secure protocol for an interactive knowledge-based system. Computing Research Association. Scholarships-links. Scholarship-positions. Iranian Studies Group at MIT. Apply Abroad. Introduction to Networks. For any graph G, let R denote the ratio of its size (number of edges) to its order (number of vertices), and let M denote the size of its largest component.

Introduction to Networks

Batten notes that the plot of M against R for a sequence of random graphs G_0, G_1, G_2,... with steadily increasing R values reveals that the random graphs undergo a phase transition as R passes through the critical value R=0.50. Specifically, as depicted in Figure 3.6 (p. 103), the random graphs transit from being "nearly unconnected" to "nearly connected" at the critical value R=0.50, in the sense that the value of M undergoes a sudden dramatic increase. M | | _ - - | - M = Size | - of the | largest | - component| | - | | - | - |______________________________________________ R 0.50 R = Ratio of Number of Edges to Number of Vertices Batten describes the construction of the random graph sequence G_0, G_1, G_2,... as follows.

Let N denote some suitably large integer (Batten selects N=20). OpenClassroom. Full courses.


Short Videos. Free for everyone. Learn the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and design thinking, with an emphasis on mobile web applications. A practical introduction to Unix and command line utilities with a focus on Linux. Introduction to fundamental techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic analysis; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy algorithms; data structures; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; and randomized algorithms. Database design and the use of database management systems (DBMS) for applications. Machine learning algorithms that learn feature representations from unlabeled data, including sparse coding, autoencoders, RBMs, DBNs.

Introduction to discrete probability, including probability mass functions, and standard distributions such as the Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson distributions. Introduction to applied machine learning. This is a course created to test the website.