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Free Video Guitar Lessons. Ever read or hear crazy musical words that you have no idea what they mean?

Free Video Guitar Lessons

Like pentatonic, diminished, augmented, dominant, harmonic, triad, flat, sharp, and tonic? It's ok. This part of the site is a musical dictionary for music themes. These lesson videos will describe each one of these words, show you what they are on the guitar, and how they can be used in music. This will be a good resource for all the videos on the site. Augmented An augmented is simply the 1, 3, and #5 of the major scale. Capo Don't have a capo? Chromatic Every single note is what this basically means. Diminished and Half Diminished Both different chords, but very similar. Dominant 7 Examples of this chord is G7, C7, D7. Key This is another must. Major Learn what a major is, what a major scale and chords is, and the music theory behind it all. Major 7 Examples of this chord is Amaj7, Gmaj7, Cmaj7. Minor 7 Example of this chord is Amin7, Emin7, F#min7. Mode Lots of complicated names, but and easy concept. Mediatheken - ARD, ZDF (Lena!), RTL, Pro7, Sat1, Vox. Fernsehen, TV Programme. Gratis. Live TV! <div class='no-script-screen'><h1><img alt="Zattoo Live TV" src="/images/themes/zattoo/logo_white.png" /></h1><!

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